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How to Use the IF Function in Excel?

The IF function is one of the most useful and frequently used functions in Excel. It allows you to make logical comparisons between values and output a value depending on whether the comparison is true or false.

Learning how to properly structure and nest IF functions is critical for effectively analyzing data and calculating results based on varying conditions or criteria. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using the IF function in Excel.

IF Function Syntax

The syntax structure for an IF function in Excel is:

=IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)


  • Logical Test: The condition you want to test that evaluates to either TRUE or FALSE
  • Value if True: The value returned if the logical test evaluates to TRUE
  • Value if False: The value returned if the logical test evaluates to FALSE

Now let’s walk through some simple BEGINNER examples of using IF functions in Excel.

Examples of Using IF Function in Excel

1. IF Function Usage Example: Simple Logical Test

Let’s say you have student test score data, and you want to output whether each student passed or failed the exam based on a 50-point passing cutoff score.

NameTest ScorePass or Fail

The IF function would test whether the student’s score was greater than or equal to 50 which evaluates as either TRUE or FALSE.

  • If TRUE, return “Pass”
  • If FALSE, return “Fail”

So cell C2 would be:


And cell C3 would be:


Filling this down outputs a Pass or Fail for each row based on the score:

NameTest ScorePass or Fail

This is a straightforward example of how the logical test separates output values based on a TRUE or FALSE condition using the student score values.

2. IF Function Example 2: Nested IFs

Building on the scoring example above, let’s add some more complex logical tests by nesting multiple IF functions together.

Nesting refers to putting one IF statement inside another IF statement to create more conditions.

Let’s output letter grades A, B, C, D or F instead of just Pass/Fail based on the following grade brackets:

  • A = 90-100
  • B = 80-89
  • C = 70-79
  • D = 60-69
  • F = <60

Take Mark’s 60 score as an example. The nested IF statements in Excel would be:

=IF(B3>=90,"A",IF(B3>=80,"B",IF(B3>=70,"C", IF(B3>=60,"D","F"))))

Breaking this down step-by-step:

  • Test if Mark’s score is greater than or equal to 90. If yes, return A. If no, proceed.
  • Test if his score is greater than or equal to 80. If yes, return B. If no, proceed.
  • Test if his score is greater than or equal to 70…. And so on.
  • The final else criteria returns F if none of the above statements are true.

So you can observe how nesting IF statements allow multiple value outputs depending on cascading logical tests.

Recommended Reading: 10 Excel Functions Every Student Must Know

3. IF Example 3: AND/OR Conditions

Beyond comparing values with logical operators like greater than or equal to, you can also evaluate more complex AND/OR logic conditions using IF.

For example, let’s output a pass status if the student scored above 75 AND attended over 80% of classes using this data:

NameScoreAttendance %Pass Status

The AND logical test would be structured as:


This returns a Pass if BOTH criteria are met, while failing either condition results in outputting Fail.

Conversely, you can test for multiple OR conditions instead with:


Now students would pass if EITHER scoring over 75 OR having over 80% attendance is true. But failing both still returns a Fail status.

4. IF Example 4: SUMIF Function

In addition to IF, another useful function related to conditional logic is SUMIF. This sums a range of cells based on specified criteria.

Let’s revisit the scores dataset and use SUMIF to sum only the passing scores over 50.

The SUMIF syntax is:

=SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range)

So inputting:

=SUMIF(B2:B4,”>=50”, B2:B4)

Would output 105, summing only Mark’s 60 and Sally’s 85 since those meet the >=50 criteria while ignoring the 45.

This demonstrates how SUMIF can selectively total numeric data based on conditional parameters like above/below values, text matches, date ranges, or other attributes.

5. IF Example 5: VLOOKUP Function

Finally, let’s examine a common use case combining IF and VLOOKUP functions.

VLOOKUP pulls data from a separate table or range based on a lookup value matching a criterion.

We can integrate an IF statement to output one value from the VLOOKUP if there’s a match while displaying another value if no match exists.

Say you have student ID numbers in one table and want to pull their corresponding names into another table via VLOOKUP to match the IDs.

It would be structured as:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2!A1:B5,2,FALSE)),"No Match",VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2!A1:B5,2,FALSE))

So if the VLOOKUP returns no match, the IF statement catches the #N/A error code and outputs “No Match”. But if a name match is found, then it will output the actual name string instead.

This syntax allows handling those unmatched VLOOKUP searches gracefully or returning custom flags when no data exists.

Advanced Tips for IF Function Usage

With those basic examples covered, let’s run through some quickfire tips on more advanced usage of IF functions:

  • Transpose arrays with IF to return full column or row arrays instead of just scalars
  • Combine with COUNTIF to count occurrences meeting certain conditions
  • Create cascading dropdowns by nesting IFs where selection values filter later dropdowns dynamically
  • Construct dynamic charts updating on selection change by linking chart data ranges to IF outputs
  • Build data validation rules with custom error-handling responses using IF
  • Integrate IF with PivotTables and charts to customize aggregation logic rather than display defaults
  • Improve dashboard interactions by linking IF outputs to input controls like slicers or scroll bars

Learning to creatively blend IF with VLOOKUP, SUMIF, COUNTIF, and other functions expands your ability to manipulate data analysis outcomes.

Key Takeaways

The simplicity yet flexibility of IF functions in Excel makes them invaluable for both basic and complex logical tests. All it takes is an understanding of syntax arrangements and nesting principles to handle elaborate multi-condition scenarios.

With robust mastery over IF, you can customize virtually any data calculation, analysis, or dashboard interaction to precisely meet business needs. So integrate some logic testing today to unlock greater intelligence from your Excel models!

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