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Netflix euskaraz in Chrome with OffiDocs

Netflix euskaraz  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



Netflix erabiltzen duzu, baina uste duzu eduki gehiago egon beharko liratekela euskaraz? Badakizu Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Open Data Euskadin webgunean ehundaka azpidatzi daudela euskaraz? Gehigarri honen helburua, azpidatzi horiek Netflixen era automatikoan erakustea da.

Adibidez, Baby Driver filma euskaraz azpidatzi zenez eta azpidatzi horiek Open Data Euskadira igo zirenez, gehigarria honi esker euskarazko azpidatziekin ikusteko aukera izango duzu.

---------------------------- You use Netflix, but you think there should be more content in Basque? Do you know that on the Eusko Jaurlaritza's Open Data Euskadi website there are hundreds of subtitles in Basque? The purpose of this extension is to display these subtitles automatically on Netflix.

For example, since the film Baby Driver was subtitled in Basque and these subtitles were uploaded to Open Data Euskadi, thanks to this extension you can see it with subtitles in Basque.

Additional Information:

- Offered by zernonikusi.eus
- Average rating : 0 stars (hated it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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