HeadingsMap in Chrome with OffiDocs

HeadingsMap in Chrome with OffiDocs

HeadingsMap Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension HeadingsMap using OffiDocs Chromium online.

The extension generates a documentmap or index of any web document structured with headings (you can access directly to the content by clicking on any of its items), and now, it shows the HTML 5 outline.

Features: * List of headings and optional information about their level and if they break the correct hierarchical structure * List of sections with header information and includes optional information about errors in the structure * Information from the main document and also from the documents inside frames (includes a document selector that is active when there are multiple documents) * By clicking on the headers the document scrolls to the position of the header/section and highlights it * Detects changes in the DOM and when they finish, updates its content (if necessary) * It can also be refreshed manually * Allow collapsing list of headers by levels * HTML 5 Outline test is optional * CSS outline for identifying the header (or section) when clicking the tree * It doesn't show hidden headers or sections (hidden for assistive technologies) * If the header (or section) is an anchor, the link in the results has the href pointing to it (useful for being copied directly from the tree with the option in the contextual menu of the browser).

Additionally, as option that can be disabled, it shows anchor-links that when clicked, copy the link to the clipboard * Two themes So this is useful not only to facilitate navigation to anyone, but also to help webdevelopers, consultants and auditors.

गोपनीयता कथन: https://rumoroso.

बिट बकेट।

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अतिरिक्त जानकारी:

- जॉर्ज रुमोरोसो द्वारा प्रस्तुत
- औसत रेटिंग : 4.55 सितारे (इसे पसंद किया)
- डेवलपर इस ईमेल पते की सुरक्षा स्पैममबोट से की जा रही है। इसे देखने के लिए आपको जावास्क्रिप्ट सक्षम करना होगा।

HeadingsMap web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online

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