Sharesight Stock Manager in Chrome with OffiDocs
Sharesight Stock Manager Chrome web store extension
Run the Chrome online web store extension Sharesight Stock Manager using OffiDocs Chromium online.
PERFECT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Sharesight is an investment portfolio tracking and reporting system that lets you organise your trading history and dividends so you can understand exactly where you stand in terms of performance, income, and tax.It’s the perfect investment tracker for portfolios of all types: from buy & hold investors to frequent traders.
EFFORTLESS SETUP Connect to your online broker and import all of your historical trades with just a few clicks.
Or import your trading history via CSV or by entering trades manually.
AUTOMATIC UPDATES Watch as dividends, corporate actions,and performance calculations are automatically applied to your overall portfolio and individual holdings.
REAL-TIME TRADES Sharesight’s advanced technology captures the trades you make by reading your contract notes, no matter.
POWERFUL REPORTING View portfolio returns over various time periods with easy-to-read performance charts & graphs, and run automated tax reports that you can hand over your accountant at tax-time.
Use Sharesight FREE for life to track up to 10 holdings: * Easy, 2-click sign-up & set-up * No billing details or credit card required * Upgrade anytime to track more holdings & access advanced features CUSTOMER FEEDBACK Investors love Sharesight: “Sharesight takes all the hassle out of managing a share portfolio.
I have never been able to get this level of detail on the performance of my shares anywhere else – even with share management software – thank you!” - Steven Phillips “Blown away by the UX and level of functionality in @Sharesight” - @StephenColman “Spent part of the long weekend doing my taxes.
Took 4 hours last year.
40 minutes this year.
All thanks to a free @Sharesight account” - @StevenLeaney “Loving my weekly @Sharesight performance email on a Friday afternoon, getting less distracted by daily movements/checks” - @benmjohnson
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- Average rating : 3.43 stars (it was okay)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sharesight Stock Manager web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online