2019冠狀病毒病香港大廈追踪器 COVID 19 Building Tracker in Chrome with OffiDocs
2019冠狀病毒病香港大廈追踪器 COVID 19 Building Tracker Chrome web store extension
Run the Chrome online web store extension 2019冠狀病毒病香港大廈追踪器 COVID 19 Building Tracker using OffiDocs Chromium online.
OVERVIEW: Customised tracking of listed cases of COVID19 in residential buildings around Hong Kong, make sure your apartment complex is virus free with this automatic desktop alert! The data used in the alert is updated in real time when information is released by the Hong Kong Dept of Health.Easily share this information with others via the alert function.
Stay safe and worry free during the pandemic.
簡介: 個人化的大廈追踪器,讓你搜尋14日內曾有確診或疑似 2019 冠狀病毒病個案的大廈名單*,並設置定時更新的桌面提示。你亦可利用快捷鍵輕鬆分享搜尋內容。護己護人,減少前往高危地區。 *數據來自香港衞生署衞生防護中心 FEATURES: - Updates building status from the HKGov Dept of Health official data release - Set up your automatic alert schedule - Monitor multiple buildings - perfect for home/office (up to 5 with the current version) - Keep track of your potential exposure to the virus - Simple clickthrough to view more details on reported cases of COVID19 - Share alerts with the forward-to-a-friend option *Note: buildings are listed for 14 days from the date of case reported* 特色: 根據香港衞生署衞生防護中心官方數據定時更新大廈名單 可設置定時更新的桌面提示 可一次設定追踪多棟大廈,適用於家庭及辦公室 減低自己的潛在風險 簡單點擊查看更多相關詳細信息 輕鬆分享搜尋內容 USER GUIDE: This simple to use Covid-19 Building Tracker will provide users with scheduled desktop alerts which can be customized to specific requirements.
After you have downloaded/installed the extension, set up your tracker: 1.
To open the user interface, click on the [ICON] displayed in the upper right of your screen/browser.
Select notification schedule by hourly bracket (every XX hours) and/or at a scheduled time every day (e.
Input your building name into the field.
If you wish to check multiple buildings, click on the add building button to open a new field.
You can select up to 5 buildings to track with the free version.
Click the remove building button to delete a building from your list.
Click on the “check now” button to immediately get an update notification.
Once you have set up your alert time choice and inserted your building name, you will begin to receive your scheduled customised update! 9.
Alerts will notify “green” for all clear and “red” if there is a case in your building.
In the event of a positive (red) case alert, you can click on the notification window to retrieve more detailed information on the specific situation.
The tool can be shared with your contacts via Facebook or WhatsApp by clicking on the share buttons available in the user interface of the extension.
You can modify your settings at any time via the user interface.
使用方法: 2019冠狀病毒病香港大廈追踪器使用簡便,提供用家個人化的桌面提示設置和快速查閱。下載及安裝擴展程序後,按照以下步驟設置追踪器︰ 1.
於瀏覽器右上方點擊擴展程序的圖標,打開程序介面 2.
選取提示類型︰定時通知(每_小時);及 每日通知(可設定時間) 3.
於搜索欄輸入大廈名稱 4.
點擊「+」號增加大廈搜索欄(上限5個) 5.
點擊「-」號消除大廈搜索欄 6.
點擊「搜索」後即可於新頁面檢視搜索結果 7.
設定提示類型及輸入大廈名稱後,會於設定時間收到相關搜索結果通知 8.
通知中若顯示「綠色圖標」,表示搜索結果中沒有與《14日內曾有確診或疑似 2019 冠狀病毒病個案的大廈名單》相符的結果;通知中若顯示「紅色圖標」,則表示搜索結果中包含與名單相符的結果。 9.
點擊通知可於新頁面檢視詳細搜索結果 10.
點擊程序介面下的快捷鍵可在社交平台上分享擴展程序鏈結 11.
隨時更改搜索選項,搜索結果將即時更新 Q&A What areas does this tracker cover? You can search residential buildings, by name, in all districts in Hong Kong.
How accurate is the data? The data is pulled from the official release from the Hong Kong Government Department of Health.
How often is the data updated? Data is released by the government at regular intervals.
Currently the data is updated daily.
The extension uses the most recent version of data for building tracking.
Oh no! I am getting a red alert every day but still only see the same case(s) in the reports! Why is this? The government will keep confirmed/probable cases on the database for a period of 14 days, in line with the incubation period of the virus.
As long as a case is still listed you will receive the alert.
How many buildings can I track? You can track up to 5 buildings with the basic version of the tracker, which is free to use.
Can I track buildings outside of Hong Kong? Currently the tracker only works for buildings in HKSAR.
常見問題: 此追踪器涵蓋什麼範圍? 香港本地範圍內的住宅大廈名稱。 追踪器中的搜索結果準確和可靠嗎? 搜索結果的數據均來自香港衞生署衞生防護中心的官方發布。 追踪器中的搜索結果的更新頻率相隔多久? 搜索結果的數據與香港衞生署衞生防護中心的官方發布更新頻率相同,同步即時更新。(最後更新頻率為︰每天。更新日期︰2020年4月28日) 為何我連續幾天收到紅色圖標通知,並一直收到一樣的搜索結果? 香港衞生署衞生防護中心公布的《14日內曾有確診或疑似 2019 冠狀病毒病個案的大廈名單》會保留個案14日,與2019 冠狀病毒病的最長估計潛伏期相同。在個案保留於大廈名單的期間,你將會一直收到桌面提示。 我能追踪多於一棟大廈嗎?我最多可以一次追踪多少大廈? 基本版的大廈搜尋上限為5個(點擊「+」或「-」號增加或消除大廈搜索欄)。你亦可選擇升級至專業版享受無限大廈搜尋。 我能追踪香港本地範圍外的大廈嗎? 此追踪器現時只支援涵蓋香港本地範圍內的住宅大廈。 SUPPORT: For any queries or feature requests, please contact us at: support@daltonlearninglab.
com Government data sourced via: https://data.
hk 支援: 如有查詢或建議,可聯絡︰support@daltonlearninglab.
com 政府資料來源: https://data.
Additional Information:
- Offered by Covid-19 Tracker
- Average rating : 0 stars (hated it)
2019冠狀病毒病香港大廈追踪器 COVID 19 Building Tracker web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online