StopChildPorno Filter in Chrome with OffiDocs

StopChildPorno Filter in Chrome with OffiDocs

StopChildPorno Filter Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension StopChildPorno Filter using OffiDocs Chromium online.

Install the button so that you’re only one click away from sending child sexual abuse material to stopchildporno.

be The button will automatically appear in your browser toolbar.

So if you ever come across child sexual abuse material online, don’t click away.

Instead, report it immediately via the easy-to-use widget; This is the only way that something can be done.

We can investigate the images, trace their sources and help victims.

The more eyes that are paying attention, the better we can fight against child sexual abuse material.

Every lead helps.

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- Average rating : 4 stars (liked it)

StopChildPorno Filter web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online