Carbon Calories in Chrome with OffiDocs

Carbon Calories in Chrome with OffiDocs

Carbon Calories Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension Carbon Calories using OffiDocs Chromium online.

Are you worried about the environment? We all know the ways normal ways to cut down on your carbon footprint, but did you know that food counts for a quarter of the world's greenhouse emissions! Carbon Calories is an easy to use extension that can help you make environmentally friendly choices online when you are buying your groceries.

Install the extension, and when you are at the checkout page you will see all of your items scored based on its emissions.

You can then go to our website to see your overall score and history.

Additional Information:

- Offered by gbadley1
- Average rating : 0 stars (hated it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Carbon Calories web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online