Magic Theme Transparency 50 in Chrome with OffiDocs

Magic Theme Transparency 50 in Chrome with OffiDocs

Magic Theme Transparency 50 Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension Magic Theme Transparency 50 using OffiDocs Chromium online.

A theme to integrate the browser Chromium™ (v34 or less) in modern operating systems.

This transparent theme was build to have a significant contrast between tabs.

The tab that is selected is highlighting, in contrast to others.

The goals to achieve, with this build were: ▹ Transparency ▹ Tab contrast ▹ Window contrast when loosing focus It works only on Google Chromium 34 or less.

You can download this at: https://sourceforge.

net/projects/osxportableapps/files/Chromium/ I tried and installed in Version 34.



116 (260972)

Additional Information:

- Offered by Ilidio Martins
- Average rating : 3.17 stars (it was okay)

Magic Theme Transparency 50 web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online