SponsorSkip for YouTube sponsor detection in Chrome with

SponsorSkip for YouTube sponsor detection in Chrome with OffiDocs

SponsorSkip for YouTube sponsor detection Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension SponsorSkip for YouTube sponsor detection using OffiDocs Chromium online.

SponsorSkip for Youtube is a powerful extension that detects sponsor segments in YouTube videos displays a button that allows you to skip over them.

We all us AdBlock extension, but there’s no denying that YouTube is saturated with native sponsored content.

SponsorSkip is a chrome extension that uses natural language processing to predict and assist in skipping embedded sponsorships.

SponsorshipBlock lets you skip over sponsors, intro, subscription reminders, and other annoying parts of YouTube videos.

Also skip over non music sections of music videos.

How to Install SponsorSkip extension? - Sign in to the Google search engine.

- Type “Chrome Store” in the search bar.

- Log in to the “Google Chrome Web” that comes up.

Type “SponsorSkip” in the search field on the left.

Choose one of the results you come across.

- Just click on the “Add for Chrome” link on the page that opens.

- Use SponsorSkip for Youtube What is special about the extension SponsorSkip? SponsorshipBlock is a crowdsourced browser extension that lets anyone submit the start and end times of sponsored segments and other segments of YouTube videos.

Once one person submits this information, everyone else with this extension will skip right over the sponsored segment.

Detect and skip YouTube sponsor segments.

“This video was sponsored by…” SKIP IT.

The detection over 300,000 videos, annotated by the crowd-sourced dataset SponsorBlock.

The model itself is hosted on a server so all the computation required is done outside of the browser, keeping the extension as lightweight as possible.

Also it's Adblock for Youtube is a content filtering and ad blocking extension which blocks all ads on Youtube.

It allows users to prevent page elements, such as advertisements, from being displayed.

Banner, Ad-Clips or even preroll ads you usually see before the actual video on Youtube are blocked by this extension.

We hope you find our SponsorSkip useful! We are waiting for your feedback and ratings! If you’re experiencing problems, or want to log a video SponsorSkip isn’t working on, please contact us.

Additional Information:

- Offered by SponsorSkip App.
- Average rating : 3.35 stars (it was okay)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SponsorSkip for YouTube sponsor detection web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online