Save to WebSite in Chrome with OffiDocs
Save to WebSite Chrome web store extension
Run the Chrome online web store extension Save to WebSite using OffiDocs Chromium online.
Save to Website ====================================== ###### by Rob "Fuzzwah" Crouch ### Overview An extension for Google Chrome which adds a "save to website" option to the menu when you right click on images on web pages.### Requirements Along with this extension you'll also need your own webserver and enough nerd points to be able to save and configure a php script that this extension interfaces with.
Its super simple, but you'd better know where your web accessible paths are.
### Installation Firstly, create a world writable directory on your webserver (ie: chmod 777 it).
Create subfolders below this if you want to enable saving into a few different groups.
You will need to save a copy of, and configure, the Save-to-Website.
php file to somewhere world readable on your webserver.
In the php file you'll find 3 variables which need to be configured: // the full URL to the storage folder.
$externalURL = "http://yoursite.
com/path/to/images"; // the relative path to storage folder compared to the php file $internalPath = ""; // set a password here and then configure this in the extension $password = ""; You can either grab the files from here on github, or use this link and install it from [the Chrome Store](http://bit.
Using the Chrome Store is recommended as the extension will then be auto updated if/when I make changes.
### Credits and Props This extension is a stripped down hack of antimatter15's cloudsave: https://github.
com/antimatter15/cloudsave Props to the crazy88 for putting up with my testing.
Thanks to lexpex for pointing out that this old extension wasn't working any more.
### Version Info #### v 0.
3 (7th Nov 2013) * edited to fix uploading to subdirectories (Chrome changed the way it handles localStorage.
setItem of objects, I'm now using JSON.
stringify and JSON.
parse when setting and getting.
) - - - - #### v 0.
1 (16th May 2013) * URL now checked when updated in options, alerts if unreachable - - - - #### v 0.
0 (16th May 2013) * Fixed issue with WebKitBlobBuilder which was corrupting uploads * Menu rebuild logic no longer done in options.
js * Settings saved via options.
js and menus rebuilt in background.
js * Added button on options page to allow user to save and close * Added check in php to catch if subdir is undefined - - - - #### v 0.
0 (16th May 2013) * php file can now be located in same directory as image storage * Fixed another menu creation issue * Fixed duplicate menus being made if options were resaved * Fixed issue when no sub-directories were set - - - - #### v 0.
0 (15th May 2013) * Updated to manifest version 2 * Fixed WebKitBlob changes * Reworked options saving / loading * Reworked sudbir menu system * Reworked password system (I don't see how it was ever working) * Generally took this a bit more seriously because someone else is actually trying to use it! - - - - #### v 0.
0 (18th Mar 2011) * Extension working in basic form
Additional Information:
- Offered by Rob "Fuzzwah" Crouch
- Average rating : 1 stars (hated it)
Save to WebSite web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online