Educational Games Ear at Duckie Deck in Chrome with OffiD

Educational Games Ear at Duckie Deck in Chrome with OffiDocs

Educational Games Ear at Duckie Deck Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension Educational Games Ear at Duckie Deck using OffiDocs Chromium online.

This crocodile is in danger of losing his teeth if someone does not fix them soon! He is going to get tooth decay and the bad ones are all going to fall out.

It is therefore up to your child to help this crocodile with its sharp gnashes.

A game like this crocodile one does not necessarily reflect real life situations however will teach your children lessons in character and the functionality which takes place in a dentist.

They will see how, bad teeth, are not a nice thing at all.

This will then have a knock-on effect on their knowledge causing them to ask questions about the decaying of teeth and how to prevent their teeth from getting like the crocodiles.

--- At Duckie Deck we provide smiles.

So far, over 8 million toddlers and preschoolers played our educational games and smiled.

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Educational Games Ear at Duckie Deck web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online