Bookmark Iconizer in Chrome with OffiDocs
Bookmark Iconizer Chrome web store extension
Run the Chrome online web store extension Bookmark Iconizer using OffiDocs Chromium online.
Some of your bookmarks don't have any favicon (icon)? Well, then add one! Google Chrome doesn't let you do this natively ¯\_(°∩°)_/¯ So this extension uses a hack on Google Chrome, that works ;) FEATURES: → If your bookmark doesn't have an icon (or has a blank icon) this will let you set it a favicon! → This is permanent, so favicons stay even if you turn off or uninstall this extension :D Unlike in every other extension I saw! (hat's why I made this one.) → If you leave it, though, it will provide you a simple quick and dynamic search through your bookmarks :) → This extension allows you also to set favicons also for bookmarklets (=scripts)! \o/ USER'S SAY: → "A tiny bit of fiddling around involved but worth it.
" → "it's a bit fiddly but it works" INCOVENIENCES: → Google Chrome doesn't let extensions managing favicons.
The only way to do this is to import bookmarks (one or more) from a backup file with a fixed favicon stored in it.
This extension will let you choose bookmarks, choose favicons, create such backup file automatically and then you'll have to export it and import it again.
There's no other way ¯\_(°∩°)_/¯ → And while it's importing bookmarks which you already have, it results in duplication of them.
No worries, the duplicates are all in one directory (folder) at the end of Bookmarks Bar.
→ In Google Chrome favicon is related to a bookmark's address (URL) and is permanent (when set in this way).
So if *you* change favicon once, you can't change it again.
The workaround is to change the URL of bookmark a little (e.
add "#" or "/" at the end, or empty parameter "?sth" or "&sth") – for Chrome it will be a new bookmark.
→ While you can set a favicon for bookmarklets (scripts) it's not possible to set if for bookmarklets with only anonymous function, like: "javascript:(function(){…})()".
I also had to edit half of my bookmarklets.
→ It is not possible in Google Chrome to change icons of folders.
I'm sad, too.
ANY PROBLEMS WITH THIS EXTENSION? Questions, problems, requests – report on GitHub: → https://github.
com/Vinne2/bookmark-iconizer/issues If you like it then please buy me a beer