SafeToOpen Online Security in Chrome with OffiDocs

SafeToOpen Online Security in Chrome with OffiDocs

SafeToOpen Online Security Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension SafeToOpen Online Security using OffiDocs Chromium online.

The SafeToOpen (safe to open) Online Security browser extension is like having an information security expert sitting next to you looking for indicators of a suspicious web page.

SafeToOpen Online Security warns you if a web page is risky and reassures you if it is safe.

What distinguishes SafeToOpen Online Security from other browser extensions, anti-viruses, and secure email gateways is the ability to detect never-before-seen or zero-day phishing web pages in real-time.

We recommend the SafeToOpen Online Security browser extension for a safer online experience, especially online banking, online shopping, and access to government websites.

We designed SafeToOpen Online Security with privacy in mind.

The browser extension only analyses web pages that ask users for sensitive information, such as passwords, social security numbers, and bank account details in links and HTML attachments.

SafeToOpen doesn't analyze the most commonly used websites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, Gmail, and YouTube.

SafeToOpen Online Security does not track your browsing activity unless it detects a suspicious web page.

Upon detection of a suspicious web page, SafeToOpen Online Security collects and sends us the following information for further analysis and protection of others: • Your public IP address • Your web browser name and version • Your operating system name • The suspicious URL (used for in-depth analysis) Please read https://safetoopen.


html for more information.

SafeToOpen Online Security browser extension is a free product of SafeToOpen for personal use.

SafeToOpen Online Security for business requires the free SafeToOpen Portal VM to work and adds the following values for businesses: • SafeToOpen Online Security detects never-before-seen phishing web pages from corporate and personal emails, text messages, and social media.

• SafeToOpen Portal provides a dashboard that shows all unsafe visits by staff members and one-click response capabilities.

• SafeToOpen Online Security reduces phishing detection and response times from hours/days to seconds.

SafeToOpen provides all the necessary information regarding incidents to your security analysts in a few seconds.

• SafeToOpen Online Security can prevent staff members from entering their sensitive information in phishing web pages targeting major IT service providers such as Microsoft Office, Google G-Suit, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and a further 1000 large businesses in different industries across the globe.

• SafeToOpen Online Security notifies staff members when they visit known unsafe websites.

• SafeToOpen Online Security is fully customizable, and you can change the warning messages and logo, and it supports up to 11 languages.

You can deploy the SafeToOpen Online Security browser extension for your organization to protect your staff member against the latest phishing web pages in real-time.

For more information about SafeToOpen and other products, please visit https://safetoopen.


Additional Information:

- Offered by
- Average rating : 5 stars (loved it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SafeToOpen Online Security web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online