Open in Spotify desktop client in Chrome with OffiDocs

Open in Spotify desktop client in Chrome with OffiDocs

Open in Spotify desktop client Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension Open in Spotify desktop client using OffiDocs Chromium online.

Open Spotify link in client =========================== This is a small simple extension that tries to open any open.


com or play.


com url in the Spotify desktop client instead of playing it using the Spotify web player.

After opening the desktop client it tries to close the newly opened browser window.

# How The way the extension works is: 1.

If the URL visited is open.


com or play.


com then 2.

Don't do anything if the URL contains any of the following, else - `/embed/`: Embedded playlists - `/embed?`: Legacy embed playlist format - `/log/`: Requests to Spotify's analytics 3.

Remove the protocol and domain part together with the first slash and 4.

Replace those with `spotify:` and 5.

Replace the remaining slashes (`/`) with colons (`:`) and 6.

Redirect to that URL and 7.

Close the tab that opened the URL if it was a newly opened tab Available in the [Google Chrome web store][store-url] # Changes ## 1.


1 * Purely a technical implementation release, switched from using webpack, in the unreleased 1.

4, to relying on [native ES6 modules in the extension.

][es6-modules-extension] [es6-modules-extension]: https://medium.

com/front-end-weekly/es6-modules-in-chrome-extensions-an-introduction-313b3fce955b ## 1.

4 * Don't touch analytics/log links and legacy embed links.

Thanks [@claui] for the PR.

[@claui]: https://github.

com/claui ## 1.

3 * Don't touch embedded links, so that websites that embed a playlist can do so without having Spotify trying to open the link automatically.

Thanks [@shape55] for reporting the issue.

[@shape55]: https://github.

com/shape55 ## 1.

2 * Opens links to user's playlists properly.

Thanks for the bug report Robin H.

[store-url]: https://chrome.



Additional Information:

- Offered by gaqzi
- Average rating : 3.67 stars (liked it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Open in Spotify desktop client web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online