NET SOUP in Chrome with OffiDocs

NET SOUP Chrome web store extension
Run the Chrome online web store extension NET SOUP using OffiDocs Chromium online.
NET SOUP is a technology reference web app that hosts more than 300 thousand documents from many technology areas.The documentations are organized by categories and you can practically get to any of them within 3-4 clicks.
Just to name a few documentation sources: .
Unix manpages with examples for common commands .
Red Hat, Ubuntu, Fedora, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Mac Port documentation .
IoT platforms like Raspberry Pi and Arduino .
Image and Audio processing tools like OpenCV, Octave, Audacity .
IETF RFCs: Internet Standards, Draft Standards .
Programming Languages like Python, Perl, PHP, GoLang, Scala, Lua, Erlang, .
Domain Specific Languages like: Ant, Maven, Make, Groovy and more .
Web development resources like web platform, Django, CherryPy and so on.
Dictionary of Data Structures NET SOUP builds in history tracking and provides a way for you to keep your favorites around so that next time you can get it easily.
For every page, you can toggle between documentation view and Insights view where you may see our complimentary examples or you can search in place Slide Share or Stack Exchange websites to see what other people might have dealt with.
NET SOUP also packs with many useful bookmarks and cheat-sheets to make you very and very productive.
It's a true Technology Reference Buffet.
You won't be disappointed.
Come on and install one to see.
It's also free!!! Please give us some feedback so that we can make the app even better for you and other users.
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- Average rating : 2.33 stars (disliked it)
NET SOUP web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online