Mobile View Switcher in Chrome with OffiDocs

Mobile View Switcher in Chrome with OffiDocs

Mobile View Switcher Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension Mobile View Switcher using OffiDocs Chromium online.

Mobile View Switcher is a lite extension that let you switch a website to mobile view.

Default mobile view is iPhone with iOS 15 but you can change it from the options page.

Simply add a desired user-agent to change the mobile view to your desired one.

There are many websites that offer user-agent strings for various devices.

Simply copy and paste the desired one in the designated area in options page.

Then reload any website to see the mobile view UI (while the addon is active).

Toolbar button serves as ON|OFF switch to enable or disable the addon.

Grey color for toolbar icon is when the addon is inactive and yellow color is for the active state.

Simply click on the toolbar icon to switch states.

To report bugs, please fill the bug report form in the addon's homepage (https://mybrowseraddon.



Additional Information:

- Offered by Benni
- Average rating : 3.45 stars (it was okay)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mobile View Switcher web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online