Mesoor TIP in Chrome with OffiDocs

Mesoor TIP in Chrome with OffiDocs

Mesoor TIP Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension Mesoor TIP using OffiDocs Chromium online.

麦穗TIP是⼀款基于⼈⼯智能的浏览器扩展程序,并配合轻SaaS界⾯。主要⾯向⼈才服务⾏业,⽤于国内批量招聘领域,提供基于⼈⼯智能技术的综合化解决⽅案。通过安装TIP浏览器扩展程序,完成⼈才库的结构化分析,智能化标签,⼈岗匹配筛选和快速意向沟通,⼤幅提升招聘顾问的⼯作效率。(Mesoor TIP is a browser extension program based on artificial intelligence which is compatible with the SaaS.

It mainly serves the talent industry, and provides comprehensive solutions based on Intelligent Technology in the field of batch recruitment.

Through the installation of TIP, users can complete structural analysis of their talent databases, finish automatic intelligent tags, conduct job matching and talents screening, and complete on-time intention communication, so as to improve the efficiency of recruitment.

) 主要功能 Main Features - 游览即收录:用户正常打开网页浏览候选人简历,召乎浏览器扩展程序自动收录该改简历。目前支持自动同步的网站包括前程无忧、智联招聘等,支持手动收录的网站包括领英、拉钩、猎聘等(Upload when browsing: User normally opens the web page to browse the candidate's resume, and Zhaohu can automatically upload the resume.

Websites supporting automatic upload include 51job, Zhaopin, etc.

, while websites supporting manual collection include Linkedin lagou, Liepin, etc)

Additional Information:

- Offered by mesoorad
- Average rating : 0 stars (hated it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mesoor TIP web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online