Edit with Notepad++ in Chrome with OffiDocs

Edit with Notepad++ in Chrome with OffiDocs

Edit with Notepad++ Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension Edit with Notepad++ using OffiDocs Chromium online.

This extension offers integration of Notepad++ with your browser Video Tutorials: Windows: https://youtu.

be/xX-j-HQ8WJI Linux and Mac: https://youtu.

be/8r756Z3wQ8M Features: Edit content of "input[type=text]", "input[type=search]", and "textarea" Edit innerHTML and outerHTML of node elements Edit CSS stylesheets Edit JavaScript source code The extension monitors the local file in real-time, and when changes are observed, the content of the node gets edited.

The only thing that you need to do is to save changes.

Note that this extension requires a native client to be able to communicate with the Nodepad++ editor.

Also, you need to have the Nodepad++ application installed on your operating system.

If you are using a portable version, go to the options page of the extension and see the absolute path of the editor.

To send an HTML element to the editor, click on the browser action button once.

Now place your mouse over the HTML element that you need to interact with.

To edit a content editable element, use the right-click context menu item To send an HTML element to the editor, you can also use the DevTools.

Open the DevTools and switch to the inspect tab, select the desired element and in the right-panel, click on the "Edit with Notepad++" panel.

Note: You can edit multiple nodes simultaneously with this extension Note: Files are stored in the OS temporary directory, so there is no need to delete them manually

Additional Information:

- Offered by joue.quroi
- Average rating : 3.71 stars (liked it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Edit with Notepad++ web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online