Hourly in Chrome with OffiDocs

Hourly in Chrome with OffiDocs

Hourly Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension Hourly using OffiDocs Chromium online.

Hourly - your Toggl extension for important things ❤️ Toggl could seem like a cold and boring place (no hard feelings) - just black on white, with a little bit of pink.

Presenting the information that you need to keep track of all the work you're doing.

Hourly takes those boring long lists of information and combines them with something amazing.

That's right.

Hourly gives you the possibility to keep track of how much you can afford something you love.

Like how many bottles of wine that shitty task you've been at all week has provided for you.

It's not only easy to use - but it's also lovely to look at.

Hourly allows you not only to change your hourly rate - but also what the price of an item is.

With icons from Line Awesome and eight items of choice: Hamburgers