
PERSONALITY TEST in Chrome with OffiDocs

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PERSONALITY TEST in Chrome with OffiDocs

PERSONALITY TEST  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium

PERSONALITY TEST Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension PERSONALITY TEST using OffiDocs Chromium online.

A FREE self-assessment test for a better understanding, better treatment and better assignment of work with workers.

Advanced project management, project collaboration & communication is based on people in the first place – only with a highly motivated team we can receive optimal results and thus gaining competitive advantages as the best possible outcome of our efforts when we are focused on our tasks, on our daily project deliverables.

Especially if our working configuration is a virtual-team with locally distributed team-mates we need some tools and techniques for building-up trust, building-up commitment and implementing a feeling of “WE” despite all regional, local and cultural distances.

Instead of making things worse by using cultural-based stereotypes for our individual team-mates, we offered an individual-based personality assessment for receiving one single point in a coordinate-system with a nearness-axis and a risk-axis.

Nearness preferences The nearness-axis is giving information about how and how often we should take action for keeping in contact, giving feedback, sharing our thoughts sharing status and information about the subject of our work as well as about us as a person.

Some people do not only prefer more contact – they simply need more contact for feeling good, for feeling motivated and thus: for delivering good work.

Others really do not appreciate any sort of non-task-related conversation.

They hate it, they feel disturbed about it not only during the time of the forced conversation itself, but these nearness-situations might have a negative afterglow the whole day long, with a resulting lower performance only because of coming too close for a little moment.

Risk aversion The risk-axis is giving information about how much risk you and your team-mates are willing to take and will still feeling comfortable with – or if there is a little desire for always striking out in a new direction, searching for novel approaches or are even really keen on taking risks.

This is not only important for assigning the daily tasks, but is a great benefit for assessing the status-reports and the I-messages of every individual team-mate properly.

It makes a major difference, if a risk-avoiding security fanatics is telling you that this task is going to be risky and we are moving on thin ice – or if it is a risk-loving thrill-searcher who is giving you exactly the same statements.

Of course, this is working in the other direction as well: If a risk-avoiding member of the team is telling you, that we can be sure that time, scope and quality of the task are all green and will be delivered on schedule, we can be pretty sure that there won’t come up any unforeseen problems in the very next moment – but exactly the same statement has to be assessed from a different perspective if it comes from our risk-loving thrill-searcher… We now made the test available for everybody.

for free.

no installation required - its a pure web-app.

- no hardware requirements - no registration - running through your browser - accessible from everywhere - for free usage - anonymous - no storage of any data - SSL encrypted connection - without warranties of any kind.

For usage within the user-profiles of the C-BOARD / CYBER-SCRUM application you need a registration for the SAAS-version or download the C-BOARD Open-Source version.

If you do so, please check our terms of use: web: https://www.



html pdf: https://c-board.


pdf -------------------------------- Please, check our privacy statement as well: web: https://c-board.


html pdf: https://www.



pdf --------------------------------- An other C-Cybernetics solution -advanced communication for Slack- is available now: https://www.


net If you are using Slack for team communication: this is the app for transmitting clear statements.


-> No more reading between the lines.




--------------------------------- **** NEW**NEW**NEW: **** THE CCS (CYBR CSCW-SUITE) IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD: https://sourceforge.

net/projects/c-c-s/ Of course, you can use the test-results of this assessment for the Riemann-Thomann-Cross in the user-profiles there: Just enter the two values for risk aversion and nearness preferences into the fields within your personal profile, and the app will draw the coordinate-system with the cross at the resulting position.

Additional Information:

- Offered by c-board.de
- Average rating : 4 stars (liked it)

PERSONALITY TEST web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online