Neatify剪藏 in Chrome with OffiDocs
Neatify剪藏 Chrome web store extension
Run the Chrome online web store extension Neatify剪藏 using OffiDocs Chromium online.
通过浏览器拓展,您可以轻松地将网页上的文章、笔记或资料,导入到 Neatify 笔记中。剪藏后,可以在各个客户端的收集箱中,查看对应的内容。 * 更多信息请查看: * 隐私政策:https://neatifyapp.
com/Privacy * 服务条款:https://neatifyapp.
com/Terms 想要反馈宝贵意见? 非常欢迎,我们乐于听到您的意见,批评,建议,…任何一切! 如果可以,欢迎邮件至:Focus-Feedback@foxmail.
Additional Information:
- Offered by Kiraku App
- Average rating : 0 stars (hated it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Neatify剪藏 web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online