NonRival Data in Chrome with OffiDocs

NonRival Data in Chrome with OffiDocs

NonRival Data Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension NonRival Data using OffiDocs Chromium online.

Summary : We highlight our extensive and broad effort to protect data and consumer privacy.

For clarity, we describe the extension's purpose and its functions, and within these functions, we detail our effort to protect consumer privacy.

The extension's purpose : The purpose is to 1.

Capture and organize user's online activities a.

At signup, users e-mail and phone will be captured i.

e-mail and phone number will not be disclosed to other than this startup ii.

e-mail and phone number will be used for the exclusive benefit of the following purpose; 1.

Send advertisement and marketing information from the third party 2.

Alerting the user with communication b.

Information that can identify the user will not be disclosed c.

Personal information detail captured from user's online activities will not be disclosed i.

Aggregate will be calculated from the pool of customers ii.

Only the aggregate will be disclosed, such as x numbers of Consumers residing in this geographical boundary uses certain services for y number of minutes per day.


Consumer details will be deleted from our database once aggregate is generated d.

The hash function of the aggregate information will be generated using SHA256 cryptography.

Only the hash function will be stored in the Blockchain network along with summary information of the content contained in the data that generated hash function using SHA256.


Any firm or individual who purchases the information will be given the content that was used to generate a hash function stored on Blockchain.


Only the aggregate as described in section b subsection i.

above will be provided to purchasing party.


Proceeding generated through our startup will be dispersed to Consumers whose names and details are in hash function.


e-mail will be used for communication that will be held by the startup only.

Even under these circumstances, no external entity will be used, personal data will remain secured g.

Under the circumstance of any dispute between the consumer and the startup, 3rd party arbitration will be used, and no personal information will be released by the startup only and only under direct consent of the disputing Consumer h.

All information collected from this extension is with the consumer consent and consumer consent only.

The consumer can install and uninstall by simply clicking 2 step authentication icon by entering a username, password, and phone verification.

Additional Information:

- Offered by TSG Tech
- Average rating : 5 stars (loved it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

NonRival Data web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online