
Mocha TN3270 in Chrome with OffiDocs

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Mocha TN3270 in Chrome with OffiDocs

Mocha TN3270  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium

Mocha TN3270 Chrome web store extension


Run the Chrome online web store extension Mocha TN3270 using OffiDocs Chromium online.

Mocha TN3270 provides TN3270 emulation for IBM Mainframe Access.

*** IMPORTANT *** We recommend using Mocha TN3270 for Chromebook, as Google will soon stop supporting Chrome Apps.



htm .

Find it in the Google Play Store.

Mocha TN3270 Features: - Operating Systems: Chrome OS 30.

x or better.

- Supports all standard 3270 emulation features - TLS 1.


2 with AES128 encryption.

Certificates are not supported.

- Alternate screen size (24x80 or 32x80) - Hotspots (Fxx= and URL text in the 3270 screen can be used as buttons) - Smart font handling.

The font size follows the Window size - Functions keys F1-F24 are part of the Toolbar - Autologin - Clipboard - Lifetime free upgrades to new versions of the product This is a free 30 days trial.

A license is 29.

85 USD, or 299 USD for a company license.

Changes: 1.

1: TAB + ENTER key could activate the toolbar elements, such as pop up settings screen.


2: TAB + SPACE key could activate the toolbar elements, such as pop up settings screen.


3: screen could not always change to 32x80 mode.


4: added TLS 1.

2 and new network layer

Additional Information:

- Offered by www.mochasoft.dk
- Average rating : 3.63 stars (liked it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mocha TN3270 web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online