Large storage jar with floral decoration
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This large jar typifies a type of painted floral decoration characteristic of the Late Period into the Ptolemaic Period at Thebes. The jar was found by the Museum's Egyptian Expedition in an area of brick-vaulted Ptolemaic tombs over the area of Hatshepsut's Valley Temple. Such jars are usually found in twosomes or larger groups on either side of the burial chamber near the entrance; this particular example was found beside a second standing in soil partly below the level of an adjacent stone floor, but any tomb superstructure and the actual burial were missing. The bowl was used base downward as a lid in the mouth of the jar. While the large jars were usually used for solid funerary offerings, such as dates, grain and various kinds of seeds, or for mummification materials, analysis indicates the bowl originally contained some liquid, perhaps a broth.Free picture Large storage jar with floral decoration integrated with the OffiDocs web apps