Marble head of Epikouros

Marble head of Epikouros

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Copy of a Greek statue of the 1st half of the 3rd century B.C.Born on the island of Samos in 341 B.C., Epikouros spent most of his life in Athens, where he founded the Kepos (Garden), one of the most influential philosophical schools of the Hellenistic age, and where he lived until his death in 271 B.C. Epikouros must have been honored by a portrait statue made late in his lifetime or soon after his death. The esteem in which his teachings were held is shown by the numerous Roman copies, including a bust and a herm still bearing the inscriptions identifying him, that reproduce the same original. From other copies, we know that the original statue, which was probably first set up in the Kepos to honor Epikouros, represented him seated calmly and classically composed on an elaborate chair.

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