Portrait of Mme Boursier and Her Daughter (Portrait de Mme

Portrait of Mme Boursier and Her Daughter (Portrait de Mme Boursier et de sa fille)

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A member of the Impressionist circle, Morisot focused on the domestic spaces associated with women rather than the public venues and events painted by her male counterparts. In this image of her relatives, Morisot invites the viewer into a richly appointed middle-class interior with its floral upholstery, upright piano and sheet music, framed mirror, and porcelain vase with flowers. With quick, unblended strokes, the painter's deft brushwork summarily defines the forms, patterns, and textures of the elegant furnishings and fashionable clothing. Morisot underscores the intimacy of the scene by placing the little girl on Madame Boursier's lap as well as by bringing her subjects close to the picture plane.

Object metadata can change over time, please check the Brooklyn Museum object record for the latest information.

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