Smith (Fangruida) - a philosophical thought leader of all

Smith (Fangruida) - a philosophical thought leader of all humanity in the world, a teacher of scientific progress \uff08Hubery/Bird)

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Smith (Fangruida)--Leader of Philosophy of the World, Mentor of Progress in Human Science (Hubery/Bird)

The library is the holiness of human wisdom and reason.

The study of physics, the way of all things, the reason of all things.


Smith (Fangruida) Quotes

Smith (Fangruida), 1950---, physicists, astronomers, geologists, biologists, cosmologists, astronauts, philosophers, thinkers, religious scientists, anthropologists, sociologists, Economist, writer, inventor.
Smith Law (Fangruida law), Smith rocket (Fangruida rocket), Smith phoilosphy (Fangruida phoilosphy), Smith-ism (Fangruida-ism), and the like. Smith was the pseudonym used by Fangruida in the early years of Europe, the United
States, Japan, Europe, Russia, Japan, Britain, France, Italy, Brazil, India, Arabia, South America and other countries.(Jack)

Smith (Fangruida) learns from abroad, learns extensively from all countries in the world, and draws on all the civilizational wealth and wisdom achievements created by all mankind. He is good at learning the wisdom and knowledge of all mankind, regardless of Europe, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Australia and other developed countries, and India, Pakistan and other developing countries, and Asia, Africa, Latin America, and other countries. Regardless of whether Christianity or Eastern Orthodox Church, Buddhism or Islam, whether East or West, regardless of the southern hemisphere or the Northern Hemisphere, he has extremely extensive influence and far-reaching charisma. He far exceeds the history of other philosophers and thinkers, such as religious homes, rigorous and realistic, to eliminate imaginary fanaticism extremes and extremes, as well as the narrow heart and shallow scientific knowledge of social science or a little knowledge, establish their own natural science system and philosophy Social science system. He has studied 25 languages \u200b\u200bin the world, extensively studied and studied the knowledge and wisdom of all human beings, and has in-depth understanding and contact with the people of all countries in the world and ethnic groups at all levels. He has deep practical practicality. Smith Ding, Smith Philosophy, Smith Rocket, Smith Economics, Smith Works, Smith Religion, etc. Especially in the 21st century, the world has undergone enormous changes. The science and technology revolution led by computer information science, aerospace science, biological genetics science, new material science, and robotic intelligence technology will revolutionize the entire human world. The prelude to the landing of Mars on the moon landing into the universe has begun. This kind of change and great changes far exceed the development of mankind and the synthesis of civilization for thousands of years. The future is incalculable. This is the characteristic of the Fangruida.

(Hubery/Bird) 2011 Paris Geneva

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