Robin Williams tribute - by Niccolo Florence

Robin Williams tribute - by Niccolo Florence

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A tribute to actor and comedian Robin Williams, who died by suicide yesterday.

by Andrew Toskin, working as Niccolo Florence

Like so many other people, when I heard the news, the first thing I did was blink at the headline, read it to myself a few more times, just to make sure I understood it correctly. "No way." Like so many other people, the second thing I did was push all of his standup and his best movies to the top of my watch list.

You've probably already heard? Robin Williams died by suicide yesterday. Immediately, people started speculating: Robin hadn't realized at first how much he'd sold his privacy, and the costs of fame took their toll on him. He was backsliding into previously conquered territories of depression and addiction.

I dunno, I'm still a little stunned. I'm not often this affected by the death of celebrities. Usually I'll feel the vague twinge of empathy -- his family must be having a hard time, trying to grieve and dodge interviewers at the same time -- but usually I'm selfish enough that most of what I feel is disappointment that they won't be making any more art. (Or worse, if I wasn't a fan of theirs, I have the gall to feel nothing.)

I think what might be different in this case is that I didn't just watch a lot of Robin Williams' movies or read a lot of his interviews. Or see the adorable videos of him playing video games with his daughter Zelda, or meeting Koko the gorilla. I think what really gets me about this is the suicide. I feel something similar every time I learn of someone who commits suicide -- because we were once comrades, even if we didn't share the same foxhole.

I didn\u2019t know you. But I know how it feels, Robin.

Robin Williams, 1951 \u2013 2014.

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