A NEW DAY - UMOJA Research Introduction

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UMOJA Research DVD 12132014 5GB of Notes & Books Given To People Interested In The Meaning Of Good Health. (A Work In Progress) The cover of this DVD is known by those who received a Free Copy, or Picked Up A Free Copy at VeggieSoul Restarant In Los Angeles, near USC.
I'll use this section as an introduction.
NOTE: Healthy People Lining Up For Tests and Experimental Medical Injections are Not In Control Of THEMSELVES. We may talk about that too.

The Law Of Life & Human Health

Whatsoever a man soweth,

That shall he also reap.

**** Gal. 6:7

If we sow the seeds of Disease

We cannot harvest a crop of Health.

Dr. J.E. Cummings


To those who have been kept in stupefying ignorance, concerning matters of Health and Health, thru the popular and vicarious channels of Misinformation; to those who suffer from disease and have dragged their bodies from doctor to doctor and from place to place, searching for Health, but finding only discouragement; to those who have Poisoned Their Bodies with all the virulent concoctions listed in the professional pharmacopeia, without relief; to those who have had their bodies cut and carved, marred and scarred, with the surgeon\u2019s knife only to see their condition grow worse; and to those who believe that disease is an unavoidable curse, inflicted without reason upon mankind and with no chance of escape--to all these sad and suffering folks, the purpose of this book is to bring a ray of light and Truth regarding the LAW OF LIFE AND HUMAN HEALTH.

Orthodox medical men are measurably skilled in anatomy, physiology, pathology and diagnosis of disease and claim that they are able to cure the disordered body. Yet they appear utterly powerless to aid in the restoration of the diseased; and on the whole, are prone to do irreparable injury with their drugs, serums and methods of treatment. This condition is so prevalent and so general, that he sick and suffering believe that for them there is little hope and that disease is a most mysterious and dangerous foe.

This is a fatal error, arising from false education. On the contrary, the whole matter is so plain and simple, as we shall see, that those who expect to find in this little book, accounts of miraculous discoveries, tales of marvelous remedies and stories of mysterious cures, are doomed to disappointment. For the information of this credulous class, let it be known that health comes from healthful living; that health comes concealed in pills, powders and potions; and who had more faith in a bottle of black, bitter \u201cmedicine,\u201d than they had in the Omnipotent Power that decreed: -

Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

That the ordinary reader may better comprehend our message, we have endeavored to keep the pages of this book as free as practicable of puzzling phrases and technical terms. As to the matter of repetitions, which may seem too many to be needlessly frequent, we can only plead the importance of our subject, the value of the principles involved and our deep desire to express some of the gross falsity of \u201cMedical Science\u201d teaching regarding Health and Disease, with which civilization, for purely selfish motives, has been so shamefully enthralled.

n George Robert Clements

\u201cGOD hath made man upright:

But they have sought out many inventions\u201d -- Eccl. 7:29

Man has strayed from the path of Nature and sought to build a universe of his own. He has endeavored to divorce himself from the influence of Natural Law and to substitute the artificial inventions of as empirical science for the natural products of an Infallible Creator, The logical conflict arising there from, is not between Nature and Life, but between Nature and human inventions.

Men, grown egotistical under the degrading influence of wealth and learning, allege that they are \u201cScientists\u201d and possess mysterious powers. In their high conceit they forget that Nature Is The First Scientist and The Greatest Teacher. Consequently, to Nature, not to human science, must man turn for Health, Strength, Subsistence, Knowledge and Wisdom. These are some of Her wonderful treasures, all of which She grants with jealous care.

Therefore, heed not traditions and inventions of perverse man; but take Nature trustingly by the hand and be led of Her; for She alone possesses the Secrets of Life for which we eternally search. But Her Treasures, Riches Cannot Buy nor Power Command. She gives them freely to the deserving as a recompense for labor performed. \u201cBy Righteous Effort ONLY Can They Be Gained. They are Forever Available To The Worthy\u201d, but are bestowed according to work done. \u2013 Herbert M. Shelton, D.P., N.D.

Ye shall know the Truth,

And the Truth shall make you free.

John 8:32

Pretension! Profession! How haughtily they stride into the Temple of humble, usurp the highest seats, put on the brightest robes, sing the hymns of praise and utter aloud, to be heard of men, the prayers, which the spirit should breathe in silent confidence.

\u201cVanity of Vanities; all is Vanity\u201d. Believe not in the traditions of corrupt men, whose hearts are filled with longings for wealth and power. \u201cBeware ye of the leaves of Pharisees, which is hypocrisy\u201d. They have committed the grossest crimes and under the cloak of \u201cScience\u201d have devoured the substance of the sick and suffering, hoping to hide their villanies (corruptness) by spreading falsity and stifling (False) truth.

\u201cThe Truth of Truth must be kept hidden; the Ignorant must remain in darkness; those who would uncover our corruption by spreading Truth, must be crushed. We have a law and when we cannot refute the Truths they teach, by our law they ought to die. How highly expedient for us followers of falsity, that one Teacher of Truth be destroyed so a people may be kept in ignorance, as easy prey for us to Plunder\u201d. --B. Stanford Claunch, N.D.

For He is thy Life and the length of days (Deut. 30:20

He is my Strength (Isa. 12:2)

If only Life can produce Life, how can anything less than Life sustain it? If the transformation of forces is a fallacy; if the lesser cannot produce the greater; if every cause must be efficient equal of its effect; then it follows that nothing less than Life can sustain any more than originate Life.

Sadly do men miss the Truth when they seek for the sustaining power of Life and Health in things beneath them. Food and Drink may be the conditions for the operation of Life\u2019s forces, but their sustaining power must be acknowledged to be a fiction of the imagination.

Modern Science says, \u201cYour Strength depends upon how much you eat\u201d, the old prophet says, \u201cAs thy days, so shall thy strength be\u201d. The Apostle says, \u201cIf any man lack wisdom, let him ask GOD\u201d, Modern Science says, \u201cLet him eat more fish\u201d.

And when the strength comes with the day, poor, silly invalids imagine that the Doctor\u2019s drug gave it. Old King Alcohol has long appropriated to himself Divine honors; has long held in abject slavery his millions.

Idolatry is not confined to the jungles of India or to the wild of Africa. Even today comes the picture of the Red Cross Nurse, in the attitude of Fait, looking up with loving confidence to a fraudulent patent medicine. How can the victims of such delusions still believed in the Sermon on the Mount? --Robert Walter, M.D.


\u201cBeloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.\u201d

\u20143 John 2

\u201cAnd ye shall serve the Lord your God, and He shall

bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from thee.\u201d \u2014Exodus 23:25

\u201cIf thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: For I am the Lord that healeth thee.\u201d \u2014Exodus 15:26

\u201cWho forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.\u201d \u2014Psalm 103:3

\u201cFor ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God\u2019s.\u201d

\u20141 Corinthians 6:20

\u201cWhat? know ye not that your body is the temple of

the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?\u201d \u20141 Corinthians 6:19

\u201cIf any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.\u201d \u20141 Corinthians 3:17


In the serious matter of the practice of medicine, the conscientious physician naturally desires to be backed up in all he does by authoritative guidance. In this country he has been led to rely on the propaganda of the American Medical Association and its constituent bodies. He looks to the Journal of the American Medical Association for the published expression of accepted propaganda or the denouncement of what has been judged "unfit." Were the men who have filled and are filling the positions on the editorial staff, especially of editor in chief, of this great journal, men of great scientific vision like Paget or Sambon, men trained as bacteriologists, as epidemiologists or as physiological chemists, the attitude today concerning, the cancer problem in America might be very different. Unfortunately the men who have been at the helm are great organizers, not great scientists, nor even clinicians of great attainment through years of conscientious private practice. It would seem their chief energy has been directed to the building of a great organization for more energy and money appears to be spent by "orthodox" medicine in the effort to secure legislation against the inroads made on its domain by the cults, than is spent in the honest search for the truth about cancer-its real cause, prevention and cure.

The long adherence of medicine to the theories of the pathologists and to destructive methods in the treatment of cancer will soon be recognized as the greatest medical folly of the century. Had this policy resulted in the cure of the afflicted, or even of a large percentage of them such a procedure alight have been justified. But failure is now generally recognized by both the laity and the medical profession and utter ignorance of the cause and cure of cancer was acknowledged at the last convention of the American Medical Association held in Atlantic City in May, 1925. In the heat of argument, X-ray, radium and surgery emerged as inefficient as cures. No practical ideas for the prevention of the disease were stressed.

In spite of this chaotic condition in America the American Association for the Control of Cancer, which has the endorsement of both the American Medical Association and the United States Public Health Service, each year stampedes this country with a campaign of education (the distribution of leaflets, the giving of lectures and radio talks to laymen by physicians, chiefly surgeons, and radiologists), the effect of which is to lead people to resort to inefficient if not often destructive methods. In the light of facts discovered within the last 10 years by private investigators, now checked up by others and proved by clinical experience over a period of years, the possibility of the control of cancer by the destructive methods, which have been, not only approved, but practiced by the leading lights of clinical medicine, can exist only in the imagination of the uninformed. Dr William F. Koch The Prevention of Cancer 1926

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