Krishnapriya ji Introduction

Krishnapriya ji Introduction

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Param Pujya Krishnapriya Ji, commonly known as Sadhvi
Krishnapriya, is a famous Sadhvi and young social worker in India. She is a popular figure not only in India but
all over the world for her discussions and conversations on scientific as well
as spiritual truths.

Born on 26 January 1997 in Vrindavan Uttar Pradesh to a
Brahmin Family, Krishnapriya Ji had an environment of devotion and god\u2019s virtue
since childhood as she saw her mother devoted to the almighty. Along with her
studies, Krishnapriya Ji was engrossed in bhajans and devotional activities from
a very young age. Although she was a bright student, her curiosity in
spirituality and the divine effect in her voice since childhood which spell-bounded
every listener, inclined her towards her divine interest.

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