WA App: Locke Second year.
This is the free photo or picture example named WA App: Locke Second year. for OffiDocs app Gimp, which can be considered as an online image editor or an online photo studio.
Download or edit the free picture WA App: Locke Second year. for GIMP online editor. It is an image that is valid for other graphic or photo editors in OffiDocs such as Inkscape online and OpenOffice Draw online or LibreOffice online by OffiDocs.
Name: Simon "Locke" MalacariaSex: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: March 19th
Species: Human
Physical appearance: Twiggy, Scrawny, basically easy target for ones to pick on. Yet despite his twig like shape he has some form of straingth and Will power
Personality and attitude: Timid, Shy, frigthen, but kind, caring and loving.
Likes: Quite, Peace, Tea.
Dislikes: Force of Violence, Death, Greed, Lust, betrayal, THE TRUTH!!
Interests: N/A
Quirks: That Shy Bishie guy.
Strengths/Talents: He's skilled in using a unison of Light and spirit Magic.
Fears: The death of his Friends and loved ones.
History/bio: As a baby, He was left At a white mage Academy, under the care of White mages that helps him with his magic. Through fifteen years of his life, he transferred from his old home to the Wand-Academy. He wonder thought the city in which the Academy is located at and trys to get any direction from it. Once he did, thats where out story goes on. Now he's chose by the head of the White Mages to be the White Wizard
Job: Whtie Mage/Exorcist/Kamen Rider
Family: Martha Dedrick
:bulletblack:Dislike, :bulletpurple:fears, :bulletyellow:Awkward, :bulletwhite:Nutural, :bulletblue:W.T.K.B., :bulletgreen:Friends, :bulletpink:Crush, :bulletred:Love
Sariel-:bulletgreen::bulletblue: "S-she's nice despite her being a-a vampire..."
Arisu-:bulletyellow::bulletblue::bulletred::bulletred::bulletred: ".......I-i.....Love her...a lot."
Lance-:bulletwhite::bulletblue: "He's a Nice guy....very kind..i don't stand a chance in his league."
Sakuya-:bulletyellow:".....S-she....dose...got some boobs."
Gaia-:bulletwhite::bulletgreen: "He...He seems to know what my Father was like...i guess my only conection"
Cedric-:bulletwhite: "He kinda reminds me of me.....but british."
Carol-:bulletblack: "....she's just evil."
Ace- :bulletblack: "Hes just dumb...."
Everyone else- :bulletwhite: "U-um.....well..."//le flees.
Artwork is done by my lovely friend :iconbloodyfloweringnight: And Locke is owne by me, :iconkmanmiester325:
Free picture WA App: Locke Second year. integrated with the OffiDocs web apps