to Commissioner, poscitycorporation, Sunita, Kamla, Dave, Brian, gerald, info, bcc: me, bcc: Donald, bcc: mavawsec@hotmail
To All Concerned. It is 5 weeks now since that Larceny effected on me, occurred on Lower Charlotte Street, Port of Spain, since the 22nd of March 2021, at 3.05 pm and the dangerous, potential possibility of attack to law-abiding Citizens and Residents of Trinidad and Tobago is still fully visible, as of yesterday, the 20th of April 2021. Hundreds of women, men and children pass by those Mannequins daily, going to the City Gate Terminal, in order to use the Public and Private Transport Vehicles. Approximately, 10 Mannequins occupy the small pavement space and can be effectively used by criminals to pick-pocket and commit other crimes on this small pavement space, contrary to the Rule Of Law, and the Authority of the Port of Spain City Corporation. Such blatant neglect by the Police Service and the Corporation must not continue in our beautiful Trinidad and Tobago. Our Vulnerable Senior Citizens deserve a better chance of survival, after giving all of their best young working years to this country. Many do not have the luxury of some, to travel in their own vehicles or the money to shop online, or the money to hire private security at all times they go out. Since my design skills acquired over 4 decades, allowed me to construct a Unit, which can effectively stop larceny by pick-pocket, being tested 2 weeks now, and which in cooperation with the Police, can be a useful tool to reduce Pick Pocketing. This Unit, Co Designed and Built with a Promising Civil Engineer, Pilot being tested. Yesterday, in using the RBC ABM on Independence Square South, a reaction from one of the now observable pick-pocket type people, the type that follow you and observe your "pocket" use, said loudly as I walked away from the ABM, "you will be strangled now\u201d as he realised that pick-pocketing that Unit Case is impossible. I have seen the 2 men who stole my phone, now wearing masks, but can be clearly identified if they ever reach Court. Once you are targeted by this group of thieves, they do not stop looking for ways to rob you. This \u201cResist PickPocket Unit (RPPU)\u201d is securely fixed to your person, simple to use and provides fingerprints on the case holding Cards and money, when it is removed, without your permission (in any pickpocket attempt). Something that gives tremendous comfort to persons walking with their valuable items, knowing that the Police can now retrieve the fingerprints in Larceny attempts. For 2 weeks now, this safety comfort feeling I am experiencing, is priceless and the UNIT will be given free to past Victims of Pick Pocketing. Others pay in TT. Sadly, the City Corporation CEO has not yet responded to my Information Notice No 2, left with her Secretary, along with the Executive Summary of the Purple Ribbon Campaign aka Regional Taxi Travel Safety Net. This negligent, intentional disdain shown by the people, citizens put/pay in power to manage our Development, is callous beyond words. I have shortlisted this email in the first instance to enough legal Luminaries, who can continue this fight after any strangulation or other manner of my demise. Now going to get my LLB and LEC. The Amazon Marketplace sells a Pepper Spray Device, which Runners use as a protection and which fits in the palm of your hand. A fantastic tool for seniors and women who are attacked from behind, since they just point and spray. How many lives have to be lost/abused/assaulted before Paid Workers get off their Butts and Work. So many lives are being threatened and our policy makers, building Hospitals, Overpasses, Community Centres and much more that can wait, until the safety of our most VULNERABLE is taken care of properly. God has sent a clear message with COVID-19. Shape Up or Ship Out. Those who do not listen will feel. An Entity existing for 2021 years have trillions of votes, compared to those who have 300,000 in less than 100 years. God's Humility is unmatched. My email list has 130 Contacts. My Facebook has 5,000 Contacts, my LinkedIn 500 and my Cloud has over 65 Billion other Users.. Please be advised accordingly. Donald D. Berment, Knowledge Is Power Sharing It Is Love\u2026\u2026\u2026Signed:\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026Specialist, HSDS/NGA/DVC. Hm. 1-868-637-0924. |