
Expenses and Income Template

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Expenses and Income Template

Free download Expenses and Income Template DOC, XLS or PPT template free to be edited with LibreOffice online or OpenOffice Desktop online

This is the template Expenses and Income Template. A template that can be used by LibreOffice online, OpenOffice, Microsoft office suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) or Office 365.


Download or edit the template Expenses and Income Template valid for LibreOffice online, OpenOffice, Microsoft office suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) or Office 365.

This is an old but working template that can be used to track your expenses/income on a daily basis.

Each week is on its own sheet and you get a sheet that gives an overview and montly average for any range of weeks you want.

It is a bit complex and it is best to use a specific software like GNU Cash (strongly recommended), but if you want to use Libreoffice and see how different calculations and cross-sheet references are made, you can download this.

Full instructions are on the first sheet.

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