Folder notifications for Google Driveâ„¢ in Chrome with OffiDocs
Get notified of change made on all the files in a google drive folder - Free version and Paid version.
**Free version allow you to track one folder, move to paid version to track subfolders and up to 10 folders** To notify multiple persons of change test folder team notification : https://chrome.
com/webstore/detail/folder-team-notifications/cfgmndbhflempghcpdaocfoddcbelkma #Functionnality Receive notification when a file is modified or added in a Google Drive Folder.
Folder notifications will check also subfolders You can select time frame of notifications from 10 minutes to 6 hours.
#How it works 1 - Enter a folder url or a folder ID in the input field and click on "Add Folder".
2 - Click on "Start notifications" to start receiving notifications.
3 - That's it ! Click on the little cross at the top right of a folder to remove it of tracking.
# 2 importants remarks 1 - Folder notification will not inform you if some one remove a file from a folder.
2 - You will be able to monitor 10 folders and all their subfolders.
#Autorisations needed -Know who you are and your email, because app need to get your email to send you the change.
-Manage your drive, app will just check change in folders.
No document created or modified.
It is not possible to have only read access fo the moment.
-Authorize app to be launched automatically.
To send you notification each 2 hours, app have to be launch programmatically.
-Send email, because notification are sent by email.
Additional Information:
- Offered by
- Average rating : 3.28 stars (it was okay)
Folder notifications for Google Driveâ„¢ web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online