EasyPubMedicine in Chrome with OffiDocs
EasyPubMedicine使新版PubMed更好用! EasyPubMedicine makes new PubMed easier to use! 更新: - 更新最新2022年JCR、中科院分区(2022年底) - 更新翻译引擎,支持PDF翻译 - 探测任何网页的文献标志号并展示影响因子及分区 - 升级支持Manifest v3 功能特色: 专为新版PubMed设计的工具条——看摘要、找全文、收藏文献都不是问题 - 一键点击从UnpayWall、Sci-Hub多渠道获取全文PDF,找全文如此简单 - 一键收集PubMed文章,好文献随时收藏并支持做多种标记,如星价、旗标、贴标签、写备注 - 展示最新(2022年)杂志影响因子、JCR分区、中科院分区及文章被引用次数 - 获取文章10000+种参考文献引用格式,覆盖绝大多数SCI杂志 - PubMed搜索界面展示完整摘要 文献管理助手——浏览器就能把文献管理得井井有条 - 文献分项目管理 - 全文PDF批量下载 - 全文PDF自动重命名,乱码文件名从此消失 - 文献附件(Supplementary Material)管理,文献附件也保存得井井有条 强大翻译功能——翻译竟然这么方便,文献阅读再没烦恼 - 支持六种翻译引擎 - 一键翻译PubMed文章标题及摘要 - 实时英文翻译 = 选中文字+“T”键/“D”键 - 网页PDF随时翻译=“Ctrl+C”键+“Add Text" 文献筛选助手——筛选高质量文献如此简单 - 支持根据杂志影响因子、分区、被引用次数等6种模式筛选文献 - PubMed杂志筛选助手帮你筛选高质量杂志 文献探测器 - 在所有网页探测文献标志号如DOI、PMID、ARXIVID、ISBN,可在侧边栏直接链接到文章全文 通过Edge及Chrome商店审查,安全放心 Update: - Latest JCR impact factor(2022) - Disable Sci-hub if you want - Detect paper identifier and display impact factor in any webpage - Bug fixation - Support Manifest v3 Features: -EasyPubMedicine tool bar, Design for new PubMed - One click to get PDF from UnpayWall, Sci-Hub, Libgen - One click to collect PubMed article to Reference Manager - Display journal impact factor (IF), JCR (Journal Citation Reports) journal's quartile ranking or CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) journal's block ranking - Get 1000+ reference style - Display abstract in PubMed search page -Reference Manager - Classify reference to different project - Batch download and rename full-text PDF - Manage supplemental material -Translation - One click to translate article's title and abstract in PubMed - Webpage translation: select the words and Press "T" - PDF translation - Multiple languages support -Journal Filter Tools - Filter articles by Impact factor, JCR Quartile and citation counts.
- PubMed filter manager helps you select most related journals in your research field - Paper Identifier Detector - Detect paper identifier such as DOI, PMID, ARXIVID, ISBN and show full-text link in side-bar
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