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Toortuumik 2018

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Media and Nature Art festival

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Toortuumik on perifreersetel aladel toimuv rahvusvaheline uusmeedia, maastiku-, tantsu- ja biokunsti festival. Sündmuse avapäevale eelneb viis päeva kestev Põhjamaade uusmeedia ja tantsukunstnike residentuuriprogramm (DaMa network workshop), mille kestel valmivad kohaspetsiifilised tanstuetendused ning tehnoloogilised ja orgaanilised loometeosed.

Festivalil osalevad kunstnikud, esinejad ja kunstiorganisatsioonid:

Taavi Suisalu (EST)

Laura Beloff (FIN/DNK)

Juan Duarte (MEX/DEU)

Eva Bubla (HUN)

Elena Redaelli (ITA/SWE)

Udeya Vir Singh (IND)

Pixelache (FIN)

DaMa Network (seitse uusmeedia ja tantsutudengit Põhja- ja Baltimaade ülikoolidest)

Dorte Bjerre Jensen (DNK)

Tiiu Lausmaa (EST)

Helina Karvak (EST)

Nele Tiidelepp (EST)

Georgia Kapodistria (DNK)

Beate Olekte (LAT)

Joost Van Duppen (BEL)

Oula Rytkönen (FIN)

Nadia Bounenni (GRC)

Miks festivali külastada?

Visuaalkunsti näituseid ollakse harjutud esitlema ja külastama valgetes steriilsetes galeriiruumides ja tantsuetendusi viiakse läbi pigem blackboxi mustade seinte vahel. Uuenduslik ja unikaalne on korraldatav kultuurisündmus nii kunstnikele kui ka kunstihuvilisele just seetõttu, et looming tuuakse loodusesse - Väinamere kaldale, kus puuduvad teost piiritlevad ruumide raamid.

\u2022 Kõik on oodatud! Tegemist on avaliku kogu pere üritusega, kuhu on oodatud igas vanuses inimesed;

\u2022 Kutsume inimesi tutvuma vähe tähelepanu saanud looduskauni paigaga Eestimaal;

\u2022 Festival on rahvusvaheline, mis aitab Eestit maailmas paremini tutvustada;

\u2022 Teeme koostööd! Kutsume vabatahtlikke appi talgutele ja installatsioone ehitama (kirjuta This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Lilli Tölp (Maalabor)
Andrew Paterson (Pixelache)
Henri Hütt (DaMa Network)

Virtsu Kool
Eesti Kultuurkapital
Nordic Culture Contact Art & Culture programme
European Cultural Foundation


Art and culture organisation Maalabor, in collaboration with Pixelache Helsinki and DaMa Network, have invited new media, nature, bio and dance artists from all over Europe to participate at the inaugural International Nature and Media Art Festival Toortuumik. During their one-week residency, the invited artists will create workshop activities, artistic-research related to biosemiotics, site specific installations in natural settings using eco-friendly materials combined with electronic communications. Dance students will also work on performances inspired by the location.


Taavi Suisalu (EST)

Laura Beloff (FIN/DNK)

Juan Duarte (MEX/DEU)

Elena Redaelli (ITA/SWE)

Eva Bubla (HUN)

Udeya Vir Singh (IND)

7 new media and dance students from Baltic and Nordic Art Universities (DaMa Network)

Dorte Bjerre Jensen (DNK)

Tiiu Lausmaa (EST)

Helina Karvak (EST)

Nele Tiidelepp (EST)

Georgia Kapodistria (DNK)

Beate Olekte (LAT)

Joost Van Duppen (BEL)

Oula Rytkönen (FIN)

Nadia Bounenni (GRC)

The event aims to provide an equally unique experience for the artists and the viewers.

\u2022\tProgram includes exhibition, dance performances, forest hikes, artist talks and more;
\u2022\tPeople can enjoy music played by DJ;
\u2022\tResidency program is filled with multiple workshops. Juan Duarte is going to run a workshop on building instruments for sonic interaction with the environment and augmented listening (Aeolian Artefacts http://juanduarteregino.com/Artefactos-Eolicos // https://www.pixelache.ac/projects/biosignals);
\u2022\tFestival aims to include everyone who is interested in arts and nature;
\u2022\tThe festival promotes green thinking, nature conservation, sustainable economy and technology development.


The festival camp site is in remote area at Southwest Estonia, next to coast line of the Baltic Sea. The park is a biodiverse area of about 3 hectares and divides into two parts \u2013 Costal Area and Outdoor Sustainable Management Area; the landscape consists of woodland, junipers and seaside. Artworks will be created at the coastal area. The other part of the park is preserved for birds and other wildlife, and so are restricted to public access. Visitors can observe wildlife or attend the guided tour arranged by festival team in order to visit the restricted areas. We want to give opportunities to people to interact with nature, as well as acknowledge the importance of environmental preservation.

The area is a major stopover site for migrating birds, especially waterfowl and shorebirds, and is an important breeding ground for many species; 10 000 000 birds are believed to fly over the area during migration time. It is a great inhabitat for a rich variety of plants and organisms.


Lilli Tölp (Maalabor)
Henri Hütt (DAMA)
Andrew Paterson (Pixelache)

DaMa is part of Nordic / Baltic networks of higher level Dance education institutions and New Media education institutions. It organizes annual courses, exchanges and workshops which take place in Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Latvia, Estonia and/or Lithuania. DAMA is mainly supported by Nordplus funding (Nordplus Higher Education). Currently we have 12 members from 7 countries.



Pixelache Helsinki is an association of artists, cultural producers, thinkers and activists involved in the creation of emergent and experimental cultural activities. Amongst their fields of interest are: experimental interaction and electronics, code-based art and culture, grassroot organising & networks, renewable energy production/use, participatory art, open-source cultures, bioarts and art-science culture, alternative economy cultures, politics and economics of media/ technology, audiovisual culture, media literacy & ecology and engaging environmental issues.

Pixelache contributes to Toortuumik as part of its BioSignals project about site-specific sound art, narrations and nature-based data streams by human and non-human cultural producers during Summer-Autumn 2018. The project is funded by Nordic Culture Contact Art & Culture programme.



Virtsu School
Eesti Kultuurkapital
Nordic Culture Contact Art & Culture programme
European Cultural Foundation

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