Pedigree Thief in Chrome with OffiDocs
Pedigree Thief is a genealogy data gathering tool.
The information gathered is intended to be imported into Genealogical DNA Analysis Tool, a program that allows you to manage your DNA matches.
Please note that only English language pages are supported although the extension may function in other language sites.
The extension's primary function is to read pedigree trees ( Geni and MyHeritage) and convert them to Ahnentafel.
See also the included Pedigree to GedCom application that can read pedigrees from other sources.
It will also read information on matches from MyHeritage as well as adding a couple of utilities to some GedMatch web pages.
Before using for the first time, right-click the icon and select 'Help' from the menu.
This will give guidance to setting up and using the extension.
For further help join the Pedigree Thief Facebook group.
--------------------------------- Pedigree Thief Change Log Version 2.6.8 - updated 19 Dec 2022 1. Updated to reflect change in Geneanet tree page.
Version 2.6.7 - updated 11 August 2022 1. Fixed so the Pedigree to GedCom app now works with GedMatch pedigrees on the New site.
Version 2.6.6 - updated 5 July 2022 1. Fixed bug when the international settings on a computer is set to a comma decimal seperator, the MyHeritage triangulations csv file created an extra column.
Version 2.6.5 - updated 31 May 2022 1. Fixed bug where the option setting the limit for the number of generations to be read from a MyHeritage pedigree was not working.
Version 2.6.4 - updated 3 April 2022 1. Withdrew the fixes for outputting the Triangulation file accounting for the local of the user.
The changes caused other issues to arise.
Version 2.6.3 - updated 3 April 2022 1. Another attempt to fix bug where MyHeritage Triangulation files produced a comma decimal separator rather than a period depending on the local of the user.
Version 2.6.2 - updated 1 April 2022 1. Amemded code to allow for change in MyHeritage Chromosome Browser timings.
Version 2.6.1 - updated 29 March 2022 1. Fixed bug as PT had stopped reading MH Match files.
Version 2.6.0 - updated 27 March 2022 1. Added ability to read Geneanet pedigrees.
2. Fixed bug where MyHeritage Triangulation files produced a comma decimal separator rather than a period depending on the local of the user.
Version 2.5.12 - updated 7 January 2022 1. Increased timeout threshold when reading a MyHeritage Match page.
Version 2.5.11 - updated 10 December 2021 1. Some Ancestry created GedComs were not being read by the Pedigree to Gedcom app.
Added extra checks that fix this.
Version 2.5.10 - updated 8 Dec 2021 1. Updated to allow for new columns included in MyHeritage DNA Matches file.
Version 2.5.9 - updated 1 September 2021 1. Amended code to allow the extension to continue to work on GedMatch.
Version 2.5.8 - updated 10 August 2021 1. Fixed bug when reading a MyHeritage pedigree, the root person would sometimes be omitted.
2. Changed the code for saving MyHeritage data to Pedigree Thief's database.
Version 2.5.7 - updated 11 June 2021 1. Fixed a bug when reading WikiTree compact trees into Pedigree to GedCom.
If a surname ended in certain key words the read would fail.
Version 2.5.6 - updated 18 May 2021 1. Now works on both new style and classic GedMatch sites.
2. Added save buttons to 'One to Many' pages to import basic relative details into GDAT.
Version 2.5.5 - updated 12 May 2021 1. Amended code to allow for change in URL for gedmatch to classic.
Version 2.5.4 - updated 2 May 2021 1. Added GDAT and GMP specific import templates.
Version 2.5.3 - updated 23 April 2021 1. Added ICW import limit when reading a MyHeritage match.
2. Updated Help to reflect Genealogical DNA Analysis Tool replacing Genome Mate Pro Version 2.5.2 - updated 11 March 2021 1. Fixed MyHeritage Triangulations that failed to gather when they triangulated with more than one profile.
2. Added a 'Stop' button when undertaking a slow read of a MyHeritage match.
3. Fixed an error when Pedigree to GedCom read a GedMatch pedigree that has misaligned indents.
Version - updated 5 March 2021 1. Fixed to allow for import of MyHeritage Match files after a change in headers caused a 'Invalid File' error.
2. Added a button to the MyHeritage DNA match menu to allow for a slow read of the shared matches.
Version - updated 5 February 2021 1. Added ability to read GenomeMate Pro Ancestor Ahnentafel pedigree.
Version - updated 4 February 2021 1. Fixed bug in Pedigree to Gedcom where presets containing full stops did not display correctly.
2. Fixed so that the right click menu only displayed Pedigree Thief on appropriate web pages.
3. Added ability to read GDAT Pedigrees in Pedigree to Gedcom.
Version - updated 31 January 2021 1. Added option to output Ahnentafel in csv format.
2. Added a review check for a place containing more than 4 fields e.
"Town, County, State, Country".
Only an issue for csv output.
3. For dates ending in ?, replaced with 'EST' prefix.
Version - updated 28 January 2021 1. Amended code to allow for embedded carriage returns and escape characters within the MyHeritage DNA Matches file.
Version - updated 9 January 2021 1. Updated code to allow for new column in MyHeritage DNA Match file.
Version - updated 4 November 2020 1. Updated Pedigree to Gedcom utility to remove 'DNA confirmed' from the name fields when importing from WikiTree compact trees.
Version - updated 26 October 2020 1. MyHeritage ICWs and Triangulations are now retained in Pedigree Thief's database.
Version - updated 8 October 2020 1. Updated to allow for changed code on MyHeritage match page re triangulations.
Version - updated 18 September 2020 Will no longer stop reading a MyHeritage match if the Chromosome data is missing from the page.
Version - updated 6 September 2020 1. MyHeritage match page now displays the total number of ICWs as well as the number previously read.
Version - updated 22 August 2020 1. Fixed bug in Pedigree to Gedcom where the Ahnentafel numbering of GedMatch Pedigrees could be incorrect.
Version - updated 13 July 2020 1. Added delay to ensure that the triangulations in the last group of shared DNA matches downloaded on MyHeritage Match page are included.
Version - updated 14 June 2020 1. Updated Pedigree to GedCom to handle GedCom files where the individual ref No.
begins with a 'P' rather than the more usual 'I'.
Version - updated 13 June 2020 1. Removed all references and code relating to Ancestry.
Version - updated 11 June 2020 1. Due to receiving a Cease and Desist notice, Pedigree Thief will no longer operate on Ancestry websites.
Additional Information:
- Offered by PeffersGen
- Average rating : 4.36 stars (liked it)
- Developer Contact Developer
Pedigree Thief web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online