(function(l, r) { if (l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (window.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(window.document); var app = (function () { 'use strict'; function noop() { } const identity = x => x; function assign(tar, src) { // @ts-ignore for (const k in src) tar[k] = src[k]; return tar; } function add_location(element, file, line, column, char) { element.__svelte_meta = { loc: { file, line, column, char } }; } function run(fn) { return fn(); } function blank_object() { return Object.create(null); } function run_all(fns) { fns.forEach(run); } function is_function(thing) { return typeof thing === 'function'; } function safe_not_equal(a, b) { return a != a ? b == b : a !== b || ((a && typeof a === 'object') || typeof a === 'function'); } let src_url_equal_anchor; function src_url_equal(element_src, url) { if (!src_url_equal_anchor) { src_url_equal_anchor = document.createElement('a'); } src_url_equal_anchor.href = url; return element_src === src_url_equal_anchor.href; } function not_equal(a, b) { return a != a ? b == b : a !== b; } function is_empty(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; } function create_slot(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn) { if (definition) { const slot_ctx = get_slot_context(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn); return definition[0](slot_ctx); } } function get_slot_context(definition, ctx, $$scope, fn) { return definition[1] && fn ? assign($$scope.ctx.slice(), definition[1](fn(ctx))) : $$scope.ctx; } function get_slot_changes(definition, $$scope, dirty, fn) { if (definition[2] && fn) { const lets = definition[2](fn(dirty)); if ($$scope.dirty === undefined) { return lets; } if (typeof lets === 'object') { const merged = []; const len = Math.max($$scope.dirty.length, lets.length); for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { merged[i] = $$scope.dirty[i] | lets[i]; } return merged; } return $$scope.dirty | lets; } return $$scope.dirty; } function update_slot_base(slot, slot_definition, ctx, $$scope, slot_changes, get_slot_context_fn) { if (slot_changes) { const slot_context = get_slot_context(slot_definition, ctx, $$scope, get_slot_context_fn); slot.p(slot_context, slot_changes); } } function get_all_dirty_from_scope($$scope) { if ($$scope.ctx.length > 32) { const dirty = []; const length = $$scope.ctx.length / 32; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { dirty[i] = -1; } return dirty; } return -1; } function action_destroyer(action_result) { return action_result && is_function(action_result.destroy) ? action_result.destroy : noop; } const is_client = typeof window !== 'undefined'; let now = is_client ? () => window.performance.now() : () => Date.now(); let raf = is_client ? cb => requestAnimationFrame(cb) : noop; const tasks = new Set(); function run_tasks(now) { tasks.forEach(task => { if (!task.c(now)) { tasks.delete(task); task.f(); } }); if (tasks.size !== 0) raf(run_tasks); } /** * Creates a new task that runs on each raf frame * until it returns a falsy value or is aborted */ function loop(callback) { let task; if (tasks.size === 0) raf(run_tasks); return { promise: new Promise(fulfill => { tasks.add(task = { c: callback, f: fulfill }); }), abort() { tasks.delete(task); } }; } function append(target, node) { target.appendChild(node); } function get_root_for_style(node) { if (!node) return document; const root = node.getRootNode ? node.getRootNode() : node.ownerDocument; if (root && root.host) { return root; } return node.ownerDocument; } function append_empty_stylesheet(node) { const style_element = element('style'); append_stylesheet(get_root_for_style(node), style_element); return style_element.sheet; } function append_stylesheet(node, style) { append(node.head || node, style); } function insert(target, node, anchor) { target.insertBefore(node, anchor || null); } function detach(node) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } function destroy_each(iterations, detaching) { for (let i = 0; i < iterations.length; i += 1) { if (iterations[i]) iterations[i].d(detaching); } } function element(name) { return document.createElement(name); } function svg_element(name) { return document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', name); } function text(data) { return document.createTextNode(data); } function space() { return text(' '); } function empty() { return text(''); } function listen(node, event, handler, options) { node.addEventListener(event, handler, options); return () => node.removeEventListener(event, handler, options); } function prevent_default(fn) { return function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // @ts-ignore return fn.call(this, event); }; } function attr(node, attribute, value) { if (value == null) node.removeAttribute(attribute); else if (node.getAttribute(attribute) !== value) node.setAttribute(attribute, value); } function to_number(value) { return value === '' ? null : +value; } function children(element) { return Array.from(element.childNodes); } function set_input_value(input, value) { input.value = value == null ? '' : value; } function set_style(node, key, value, important) { if (value === null) { node.style.removeProperty(key); } else { node.style.setProperty(key, value, important ? 'important' : ''); } } function select_option(select, value) { for (let i = 0; i < select.options.length; i += 1) { const option = select.options[i]; if (option.__value === value) { option.selected = true; return; } } select.selectedIndex = -1; // no option should be selected } function select_value(select) { const selected_option = select.querySelector(':checked') || select.options[0]; return selected_option && selected_option.__value; } function toggle_class(element, name, toggle) { element.classList[toggle ? 'add' : 'remove'](name); } function custom_event(type, detail, { bubbles = false, cancelable = false } = {}) { const e = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); e.initCustomEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, detail); return e; } // we need to store the information for multiple documents because a Svelte application could also contain iframes // https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/issues/3624 const managed_styles = new Map(); let active = 0; // https://github.com/darkskyapp/string-hash/blob/master/index.js function hash(str) { let hash = 5381; let i = str.length; while (i--) hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) ^ str.charCodeAt(i); return hash >>> 0; } function create_style_information(doc, node) { const info = { stylesheet: append_empty_stylesheet(node), rules: {} }; managed_styles.set(doc, info); return info; } function create_rule(node, a, b, duration, delay, ease, fn, uid = 0) { const step = 16.666 / duration; let keyframes = '{\n'; for (let p = 0; p <= 1; p += step) { const t = a + (b - a) * ease(p); keyframes += p * 100 + `%{${fn(t, 1 - t)}}\n`; } const rule = keyframes + `100% {${fn(b, 1 - b)}}\n}`; const name = `__svelte_${hash(rule)}_${uid}`; const doc = get_root_for_style(node); const { stylesheet, rules } = managed_styles.get(doc) || create_style_information(doc, node); if (!rules[name]) { rules[name] = true; stylesheet.insertRule(`@keyframes ${name} ${rule}`, stylesheet.cssRules.length); } const animation = node.style.animation || ''; node.style.animation = `${animation ? `${animation}, ` : ''}${name} ${duration}ms linear ${delay}ms 1 both`; active += 1; return name; } function delete_rule(node, name) { const previous = (node.style.animation || '').split(', '); const next = previous.filter(name ? anim => anim.indexOf(name) < 0 // remove specific animation : anim => anim.indexOf('__svelte') === -1 // remove all Svelte animations ); const deleted = previous.length - next.length; if (deleted) { node.style.animation = next.join(', '); active -= deleted; if (!active) clear_rules(); } } function clear_rules() { raf(() => { if (active) return; managed_styles.forEach(info => { const { stylesheet } = info; let i = stylesheet.cssRules.length; while (i--) stylesheet.deleteRule(i); info.rules = {}; }); managed_styles.clear(); }); } let current_component; function set_current_component(component) { current_component = component; } function get_current_component() { if (!current_component) throw new Error('Function called outside component initialization'); return current_component; } function onMount(fn) { get_current_component().$$.on_mount.push(fn); } function onDestroy(fn) { get_current_component().$$.on_destroy.push(fn); } function createEventDispatcher() { const component = get_current_component(); return (type, detail, { cancelable = false } = {}) => { const callbacks = component.$$.callbacks[type]; if (callbacks) { // TODO are there situations where events could be dispatched // in a server (non-DOM) environment? const event = custom_event(type, detail, { cancelable }); callbacks.slice().forEach(fn => { fn.call(component, event); }); return !event.defaultPrevented; } return true; }; } // TODO figure out if we still want to support // shorthand events, or if we want to implement // a real bubbling mechanism function bubble(component, event) { const callbacks = component.$$.callbacks[event.type]; if (callbacks) { // @ts-ignore callbacks.slice().forEach(fn => fn.call(this, event)); } } const dirty_components = []; const binding_callbacks = []; const render_callbacks = []; const flush_callbacks = []; const resolved_promise = Promise.resolve(); let update_scheduled = false; function schedule_update() { if (!update_scheduled) { update_scheduled = true; resolved_promise.then(flush); } } function add_render_callback(fn) { render_callbacks.push(fn); } // flush() calls callbacks in this order: // 1. All beforeUpdate callbacks, in order: parents before children // 2. All bind:this callbacks, in reverse order: children before parents. // 3. All afterUpdate callbacks, in order: parents before children. EXCEPT // for afterUpdates called during the initial onMount, which are called in // reverse order: children before parents. // Since callbacks might update component values, which could trigger another // call to flush(), the following steps guard against this: // 1. During beforeUpdate, any updated components will be added to the // dirty_components array and will cause a reentrant call to flush(). Because // the flush index is kept outside the function, the reentrant call will pick // up where the earlier call left off and go through all dirty components. The // current_component value is saved and restored so that the reentrant call will // not interfere with the "parent" flush() call. // 2. bind:this callbacks cannot trigger new flush() calls. // 3. During afterUpdate, any updated components will NOT have their afterUpdate // callback called a second time; the seen_callbacks set, outside the flush() // function, guarantees this behavior. const seen_callbacks = new Set(); let flushidx = 0; // Do *not* move this inside the flush() function function flush() { const saved_component = current_component; do { // first, call beforeUpdate functions // and update components while (flushidx < dirty_components.length) { const component = dirty_components[flushidx]; flushidx++; set_current_component(component); update(component.$$); } set_current_component(null); dirty_components.length = 0; flushidx = 0; while (binding_callbacks.length) binding_callbacks.pop()(); // then, once components are updated, call // afterUpdate functions. This may cause // subsequent updates... for (let i = 0; i < render_callbacks.length; i += 1) { const callback = render_callbacks[i]; if (!seen_callbacks.has(callback)) { // ...so guard against infinite loops seen_callbacks.add(callback); callback(); } } render_callbacks.length = 0; } while (dirty_components.length); while (flush_callbacks.length) { flush_callbacks.pop()(); } update_scheduled = false; seen_callbacks.clear(); set_current_component(saved_component); } function update($$) { if ($$.fragment !== null) { $$.update(); run_all($$.before_update); const dirty = $$.dirty; $$.dirty = [-1]; $$.fragment && $$.fragment.p($$.ctx, dirty); $$.after_update.forEach(add_render_callback); } } let promise; function wait() { if (!promise) { promise = Promise.resolve(); promise.then(() => { promise = null; }); } return promise; } function dispatch(node, direction, kind) { node.dispatchEvent(custom_event(`${direction ? 'intro' : 'outro'}${kind}`)); } const outroing = new Set(); let outros; function group_outros() { outros = { r: 0, c: [], p: outros // parent group }; } function check_outros() { if (!outros.r) { run_all(outros.c); } outros = outros.p; } function transition_in(block, local) { if (block && block.i) { outroing.delete(block); block.i(local); } } function transition_out(block, local, detach, callback) { if (block && block.o) { if (outroing.has(block)) return; outroing.add(block); outros.c.push(() => { outroing.delete(block); if (callback) { if (detach) block.d(1); callback(); } }); block.o(local); } } const null_transition = { duration: 0 }; function create_bidirectional_transition(node, fn, params, intro) { let config = fn(node, params); let t = intro ? 0 : 1; let running_program = null; let pending_program = null; let animation_name = null; function clear_animation() { if (animation_name) delete_rule(node, animation_name); } function init(program, duration) { const d = (program.b - t); duration *= Math.abs(d); return { a: t, b: program.b, d, duration, start: program.start, end: program.start + duration, group: program.group }; } function go(b) { const { delay = 0, duration = 300, easing = identity, tick = noop, css } = config || null_transition; const program = { start: now() + delay, b }; if (!b) { // @ts-ignore todo: improve typings program.group = outros; outros.r += 1; } if (running_program || pending_program) { pending_program = program; } else { // if this is an intro, and there's a delay, we need to do // an initial tick and/or apply CSS animation immediately if (css) { clear_animation(); animation_name = create_rule(node, t, b, duration, delay, easing, css); } if (b) tick(0, 1); running_program = init(program, duration); add_render_callback(() => dispatch(node, b, 'start')); loop(now => { if (pending_program && now > pending_program.start) { running_program = init(pending_program, duration); pending_program = null; dispatch(node, running_program.b, 'start'); if (css) { clear_animation(); animation_name = create_rule(node, t, running_program.b, running_program.duration, 0, easing, config.css); } } if (running_program) { if (now >= running_program.end) { tick(t = running_program.b, 1 - t); dispatch(node, running_program.b, 'end'); if (!pending_program) { // we're done if (running_program.b) { // intro — we can tidy up immediately clear_animation(); } else { // outro — needs to be coordinated if (!--running_program.group.r) run_all(running_program.group.c); } } running_program = null; } else if (now >= running_program.start) { const p = now - running_program.start; t = running_program.a + running_program.d * easing(p / running_program.duration); tick(t, 1 - t); } } return !!(running_program || pending_program); }); } } return { run(b) { if (is_function(config)) { wait().then(() => { // @ts-ignore config = config(); go(b); }); } else { go(b); } }, end() { clear_animation(); running_program = pending_program = null; } }; } const globals = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global); function outro_and_destroy_block(block, lookup) { transition_out(block, 1, 1, () => { lookup.delete(block.key); }); } function update_keyed_each(old_blocks, dirty, get_key, dynamic, ctx, list, lookup, node, destroy, create_each_block, next, get_context) { let o = old_blocks.length; let n = list.length; let i = o; const old_indexes = {}; while (i--) old_indexes[old_blocks[i].key] = i; const new_blocks = []; const new_lookup = new Map(); const deltas = new Map(); i = n; while (i--) { const child_ctx = get_context(ctx, list, i); const key = get_key(child_ctx); let block = lookup.get(key); if (!block) { block = create_each_block(key, child_ctx); block.c(); } else if (dynamic) { block.p(child_ctx, dirty); } new_lookup.set(key, new_blocks[i] = block); if (key in old_indexes) deltas.set(key, Math.abs(i - old_indexes[key])); } const will_move = new Set(); const did_move = new Set(); function insert(block) { transition_in(block, 1); block.m(node, next); lookup.set(block.key, block); next = block.first; n--; } while (o && n) { const new_block = new_blocks[n - 1]; const old_block = old_blocks[o - 1]; const new_key = new_block.key; const old_key = old_block.key; if (new_block === old_block) { // do nothing next = new_block.first; o--; n--; } else if (!new_lookup.has(old_key)) { // remove old block destroy(old_block, lookup); o--; } else if (!lookup.has(new_key) || will_move.has(new_key)) { insert(new_block); } else if (did_move.has(old_key)) { o--; } else if (deltas.get(new_key) > deltas.get(old_key)) { did_move.add(new_key); insert(new_block); } else { will_move.add(old_key); o--; } } while (o--) { const old_block = old_blocks[o]; if (!new_lookup.has(old_block.key)) destroy(old_block, lookup); } while (n) insert(new_blocks[n - 1]); return new_blocks; } function validate_each_keys(ctx, list, get_context, get_key) { const keys = new Set(); for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { const key = get_key(get_context(ctx, list, i)); if (keys.has(key)) { throw new Error('Cannot have duplicate keys in a keyed each'); } keys.add(key); } } function create_component(block) { block && block.c(); } function mount_component(component, target, anchor, customElement) { const { fragment, on_mount, on_destroy, after_update } = component.$$; fragment && fragment.m(target, anchor); if (!customElement) { // onMount happens before the initial afterUpdate add_render_callback(() => { const new_on_destroy = on_mount.map(run).filter(is_function); if (on_destroy) { on_destroy.push(...new_on_destroy); } else { // Edge case - component was destroyed immediately, // most likely as a result of a binding initialising run_all(new_on_destroy); } component.$$.on_mount = []; }); } after_update.forEach(add_render_callback); } function destroy_component(component, detaching) { const $$ = component.$$; if ($$.fragment !== null) { run_all($$.on_destroy); $$.fragment && $$.fragment.d(detaching); // TODO null out other refs, including component.$$ (but need to // preserve final state?) $$.on_destroy = $$.fragment = null; $$.ctx = []; } } function make_dirty(component, i) { if (component.$$.dirty[0] === -1) { dirty_components.push(component); schedule_update(); component.$$.dirty.fill(0); } component.$$.dirty[(i / 31) | 0] |= (1 << (i % 31)); } function init(component, options, instance, create_fragment, not_equal, props, append_styles, dirty = [-1]) { const parent_component = current_component; set_current_component(component); const $$ = component.$$ = { fragment: null, ctx: null, // state props, update: noop, not_equal, bound: blank_object(), // lifecycle on_mount: [], on_destroy: [], on_disconnect: [], before_update: [], after_update: [], context: new Map(options.context || (parent_component ? parent_component.$$.context : [])), // everything else callbacks: blank_object(), dirty, skip_bound: false, root: options.target || parent_component.$$.root }; append_styles && append_styles($$.root); let ready = false; $$.ctx = instance ? instance(component, options.props || {}, (i, ret, ...rest) => { const value = rest.length ? rest[0] : ret; if ($$.ctx && not_equal($$.ctx[i], $$.ctx[i] = value)) { if (!$$.skip_bound && $$.bound[i]) $$.bound[i](value); if (ready) make_dirty(component, i); } return ret; }) : []; $$.update(); ready = true; run_all($$.before_update); // `false` as a special case of no DOM component $$.fragment = create_fragment ? create_fragment($$.ctx) : false; if (options.target) { if (options.hydrate) { const nodes = children(options.target); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion $$.fragment && $$.fragment.l(nodes); nodes.forEach(detach); } else { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion $$.fragment && $$.fragment.c(); } if (options.intro) transition_in(component.$$.fragment); mount_component(component, options.target, options.anchor, options.customElement); flush(); } set_current_component(parent_component); } /** * Base class for Svelte components. Used when dev=false. */ class SvelteComponent { $destroy() { destroy_component(this, 1); this.$destroy = noop; } $on(type, callback) { const callbacks = (this.$$.callbacks[type] || (this.$$.callbacks[type] = [])); callbacks.push(callback); return () => { const index = callbacks.indexOf(callback); if (index !== -1) callbacks.splice(index, 1); }; } $set($$props) { if (this.$$set && !is_empty($$props)) { this.$$.skip_bound = true; this.$$set($$props); this.$$.skip_bound = false; } } } function dispatch_dev(type, detail) { document.dispatchEvent(custom_event(type, Object.assign({ version: '3.48.0' }, detail), { bubbles: true })); } function append_dev(target, node) { dispatch_dev('SvelteDOMInsert', { target, node }); append(target, node); } function insert_dev(target, node, anchor) { dispatch_dev('SvelteDOMInsert', { target, node, anchor }); insert(target, node, anchor); } function detach_dev(node) { dispatch_dev('SvelteDOMRemove', { node }); detach(node); } function listen_dev(node, event, handler, options, has_prevent_default, has_stop_propagation) { const modifiers = options === true ? ['capture'] : options ? Array.from(Object.keys(options)) : []; if (has_prevent_default) modifiers.push('preventDefault'); if (has_stop_propagation) modifiers.push('stopPropagation'); dispatch_dev('SvelteDOMAddEventListener', { node, event, handler, modifiers }); const dispose = listen(node, event, handler, options); return () => { dispatch_dev('SvelteDOMRemoveEventListener', { node, event, handler, modifiers }); dispose(); }; } function attr_dev(node, attribute, value) { attr(node, attribute, value); if (value == null) dispatch_dev('SvelteDOMRemoveAttribute', { node, attribute }); else dispatch_dev('SvelteDOMSetAttribute', { node, attribute, value }); } function set_data_dev(text, data) { data = '' + data; if (text.wholeText === data) return; dispatch_dev('SvelteDOMSetData', { node: text, data }); text.data = data; } function validate_each_argument(arg) { if (typeof arg !== 'string' && !(arg && typeof arg === 'object' && 'length' in arg)) { let msg = '{#each} only iterates over array-like objects.'; if (typeof Symbol === 'function' && arg && Symbol.iterator in arg) { msg += ' You can use a spread to convert this iterable into an array.'; } throw new Error(msg); } } function validate_slots(name, slot, keys) { for (const slot_key of Object.keys(slot)) { if (!~keys.indexOf(slot_key)) { console.warn(`<${name}> received an unexpected slot "${slot_key}".`); } } } /** * Base class for Svelte components with some minor dev-enhancements. Used when dev=true. */ class SvelteComponentDev extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { if (!options || (!options.target && !options.$$inline)) { throw new Error("'target' is a required option"); } super(); } $destroy() { super.$destroy(); this.$destroy = () => { console.warn('Component was already destroyed'); // eslint-disable-line no-console }; } $capture_state() { } $inject_state() { } } function cubicOut(t) { const f = t - 1.0; return f * f * f + 1.0; } function fly(node, { delay = 0, duration = 400, easing = cubicOut, x = 0, y = 0, opacity = 0 } = {}) { const style = getComputedStyle(node); const target_opacity = +style.opacity; const transform = style.transform === 'none' ? '' : style.transform; const od = target_opacity * (1 - opacity); return { delay, duration, easing, css: (t, u) => ` transform: ${transform} translate(${(1 - t) * x}px, ${(1 - t) * y}px); opacity: ${target_opacity - (od * u)}` }; } /* src/Tailwind.svelte generated by Svelte v3.48.0 */ function create_fragment(ctx) { const block = { c: noop, l: function claim(nodes) { throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); }, m: noop, p: noop, i: noop, o: noop, d: noop }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment.name, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance($$self, $$props) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots('Tailwind', slots, []); const writable_props = []; Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); return []; } class Tailwind extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance, create_fragment, safe_not_equal, {}); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "Tailwind", options, id: create_fragment.name }); } } /* src/PDFPage.svelte generated by Svelte v3.48.0 */ const file = "src/PDFPage.svelte"; function create_fragment$1(ctx) { let div; let canvas_1; const block = { c: function create() { div = element("div"); canvas_1 = element("canvas"); attr_dev(canvas_1, "class", "max-w-full"); set_style(canvas_1, "width", /*width*/ ctx[1] + "px"); attr_dev(canvas_1, "width", /*width*/ ctx[1]); attr_dev(canvas_1, "height", /*height*/ ctx[2]); add_location(canvas_1, file, 34, 2, 814); add_location(div, file, 33, 0, 806); }, l: function claim(nodes) { throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, div, anchor); append_dev(div, canvas_1); /*canvas_1_binding*/ ctx[4](canvas_1); }, p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) { if (dirty & /*width*/ 2) { set_style(canvas_1, "width", /*width*/ ctx[1] + "px"); } if (dirty & /*width*/ 2) { attr_dev(canvas_1, "width", /*width*/ ctx[1]); } if (dirty & /*height*/ 4) { attr_dev(canvas_1, "height", /*height*/ ctx[2]); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(div); /*canvas_1_binding*/ ctx[4](null); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$1.name, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$1($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots('PDFPage', slots, []); let { page } = $$props; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); let canvas; let width; let height; let clientWidth; let mounted; function measure() { dispatch("measure", { scale: canvas.clientWidth / width }); } async function render() { const _page = await page; const context = canvas.getContext("2d"); const viewport = _page.getViewport({ scale: 1, rotation: 0 }); $$invalidate(1, width = viewport.width); $$invalidate(2, height = viewport.height); await _page.render({ canvasContext: context, viewport }).promise; measure(); window.addEventListener("resize", measure); } onMount(render); onDestroy(() => { window.removeEventListener("resize", measure); }); const writable_props = ['page']; Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); function canvas_1_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { canvas = $$value; $$invalidate(0, canvas); }); } $$self.$$set = $$props => { if ('page' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, page = $$props.page); }; $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ onMount, onDestroy, createEventDispatcher, page, dispatch, canvas, width, height, clientWidth, mounted, measure, render }); $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { if ('page' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, page = $$props.page); if ('canvas' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, canvas = $$props.canvas); if ('width' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, width = $$props.width); if ('height' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, height = $$props.height); if ('clientWidth' in $$props) clientWidth = $$props.clientWidth; if ('mounted' in $$props) mounted = $$props.mounted; }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } return [canvas, width, height, page, canvas_1_binding]; } class PDFPage extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$1, create_fragment$1, safe_not_equal, { page: 3 }); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "PDFPage", options, id: create_fragment$1.name }); const { ctx } = this.$$; const props = options.props || {}; if (/*page*/ ctx[3] === undefined && !('page' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'page'"); } } get page() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set page(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } } function pannable(node) { let x; let y; function handleMousedown(event) { x = event.clientX; y = event.clientY; const target = event.target; node.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('panstart', { detail: { x, y, target }, }) ); window.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMousemove); window.addEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseup); } function handleMousemove(event) { const dx = event.clientX - x; const dy = event.clientY - y; x = event.clientX; y = event.clientY; node.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('panmove', { detail: { x, y, dx, dy }, }) ); } function handleMouseup(event) { x = event.clientX; y = event.clientY; node.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('panend', { detail: { x, y }, }) ); window.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleMousemove); window.removeEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseup); } function handleTouchStart(event) { if (event.touches.length > 1) return; const touch = event.touches[0]; x = touch.clientX; y = touch.clientY; const target = touch.target; node.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('panstart', { detail: { x, y, target }, }) ); window.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchmove, { passive: false }); window.addEventListener('touchend', handleTouchend); } function handleTouchmove(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (event.touches.length > 1) return; const touch = event.touches[0]; const dx = touch.clientX - x; const dy = touch.clientY - y; x = touch.clientX; y = touch.clientY; node.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('panmove', { detail: { x, y, dx, dy }, }) ); } function handleTouchend(event) { const touch = event.changedTouches[0]; x = touch.clientX; y = touch.clientY; node.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('panend', { detail: { x, y }, }) ); window.removeEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchmove); window.removeEventListener('touchend', handleTouchend); } node.addEventListener('mousedown', handleMousedown); node.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart); return { destroy() { node.removeEventListener('mousedown', handleMousedown); node.removeEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart); }, }; } const scripts = [ { name: 'pdfjsLib', src: '/public/pdf.min.js', }, { name: 'PDFLib', src: '/public/pdf-lib.min.js', }, { name: 'download', src: '/public/downloadjs', }, { name: 'makeTextPDF', src: '/public/makeTextPDF.js' }, ]; const assets = {}; function getAsset(name) { if (assets[name]) return assets[name]; const script = scripts.find((s) => s.name === name); if (!script) throw new Error(`Script ${name} not exists.`); return prepareAsset(script); } function prepareAsset({ name, src }) { if (assets[name]) return assets[name]; assets[name] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = src; script.onload = () => { resolve(window[name]); console.log(`${name} is loaded.`); }; script.onerror = () => { reject(`The script ${name} didn't load correctly.`); alert(`Some scripts did not load correctly. Please reload and try again.`); }; document.body.appendChild(script); }); return assets[name]; } function prepareAssets() { scripts.forEach(prepareAsset); } // out of the box fonts const fonts = { Courier: { correction(size, lineHeight) { return (size * lineHeight - size) / 2 + size / 6; }, }, Helvetica: { correction(size, lineHeight) { return (size * lineHeight - size) / 2 + size / 10; }, }, 'Times-Roman': { correction(size, lineHeight) { return (size * lineHeight - size) / 2 + size / 7; }, }, }; // Available fonts const Fonts = { ...fonts, 標楷體: { src: '/CK.ttf', // 9.9 MB correction(size, lineHeight) { return (size * lineHeight - size) / 2; }, }, }; function fetchFont(name) { if (fonts[name]) return fonts[name]; const font = Fonts[name]; if (!font) throw new Error(`Font '${name}' not exists.`); fonts[name] = fetch(font.src) .then((r) => r.arrayBuffer()) .then((fontBuffer) => { const fontFace = new FontFace(name, fontBuffer); fontFace.display = 'swap'; fontFace.load().then(() => document.fonts.add(fontFace)); return { ...font, buffer: fontBuffer, }; }); return fonts[name]; } function readAsArrayBuffer(file) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result); reader.onerror = reject; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); }); } function readAsImage(src) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const img = new Image(); img.onload = () => resolve(img); img.onerror = reject; if (src instanceof Blob) { const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(src); img.src = url; } else { img.src = src; } }); } function readAsDataURL(file) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result); reader.onerror = reject; reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); } async function readAsPDF(file) { const pdfjsLib = await getAsset('pdfjsLib'); // Safari possibly get webkitblobresource error 1 when using origin file blob const blob = new Blob([file]); const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); return pdfjsLib.getDocument(url).promise; } /* src/Image.svelte generated by Svelte v3.48.0 */ const file_1 = "src/Image.svelte"; function create_fragment$2(ctx) { let div10; let div8; let div0; let t0; let div1; let t1; let div2; let t2; let div3; let t3; let div4; let t4; let div5; let t5; let div6; let t6; let div7; let pannable_action; let t7; let div9; let img; let img_src_value; let t8; let canvas_1; let mounted; let dispose; const block = { c: function create() { div10 = element("div"); div8 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); t0 = space(); div1 = element("div"); t1 = space(); div2 = element("div"); t2 = space(); div3 = element("div"); t3 = space(); div4 = element("div"); t4 = space(); div5 = element("div"); t5 = space(); div6 = element("div"); t6 = space(); div7 = element("div"); t7 = space(); div9 = element("div"); img = element("img"); t8 = space(); canvas_1 = element("canvas"); attr_dev(div0, "data-direction", "left"); attr_dev(div0, "class", "resize-border h-full w-1 left-0 top-0 border-l cursor-ew-resize svelte-i6z4ik"); add_location(div0, file_1, 144, 4, 3405); attr_dev(div1, "data-direction", "top"); attr_dev(div1, "class", "resize-border w-full h-1 left-0 top-0 border-t cursor-ns-resize svelte-i6z4ik"); add_location(div1, file_1, 147, 4, 3523); attr_dev(div2, "data-direction", "bottom"); attr_dev(div2, "class", "resize-border w-full h-1 left-0 bottom-0 border-b cursor-ns-resize svelte-i6z4ik"); add_location(div2, file_1, 150, 4, 3640); attr_dev(div3, "data-direction", "right"); attr_dev(div3, "class", "resize-border h-full w-1 right-0 top-0 border-r cursor-ew-resize svelte-i6z4ik"); add_location(div3, file_1, 153, 4, 3763); attr_dev(div4, "data-direction", "left-top"); attr_dev(div4, "class", "resize-corner left-0 top-0 cursor-nwse-resize transform -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 md:scale-25 svelte-i6z4ik"); add_location(div4, file_1, 156, 4, 3883); attr_dev(div5, "data-direction", "right-top"); attr_dev(div5, "class", "resize-corner right-0 top-0 cursor-nesw-resize transform translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 md:scale-25 svelte-i6z4ik"); add_location(div5, file_1, 160, 4, 4049); attr_dev(div6, "data-direction", "left-bottom"); attr_dev(div6, "class", "resize-corner left-0 bottom-0 cursor-nesw-resize transform -translate-x-1/2 translate-y-1/2 md:scale-25 svelte-i6z4ik"); add_location(div6, file_1, 164, 4, 4216); attr_dev(div7, "data-direction", "right-bottom"); attr_dev(div7, "class", "resize-corner right-0 bottom-0 cursor-nwse-resize transform translate-x-1/2 translate-y-1/2 md:scale-25 svelte-i6z4ik"); add_location(div7, file_1, 168, 4, 4387); attr_dev(div8, "class", "absolute w-full h-full cursor-grab svelte-i6z4ik"); toggle_class(div8, "cursor-grabbing", /*operation*/ ctx[5] === 'move'); toggle_class(div8, "operation", /*operation*/ ctx[5]); add_location(div8, file_1, 136, 2, 3169); attr_dev(img, "class", "w-full h-full"); if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "/public/delete.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value); attr_dev(img, "alt", "delete object"); add_location(img, file_1, 177, 4, 4739); attr_dev(div9, "class", "absolute left-0 top-0 right-0 w-12 h-12 m-auto rounded-full bg-white cursor-pointer transform -translate-y-1/2 md:scale-25"); add_location(div9, file_1, 173, 2, 4566); attr_dev(canvas_1, "class", "w-full h-full"); add_location(canvas_1, file_1, 179, 2, 4825); attr_dev(div10, "class", "absolute left-0 top-0 select-none"); set_style(div10, "width", /*width*/ ctx[0] + /*dw*/ ctx[8] + "px"); set_style(div10, "height", /*height*/ ctx[1] + /*dh*/ ctx[9] + "px"); set_style(div10, "transform", "translate(" + (/*x*/ ctx[2] + /*dx*/ ctx[6]) + "px, " + (/*y*/ ctx[3] + /*dy*/ ctx[7]) + "px)"); add_location(div10, file_1, 131, 0, 3010); }, l: function claim(nodes) { throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, div10, anchor); append_dev(div10, div8); append_dev(div8, div0); append_dev(div8, t0); append_dev(div8, div1); append_dev(div8, t1); append_dev(div8, div2); append_dev(div8, t2); append_dev(div8, div3); append_dev(div8, t3); append_dev(div8, div4); append_dev(div8, t4); append_dev(div8, div5); append_dev(div8, t5); append_dev(div8, div6); append_dev(div8, t6); append_dev(div8, div7); append_dev(div10, t7); append_dev(div10, div9); append_dev(div9, img); append_dev(div10, t8); append_dev(div10, canvas_1); /*canvas_1_binding*/ ctx[17](canvas_1); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ action_destroyer(pannable_action = pannable.call(null, div8)), listen_dev(div8, "panstart", /*handlePanStart*/ ctx[12], false, false, false), listen_dev(div8, "panmove", /*handlePanMove*/ ctx[10], false, false, false), listen_dev(div8, "panend", /*handlePanEnd*/ ctx[11], false, false, false), listen_dev(div9, "click", /*onDelete*/ ctx[13], false, false, false) ]; mounted = true; } }, p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) { if (dirty & /*operation*/ 32) { toggle_class(div8, "cursor-grabbing", /*operation*/ ctx[5] === 'move'); } if (dirty & /*operation*/ 32) { toggle_class(div8, "operation", /*operation*/ ctx[5]); } if (dirty & /*width, dw*/ 257) { set_style(div10, "width", /*width*/ ctx[0] + /*dw*/ ctx[8] + "px"); } if (dirty & /*height, dh*/ 514) { set_style(div10, "height", /*height*/ ctx[1] + /*dh*/ ctx[9] + "px"); } if (dirty & /*x, dx, y, dy*/ 204) { set_style(div10, "transform", "translate(" + (/*x*/ ctx[2] + /*dx*/ ctx[6]) + "px, " + (/*y*/ ctx[3] + /*dy*/ ctx[7]) + "px)"); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(div10); /*canvas_1_binding*/ ctx[17](null); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$2.name, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$2($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots('Image', slots, []); let { payload } = $$props; let { file } = $$props; let { width } = $$props; let { height } = $$props; let { x } = $$props; let { y } = $$props; let { pageScale = 1 } = $$props; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); let startX; let startY; let canvas; let operation = ""; let directions = []; let dx = 0; let dy = 0; let dw = 0; let dh = 0; async function render() { // use canvas to prevent img tag's auto resize $$invalidate(4, canvas.width = width, canvas); $$invalidate(4, canvas.height = height, canvas); canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(payload, 0, 0); let scale = 1; const limit = 500; if (width > limit) { scale = limit / width; } if (height > limit) { scale = Math.min(scale, limit / height); } dispatch("update", { width: width * scale, height: height * scale }); if (!["image/jpeg", "image/png"].includes(file.type)) { canvas.toBlob(blob => { dispatch("update", { file: blob }); }); } } function handlePanMove(event) { const _dx = (event.detail.x - startX) / pageScale; const _dy = (event.detail.y - startY) / pageScale; if (operation === "move") { $$invalidate(6, dx = _dx); $$invalidate(7, dy = _dy); } else if (operation === "scale") { if (directions.includes("left")) { $$invalidate(6, dx = _dx); $$invalidate(8, dw = -_dx); } if (directions.includes("top")) { $$invalidate(7, dy = _dy); $$invalidate(9, dh = -_dy); } if (directions.includes("right")) { $$invalidate(8, dw = _dx); } if (directions.includes("bottom")) { $$invalidate(9, dh = _dy); } } } function handlePanEnd(event) { if (operation === "move") { dispatch("update", { x: x + dx, y: y + dy }); $$invalidate(6, dx = 0); $$invalidate(7, dy = 0); } else if (operation === "scale") { dispatch("update", { x: x + dx, y: y + dy, width: width + dw, height: height + dh }); $$invalidate(6, dx = 0); $$invalidate(7, dy = 0); $$invalidate(8, dw = 0); $$invalidate(9, dh = 0); directions = []; } $$invalidate(5, operation = ""); } function handlePanStart(event) { startX = event.detail.x; startY = event.detail.y; if (event.detail.target === event.currentTarget) { return $$invalidate(5, operation = "move"); } $$invalidate(5, operation = "scale"); directions = event.detail.target.dataset.direction.split("-"); } function onDelete() { dispatch("delete"); } onMount(render); const writable_props = ['payload', 'file', 'width', 'height', 'x', 'y', 'pageScale']; Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); function canvas_1_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { canvas = $$value; $$invalidate(4, canvas); }); } $$self.$$set = $$props => { if ('payload' in $$props) $$invalidate(14, payload = $$props.payload); if ('file' in $$props) $$invalidate(15, file = $$props.file); if ('width' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, width = $$props.width); if ('height' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, height = $$props.height); if ('x' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, x = $$props.x); if ('y' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, y = $$props.y); if ('pageScale' in $$props) $$invalidate(16, pageScale = $$props.pageScale); }; $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ onMount, createEventDispatcher, pannable, readAsArrayBuffer, payload, file, width, height, x, y, pageScale, dispatch, startX, startY, canvas, operation, directions, dx, dy, dw, dh, render, handlePanMove, handlePanEnd, handlePanStart, onDelete }); $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { if ('payload' in $$props) $$invalidate(14, payload = $$props.payload); if ('file' in $$props) $$invalidate(15, file = $$props.file); if ('width' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, width = $$props.width); if ('height' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, height = $$props.height); if ('x' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, x = $$props.x); if ('y' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, y = $$props.y); if ('pageScale' in $$props) $$invalidate(16, pageScale = $$props.pageScale); if ('startX' in $$props) startX = $$props.startX; if ('startY' in $$props) startY = $$props.startY; if ('canvas' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, canvas = $$props.canvas); if ('operation' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, operation = $$props.operation); if ('directions' in $$props) directions = $$props.directions; if ('dx' in $$props) $$invalidate(6, dx = $$props.dx); if ('dy' in $$props) $$invalidate(7, dy = $$props.dy); if ('dw' in $$props) $$invalidate(8, dw = $$props.dw); if ('dh' in $$props) $$invalidate(9, dh = $$props.dh); }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } return [ width, height, x, y, canvas, operation, dx, dy, dw, dh, handlePanMove, handlePanEnd, handlePanStart, onDelete, payload, file, pageScale, canvas_1_binding ]; } class Image$1 extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$2, create_fragment$2, not_equal, { payload: 14, file: 15, width: 0, height: 1, x: 2, y: 3, pageScale: 16 }); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "Image", options, id: create_fragment$2.name }); const { ctx } = this.$$; const props = options.props || {}; if (/*payload*/ ctx[14] === undefined && !('payload' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'payload'"); } if (/*file*/ ctx[15] === undefined && !('file' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'file'"); } if (/*width*/ ctx[0] === undefined && !('width' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'width'"); } if (/*height*/ ctx[1] === undefined && !('height' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'height'"); } if (/*x*/ ctx[2] === undefined && !('x' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'x'"); } if (/*y*/ ctx[3] === undefined && !('y' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'y'"); } } get payload() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set payload(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get file() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set file(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get width() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set width(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get height() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set height(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get x() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set x(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get y() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set y(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get pageScale() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set pageScale(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } } /* src/Portal.svelte generated by Svelte v3.48.0 */ const file$1 = "src/Portal.svelte"; function create_fragment$3(ctx) { let div; let current; const default_slot_template = /*#slots*/ ctx[2].default; const default_slot = create_slot(default_slot_template, ctx, /*$$scope*/ ctx[1], null); const block = { c: function create() { div = element("div"); if (default_slot) default_slot.c(); add_location(div, file$1, 5, 0, 84); }, l: function claim(nodes) { throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, div, anchor); if (default_slot) { default_slot.m(div, null); } /*div_binding*/ ctx[3](div); current = true; }, p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) { if (default_slot) { if (default_slot.p && (!current || dirty & /*$$scope*/ 2)) { update_slot_base( default_slot, default_slot_template, ctx, /*$$scope*/ ctx[1], !current ? get_all_dirty_from_scope(/*$$scope*/ ctx[1]) : get_slot_changes(default_slot_template, /*$$scope*/ ctx[1], dirty, null), null ); } } }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(default_slot, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(default_slot, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(div); if (default_slot) default_slot.d(detaching); /*div_binding*/ ctx[3](null); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$3.name, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$3($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots('Portal', slots, ['default']); let portal; const writable_props = []; Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); function div_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { portal = $$value; $$invalidate(0, portal); }); } $$self.$$set = $$props => { if ('$$scope' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, $$scope = $$props.$$scope); }; $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ portal }); $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { if ('portal' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, portal = $$props.portal); }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*portal*/ 1) { portal && document.body.appendChild(portal); } }; return [portal, $$scope, slots, div_binding]; } class Portal extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$3, create_fragment$3, safe_not_equal, {}); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "Portal", options, id: create_fragment$3.name }); } } /* src/Toolbar.svelte generated by Svelte v3.48.0 */ const file$2 = "src/Toolbar.svelte"; // (5:0) function create_default_slot(ctx) { let div; let current; const default_slot_template = /*#slots*/ ctx[0].default; const default_slot = create_slot(default_slot_template, ctx, /*$$scope*/ ctx[1], null); const block = { c: function create() { div = element("div"); if (default_slot) default_slot.c(); attr_dev(div, "class", "fixed z-10 top-0 left-0 right-0 h-12"); add_location(div, file$2, 5, 2, 71); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, div, anchor); if (default_slot) { default_slot.m(div, null); } current = true; }, p: function update(ctx, dirty) { if (default_slot) { if (default_slot.p && (!current || dirty & /*$$scope*/ 2)) { update_slot_base( default_slot, default_slot_template, ctx, /*$$scope*/ ctx[1], !current ? get_all_dirty_from_scope(/*$$scope*/ ctx[1]) : get_slot_changes(default_slot_template, /*$$scope*/ ctx[1], dirty, null), null ); } } }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(default_slot, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(default_slot, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(div); if (default_slot) default_slot.d(detaching); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_default_slot.name, type: "slot", source: "(5:0) ", ctx }); return block; } function create_fragment$4(ctx) { let portal; let current; portal = new Portal({ props: { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot] }, $$scope: { ctx } }, $$inline: true }); const block = { c: function create() { create_component(portal.$$.fragment); }, l: function claim(nodes) { throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { mount_component(portal, target, anchor); current = true; }, p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) { const portal_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*$$scope*/ 2) { portal_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx }; } portal.$set(portal_changes); }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(portal.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(portal.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { destroy_component(portal, detaching); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$4.name, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$4($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots('Toolbar', slots, ['default']); const writable_props = []; Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); $$self.$$set = $$props => { if ('$$scope' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, $$scope = $$props.$$scope); }; $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ Portal }); return [slots, $$scope]; } class Toolbar extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$4, create_fragment$4, safe_not_equal, {}); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "Toolbar", options, id: create_fragment$4.name }); } } function tapout(node) { function handleTouchstart(event) { if (!Array.from(event.touches).some((touch) => node.contains(touch.target))) node.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('tapout')); } function handleMousedown(event) { if (!node.contains(event.target)) { node.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('tapout')); } } window.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchstart); window.addEventListener('mousedown', handleMousedown); return { destroy() { window.removeEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchstart); window.removeEventListener('mousedown', handleMousedown); }, }; } function ggID() { let id = 0; return function genId() { return id++; }; } function timeout(ms) { return new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, ms)); } const noop$1 = () => {}; /* src/Text.svelte generated by Svelte v3.48.0 */ const { Object: Object_1 } = globals; const file$3 = "src/Text.svelte"; function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[44] = list[i]; return child_ctx; } // (194:0) {#if operation} function create_if_block(ctx) { let toolbar; let current; toolbar = new Toolbar({ props: { $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot$1] }, $$scope: { ctx } }, $$inline: true }); const block = { c: function create() { create_component(toolbar.$$.fragment); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { mount_component(toolbar, target, anchor); current = true; }, p: function update(ctx, dirty) { const toolbar_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*_fontFamily, _size, _lineHeight*/ 56 | dirty[1] & /*$$scope*/ 65536) { toolbar_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx }; } toolbar.$set(toolbar_changes); }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(toolbar.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(toolbar.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { destroy_component(toolbar, detaching); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_if_block.name, type: "if", source: "(194:0) {#if operation}", ctx }); return block; } // (230:12) {#each Families as family} function create_each_block(ctx) { let option; let t_value = /*family*/ ctx[44] + ""; let t; let option_value_value; const block = { c: function create() { option = element("option"); t = text(t_value); option.__value = option_value_value = /*family*/ ctx[44]; option.value = option.__value; add_location(option, file$3, 230, 14, 6323); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, option, anchor); append_dev(option, t); }, p: noop, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(option); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_each_block.name, type: "each", source: "(230:12) {#each Families as family}", ctx }); return block; } // (195:2) function create_default_slot$1(ctx) { let div6; let div0; let img0; let img0_src_value; let t0; let input0; let t1; let div1; let img1; let img1_src_value; let t2; let input1; let t3; let div4; let img2; let img2_src_value; let t4; let div3; let select; let t5; let div2; let svg; let path; let t6; let div5; let img3; let img3_src_value; let tapout_action; let mounted; let dispose; let each_value = /*Families*/ ctx[9]; validate_each_argument(each_value); let each_blocks = []; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i)); } const block = { c: function create() { div6 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); img0 = element("img"); t0 = space(); input0 = element("input"); t1 = space(); div1 = element("div"); img1 = element("img"); t2 = space(); input1 = element("input"); t3 = space(); div4 = element("div"); img2 = element("img"); t4 = space(); div3 = element("div"); select = element("select"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } t5 = space(); div2 = element("div"); svg = svg_element("svg"); path = svg_element("path"); t6 = space(); div5 = element("div"); img3 = element("img"); if (!src_url_equal(img0.src, img0_src_value = "/public/line_height.svg")) attr_dev(img0, "src", img0_src_value); attr_dev(img0, "class", "w-6 mr-2"); attr_dev(img0, "alt", "Line height"); add_location(img0, file$3, 203, 8, 5371); attr_dev(input0, "type", "number"); attr_dev(input0, "min", "1"); attr_dev(input0, "max", "10"); attr_dev(input0, "step", "0.1"); attr_dev(input0, "class", "h-6 w-12 text-center flex-shrink-0 rounded-sm"); add_location(input0, file$3, 204, 8, 5452); attr_dev(div0, "class", "mr-2 flex items-center"); add_location(div0, file$3, 202, 6, 5326); if (!src_url_equal(img1.src, img1_src_value = "/public/text.svg")) attr_dev(img1, "src", img1_src_value); attr_dev(img1, "class", "w-6 mr-2"); attr_dev(img1, "alt", "Font size"); add_location(img1, file$3, 213, 8, 5707); attr_dev(input1, "type", "number"); attr_dev(input1, "min", "12"); attr_dev(input1, "max", "120"); attr_dev(input1, "step", "1"); attr_dev(input1, "class", "h-6 w-12 text-center flex-shrink-0 rounded-sm"); add_location(input1, file$3, 214, 8, 5779); attr_dev(div1, "class", "mr-2 flex items-center"); add_location(div1, file$3, 212, 6, 5662); if (!src_url_equal(img2.src, img2_src_value = "/public/text-family.svg")) attr_dev(img2, "src", img2_src_value); attr_dev(img2, "class", "w-4 mr-2"); attr_dev(img2, "alt", "Font family"); add_location(img2, file$3, 223, 8, 6028); attr_dev(select, "class", "font-family svelte-14i4sqe"); if (/*_fontFamily*/ ctx[5] === void 0) add_render_callback(() => /*select_change_handler*/ ctx[36].call(select)); add_location(select, file$3, 225, 10, 6155); attr_dev(path, "d", "M9.293 12.95l.707.707L15.657 8l-1.414-1.414L10 10.828 5.757\n 6.586 4.343 8z"); add_location(path, file$3, 240, 14, 6694); attr_dev(svg, "class", "fill-current h-4 w-4"); attr_dev(svg, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"); attr_dev(svg, "viewBox", "0 0 20 20"); add_location(svg, file$3, 236, 12, 6548); attr_dev(div2, "class", "pointer-events-none absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center px-2 text-gray-700"); add_location(div2, file$3, 233, 10, 6414); attr_dev(div3, "class", "relative w-32 md:w-40"); add_location(div3, file$3, 224, 8, 6109); attr_dev(div4, "class", "mr-2 flex items-center"); add_location(div4, file$3, 222, 6, 5983); attr_dev(img3, "class", "w-full h-full"); if (!src_url_equal(img3.src, img3_src_value = "/public/delete.svg")) attr_dev(img3, "src", img3_src_value); attr_dev(img3, "alt", "delete object"); add_location(img3, file$3, 250, 8, 6987); attr_dev(div5, "class", "w-5 h-5 rounded-full bg-white cursor-pointer"); add_location(div5, file$3, 247, 6, 6884); set_style(div6, "display", "none", 1); attr_dev(div6, "class", "h-full flex justify-center items-center bg-gray-300 border-b border-gray-400"); add_location(div6, file$3, 195, 4, 5070); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, div6, anchor); append_dev(div6, div0); append_dev(div0, img0); append_dev(div0, t0); append_dev(div0, input0); set_input_value(input0, /*_lineHeight*/ ctx[4]); append_dev(div6, t1); append_dev(div6, div1); append_dev(div1, img1); append_dev(div1, t2); append_dev(div1, input1); set_input_value(input1, /*_size*/ ctx[3]); append_dev(div6, t3); append_dev(div6, div4); append_dev(div4, img2); append_dev(div4, t4); append_dev(div4, div3); append_dev(div3, select); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].m(select, null); } select_option(select, /*_fontFamily*/ ctx[5]); append_dev(div3, t5); append_dev(div3, div2); append_dev(div2, svg); append_dev(svg, path); append_dev(div6, t6); append_dev(div6, div5); append_dev(div5, img3); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen_dev(input0, "input", /*input0_input_handler*/ ctx[34]), listen_dev(input1, "input", /*input1_input_handler*/ ctx[35]), listen_dev(select, "change", /*select_change_handler*/ ctx[36]), listen_dev(select, "change", /*onChangeFont*/ ctx[23], false, false, false), listen_dev(div5, "click", /*onDelete*/ ctx[24], false, false, false), action_destroyer(tapout_action = tapout.call(null, div6)), listen_dev(div6, "tapout", /*onBlurTool*/ ctx[22], false, false, false), listen_dev(div6, "mousedown", /*onFocusTool*/ ctx[21], false, false, false), listen_dev(div6, "touchstart", /*onFocusTool*/ ctx[21], { passive: true }, false, false) ]; mounted = true; } }, p: function update(ctx, dirty) { if (dirty[0] & /*_lineHeight*/ 16 && to_number(input0.value) !== /*_lineHeight*/ ctx[4]) { set_input_value(input0, /*_lineHeight*/ ctx[4]); } if (dirty[0] & /*_size*/ 8 && to_number(input1.value) !== /*_size*/ ctx[3]) { set_input_value(input1, /*_size*/ ctx[3]); } if (dirty[0] & /*Families*/ 512) { each_value = /*Families*/ ctx[9]; validate_each_argument(each_value); let i; for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i); if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); } else { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx); each_blocks[i].c(); each_blocks[i].m(select, null); } } for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(1); } each_blocks.length = each_value.length; } if (dirty[0] & /*_fontFamily, Families*/ 544) { select_option(select, /*_fontFamily*/ ctx[5]); } }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(div6); destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_default_slot$1.name, type: "slot", source: "(195:2) ", ctx }); return block; } function create_fragment$5(ctx) { let t0; let div2; let div0; let pannable_action; let t1; let div1; let tapout_action; let current; let mounted; let dispose; let if_block = /*operation*/ ctx[8] && create_if_block(ctx); const block = { c: function create() { if (if_block) if_block.c(); t0 = space(); div2 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); t1 = space(); div1 = element("div"); attr_dev(div0, "class", "absolute w-full h-full cursor-grab border border-dotted border-gray-500 svelte-14i4sqe"); toggle_class(div0, "cursor-grab", !/*operation*/ ctx[8]); toggle_class(div0, "cursor-grabbing", /*operation*/ ctx[8] === 'move'); toggle_class(div0, "editing", ['edit', 'tool'].includes(/*operation*/ ctx[8])); add_location(div0, file$3, 260, 2, 7247); attr_dev(div1, "contenteditable", "true"); attr_dev(div1, "spellcheck", "false"); attr_dev(div1, "class", "outline-none whitespace-no-wrap"); set_style(div1, "font-weight", /*_bold*/ ctx[11]); set_style(div1, "font-style", /*_italic*/ ctx[12]); set_style(div1, "text-decoration", /*_underline*/ ctx[13]); set_style(div1, "color", /*_color*/ ctx[10]); set_style(div1, "font-size", /*_size*/ ctx[3] + "px"); set_style(div1, "font-family", "'" + /*_fontFamily*/ ctx[5] + "', serif"); set_style(div1, "line-height", /*_lineHeight*/ ctx[4]); set_style(div1, "-webkit-user-select", "text"); add_location(div1, file$3, 270, 2, 7596); attr_dev(div2, "class", "absolute left-0 top-0 select-none"); set_style(div2, "transform", "translate(" + (/*x*/ ctx[0] + /*dx*/ ctx[6]) + "px, " + (/*y*/ ctx[1] + /*dy*/ ctx[7]) + "px)"); add_location(div2, file$3, 255, 0, 7105); }, l: function claim(nodes) { throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor); insert_dev(target, t0, anchor); insert_dev(target, div2, anchor); append_dev(div2, div0); append_dev(div2, t1); append_dev(div2, div1); /*div1_binding*/ ctx[37](div1); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ action_destroyer(pannable_action = pannable.call(null, div0)), listen_dev(div0, "panstart", /*handlePanStart*/ ctx[16], false, false, false), listen_dev(div0, "panmove", /*handlePanMove*/ ctx[14], false, false, false), listen_dev(div0, "panend", /*handlePanEnd*/ ctx[15], false, false, false), listen_dev(div1, "focus", /*onFocus*/ ctx[17], false, false, false), listen_dev(div1, "keydown", /*onKeydown*/ ctx[20], false, false, false), listen_dev(div1, "paste", prevent_default(/*onPaste*/ ctx[19]), false, true, false), action_destroyer(tapout_action = tapout.call(null, div2)), listen_dev(div2, "tapout", /*onBlur*/ ctx[18], false, false, false) ]; mounted = true; } }, p: function update(ctx, dirty) { if (/*operation*/ ctx[8]) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx, dirty); if (dirty[0] & /*operation*/ 256) { transition_in(if_block, 1); } } else { if_block = create_if_block(ctx); if_block.c(); transition_in(if_block, 1); if_block.m(t0.parentNode, t0); } } else if (if_block) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_block, 1, 1, () => { if_block = null; }); check_outros(); } if (dirty[0] & /*operation*/ 256) { toggle_class(div0, "cursor-grab", !/*operation*/ ctx[8]); } if (dirty[0] & /*operation*/ 256) { toggle_class(div0, "cursor-grabbing", /*operation*/ ctx[8] === 'move'); } if (dirty[0] & /*operation*/ 256) { toggle_class(div0, "editing", ['edit', 'tool'].includes(/*operation*/ ctx[8])); } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*_size*/ 8) { set_style(div1, "font-size", /*_size*/ ctx[3] + "px"); } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*_fontFamily*/ 32) { set_style(div1, "font-family", "'" + /*_fontFamily*/ ctx[5] + "', serif"); } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*_lineHeight*/ 16) { set_style(div1, "line-height", /*_lineHeight*/ ctx[4]); } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*x, dx, y, dy*/ 195) { set_style(div2, "transform", "translate(" + (/*x*/ ctx[0] + /*dx*/ ctx[6]) + "px, " + (/*y*/ ctx[1] + /*dy*/ ctx[7]) + "px)"); } }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(if_block); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach_dev(t0); if (detaching) detach_dev(div2); /*div1_binding*/ ctx[37](null); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$5.name, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$5($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots('Text', slots, []); let { size } = $$props; let { text } = $$props; let { lineHeight } = $$props; let { x } = $$props; let { y } = $$props; let { fontFamily } = $$props; let { color } = $$props; let { bold } = $$props; let { italic } = $$props; let { underline } = $$props; let { pageScale = 1 } = $$props; const Families = Object.keys(Fonts); const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); let startX; let startY; let editable; let _size = size; let _lineHeight = lineHeight; let _fontFamily = fontFamily; let _color = color; let _bold = bold; let _italic = italic; let _underline = underline; let dx = 0; let dy = 0; let operation = ""; function handlePanMove(event) { $$invalidate(6, dx = (event.detail.x - startX) / pageScale); $$invalidate(7, dy = (event.detail.y - startY) / pageScale); } function handlePanEnd(event) { if (dx === 0 && dy === 0) { return editable.focus(); } dispatch("update", { x: x + dx, y: y + dy }); $$invalidate(6, dx = 0); $$invalidate(7, dy = 0); $$invalidate(8, operation = ""); } function handlePanStart(event) { startX = event.detail.x; startY = event.detail.y; $$invalidate(8, operation = "move"); } function onFocus() { $$invalidate(8, operation = "edit"); } async function onBlur() { if (operation !== "edit" || operation === "tool") return; editable.blur(); sanitize(); dispatch("update", { lines: extractLines(), width: editable.clientWidth }); $$invalidate(8, operation = ""); } async function onPaste(e) { // get text only const pastedText = e.clipboardData.getData("text"); document.execCommand("insertHTML", false, pastedText); // await tick() is not enough await timeout(); sanitize(); } function onKeydown(e) { const childNodes = Array.from(editable.childNodes); if (e.keyCode === 13) { // prevent default adding div behavior e.preventDefault(); const selection = window.getSelection(); const focusNode = selection.focusNode; const focusOffset = selection.focusOffset; // the caret is at an empty line if (focusNode === editable) { editable.insertBefore(document.createElement("br"), childNodes[focusOffset]); } else if (focusNode instanceof HTMLBRElement) { editable.insertBefore(document.createElement("br"), focusNode); } else // the caret is at a text line but not end if (focusNode.textContent.length !== focusOffset) { document.execCommand("insertHTML", false, "
"); } else { let br = focusNode.nextSibling; // the carat is at the end of a text line if (br) { editable.insertBefore(document.createElement("br"), br); } else { br = editable.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); br = editable.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } // set selection to new line selection.collapse(br, 0); } } } function onFocusTool() { $$invalidate(8, operation = "tool"); } async function onBlurTool() { if (operation !== "tool" || operation === "edit") return; dispatch("update", { lines: extractLines(), lineHeight: _lineHeight, size: _size, fontFamily: _fontFamily, color: _color, bold: _bold, italic: _italic, underline: _underline }); $$invalidate(8, operation = ""); } function sanitize() { let weirdNode; while (weirdNode = Array.from(editable.childNodes).find(node => !["#text", "BR"].includes(node.nodeName))) { editable.removeChild(weirdNode); } } function onChangeFont() { dispatch("selectFont", { name: _fontFamily }); } function render() { $$invalidate(2, editable.innerHTML = text, editable); editable.focus(); } function extractLines() { const nodes = editable.childNodes; const lines = []; let lineText = ""; for (let index = 0; index < nodes.length; index++) { const node = nodes[index]; if (node.nodeName === "BR") { lines.push(lineText); lineText = ""; } else { lineText += node.textContent; } } lines.push(lineText); return lines; } function onDelete() { dispatch("delete"); } onMount(render); const writable_props = [ 'size', 'text', 'lineHeight', 'x', 'y', 'fontFamily', 'color', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'pageScale' ]; Object_1.keys($$props).forEach(key => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); function input0_input_handler() { _lineHeight = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(4, _lineHeight); } function input1_input_handler() { _size = to_number(this.value); $$invalidate(3, _size); } function select_change_handler() { _fontFamily = select_value(this); $$invalidate(5, _fontFamily); $$invalidate(9, Families); } function div1_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { editable = $$value; $$invalidate(2, editable); }); } $$self.$$set = $$props => { if ('size' in $$props) $$invalidate(25, size = $$props.size); if ('text' in $$props) $$invalidate(26, text = $$props.text); if ('lineHeight' in $$props) $$invalidate(27, lineHeight = $$props.lineHeight); if ('x' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, x = $$props.x); if ('y' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, y = $$props.y); if ('fontFamily' in $$props) $$invalidate(28, fontFamily = $$props.fontFamily); if ('color' in $$props) $$invalidate(29, color = $$props.color); if ('bold' in $$props) $$invalidate(30, bold = $$props.bold); if ('italic' in $$props) $$invalidate(31, italic = $$props.italic); if ('underline' in $$props) $$invalidate(32, underline = $$props.underline); if ('pageScale' in $$props) $$invalidate(33, pageScale = $$props.pageScale); }; $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ onMount, createEventDispatcher, Toolbar, pannable, tapout, timeout, Fonts, size, text, lineHeight, x, y, fontFamily, color, bold, italic, underline, pageScale, Families, dispatch, startX, startY, editable, _size, _lineHeight, _fontFamily, _color, _bold, _italic, _underline, dx, dy, operation, handlePanMove, handlePanEnd, handlePanStart, onFocus, onBlur, onPaste, onKeydown, onFocusTool, onBlurTool, sanitize, onChangeFont, render, extractLines, onDelete }); $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { if ('size' in $$props) $$invalidate(25, size = $$props.size); if ('text' in $$props) $$invalidate(26, text = $$props.text); if ('lineHeight' in $$props) $$invalidate(27, lineHeight = $$props.lineHeight); if ('x' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, x = $$props.x); if ('y' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, y = $$props.y); if ('fontFamily' in $$props) $$invalidate(28, fontFamily = $$props.fontFamily); if ('color' in $$props) $$invalidate(29, color = $$props.color); if ('bold' in $$props) $$invalidate(30, bold = $$props.bold); if ('italic' in $$props) $$invalidate(31, italic = $$props.italic); if ('underline' in $$props) $$invalidate(32, underline = $$props.underline); if ('pageScale' in $$props) $$invalidate(33, pageScale = $$props.pageScale); if ('startX' in $$props) startX = $$props.startX; if ('startY' in $$props) startY = $$props.startY; if ('editable' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, editable = $$props.editable); if ('_size' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, _size = $$props._size); if ('_lineHeight' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, _lineHeight = $$props._lineHeight); if ('_fontFamily' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, _fontFamily = $$props._fontFamily); if ('_color' in $$props) $$invalidate(10, _color = $$props._color); if ('_bold' in $$props) $$invalidate(11, _bold = $$props._bold); if ('_italic' in $$props) $$invalidate(12, _italic = $$props._italic); if ('_underline' in $$props) $$invalidate(13, _underline = $$props._underline); if ('dx' in $$props) $$invalidate(6, dx = $$props.dx); if ('dy' in $$props) $$invalidate(7, dy = $$props.dy); if ('operation' in $$props) $$invalidate(8, operation = $$props.operation); }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } return [ x, y, editable, _size, _lineHeight, _fontFamily, dx, dy, operation, Families, _color, _bold, _italic, _underline, handlePanMove, handlePanEnd, handlePanStart, onFocus, onBlur, onPaste, onKeydown, onFocusTool, onBlurTool, onChangeFont, onDelete, size, text, lineHeight, fontFamily, color, bold, italic, underline, pageScale, input0_input_handler, input1_input_handler, select_change_handler, div1_binding ]; } class Text extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init( this, options, instance$5, create_fragment$5, not_equal, { size: 25, text: 26, lineHeight: 27, x: 0, y: 1, fontFamily: 28, color: 29, bold: 30, italic: 31, underline: 32, pageScale: 33 }, null, [-1, -1] ); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "Text", options, id: create_fragment$5.name }); const { ctx } = this.$$; const props = options.props || {}; if (/*size*/ ctx[25] === undefined && !('size' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'size'"); } if (/*text*/ ctx[26] === undefined && !('text' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'text'"); } if (/*lineHeight*/ ctx[27] === undefined && !('lineHeight' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'lineHeight'"); } if (/*x*/ ctx[0] === undefined && !('x' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'x'"); } if (/*y*/ ctx[1] === undefined && !('y' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'y'"); } if (/*fontFamily*/ ctx[28] === undefined && !('fontFamily' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'fontFamily'"); } if (/*color*/ ctx[29] === undefined && !('color' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'color'"); } if (/*bold*/ ctx[30] === undefined && !('bold' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'bold'"); } if (/*italic*/ ctx[31] === undefined && !('italic' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'italic'"); } if (/*underline*/ ctx[32] === undefined && !('underline' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'underline'"); } } get size() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set size(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get text() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set text(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get lineHeight() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set lineHeight(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get x() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set x(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get y() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set y(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get fontFamily() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set fontFamily(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get color() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set color(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get bold() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set bold(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get italic() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set italic(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get underline() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set underline(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get pageScale() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set pageScale(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } } /* src/Drawing.svelte generated by Svelte v3.48.0 */ const file$4 = "src/Drawing.svelte"; function create_fragment$6(ctx) { let div4; let div2; let div0; let t0; let div1; let pannable_action; let t1; let div3; let img; let img_src_value; let t2; let svg_1; let path_1; let mounted; let dispose; const block = { c: function create() { div4 = element("div"); div2 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); t0 = space(); div1 = element("div"); t1 = space(); div3 = element("div"); img = element("img"); t2 = space(); svg_1 = svg_element("svg"); path_1 = svg_element("path"); attr_dev(div0, "data-direction", "left-top"); attr_dev(div0, "class", "absolute left-0 top-0 w-10 h-10 bg-green-400 rounded-full cursor-nwse-resize transform -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 md:scale-25"); add_location(div0, file$4, 105, 4, 2778); attr_dev(div1, "data-direction", "right-bottom"); attr_dev(div1, "class", "absolute right-0 bottom-0 w-10 h-10 bg-green-400 rounded-full cursor-nwse-resize transform translate-x-1/2 translate-y-1/2 md:scale-25"); add_location(div1, file$4, 109, 4, 2975); attr_dev(div2, "class", "absolute w-full h-full cursor-grab border border-gray-400 border-dashed svelte-sf1zqb"); toggle_class(div2, "cursor-grabbing", /*operation*/ ctx[5] === 'move'); toggle_class(div2, "operation", /*operation*/ ctx[5]); add_location(div2, file$4, 96, 2, 2501); attr_dev(img, "class", "w-full h-full"); if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "/public/delete.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value); attr_dev(img, "alt", "delete object"); add_location(img, file$4, 118, 4, 3358); attr_dev(div3, "class", "absolute left-0 top-0 right-0 w-12 h-12 m-auto rounded-full bg-white cursor-pointer transform -translate-y-1/2 md:scale-25"); add_location(div3, file$4, 114, 2, 3185); attr_dev(path_1, "stroke-width", "5"); attr_dev(path_1, "stroke-linejoin", "round"); attr_dev(path_1, "stroke-linecap", "round"); attr_dev(path_1, "stroke", "black"); attr_dev(path_1, "fill", "none"); attr_dev(path_1, "d", /*path*/ ctx[3]); add_location(path_1, file$4, 121, 4, 3497); attr_dev(svg_1, "width", "100%"); attr_dev(svg_1, "height", "100%"); add_location(svg_1, file$4, 120, 2, 3444); attr_dev(div4, "class", "absolute left-0 top-0 select-none"); set_style(div4, "width", /*width*/ ctx[0] + /*dw*/ ctx[8] + "px"); set_style(div4, "height", (/*width*/ ctx[0] + /*dw*/ ctx[8]) / /*ratio*/ ctx[9] + "px"); set_style(div4, "transform", "translate(" + (/*x*/ ctx[1] + /*dx*/ ctx[6]) + "px, " + (/*y*/ ctx[2] + /*dy*/ ctx[7]) + "px)"); add_location(div4, file$4, 92, 0, 2334); }, l: function claim(nodes) { throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, div4, anchor); append_dev(div4, div2); append_dev(div2, div0); append_dev(div2, t0); append_dev(div2, div1); append_dev(div4, t1); append_dev(div4, div3); append_dev(div3, img); append_dev(div4, t2); append_dev(div4, svg_1); append_dev(svg_1, path_1); /*svg_1_binding*/ ctx[17](svg_1); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ action_destroyer(pannable_action = pannable.call(null, div2)), listen_dev(div2, "panstart", /*handlePanStart*/ ctx[12], false, false, false), listen_dev(div2, "panmove", /*handlePanMove*/ ctx[10], false, false, false), listen_dev(div2, "panend", /*handlePanEnd*/ ctx[11], false, false, false), listen_dev(div3, "click", /*onDelete*/ ctx[13], false, false, false) ]; mounted = true; } }, p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) { if (dirty & /*operation*/ 32) { toggle_class(div2, "cursor-grabbing", /*operation*/ ctx[5] === 'move'); } if (dirty & /*operation*/ 32) { toggle_class(div2, "operation", /*operation*/ ctx[5]); } if (dirty & /*path*/ 8) { attr_dev(path_1, "d", /*path*/ ctx[3]); } if (dirty & /*width, dw*/ 257) { set_style(div4, "width", /*width*/ ctx[0] + /*dw*/ ctx[8] + "px"); } if (dirty & /*width, dw*/ 257) { set_style(div4, "height", (/*width*/ ctx[0] + /*dw*/ ctx[8]) / /*ratio*/ ctx[9] + "px"); } if (dirty & /*x, dx, y, dy*/ 198) { set_style(div4, "transform", "translate(" + (/*x*/ ctx[1] + /*dx*/ ctx[6]) + "px, " + (/*y*/ ctx[2] + /*dy*/ ctx[7]) + "px)"); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(div4); /*svg_1_binding*/ ctx[17](null); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$6.name, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$6($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots('Drawing', slots, []); let { originWidth } = $$props; let { originHeight } = $$props; let { width } = $$props; let { x } = $$props; let { y } = $$props; let { pageScale = 1 } = $$props; let { path } = $$props; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); let startX; let startY; let svg; let operation = ""; let dx = 0; let dy = 0; let dw = 0; let direction = ""; let colory = document.getElementById("colorx").value; const ratio = originWidth / originHeight; async function render() { svg.setAttribute("viewBox", `0 0 ${originWidth} ${originHeight}`); } function handlePanMove(event) { colory = document.getElementById("colorx").value; const _dx = (event.detail.x - startX) / pageScale; const _dy = (event.detail.y - startY) / pageScale; if (operation === "move") { $$invalidate(6, dx = _dx); $$invalidate(7, dy = _dy); } else if (operation === "scale") { if (direction === "left-top") { let d = Infinity; d = Math.min(_dx, _dy * ratio); $$invalidate(6, dx = d); $$invalidate(8, dw = -d); $$invalidate(7, dy = d / ratio); } if (direction === "right-bottom") { let d = -Infinity; d = Math.max(_dx, _dy * ratio); $$invalidate(8, dw = d); } } } function handlePanEnd(event) { colory = document.getElementById("colorx").value; if (operation === "move") { dispatch("update", { x: x + dx, y: y + dy }); $$invalidate(6, dx = 0); $$invalidate(7, dy = 0); } else if (operation === "scale") { dispatch("update", { x: x + dx, y: y + dy, width: width + dw, scale: (width + dw) / originWidth }); $$invalidate(6, dx = 0); $$invalidate(7, dy = 0); $$invalidate(8, dw = 0); direction = ""; } $$invalidate(5, operation = ""); } function handlePanStart(event) { colory = document.getElementById("colorx").value; startX = event.detail.x; startY = event.detail.y; if (event.detail.target === event.currentTarget) { return $$invalidate(5, operation = "move"); } $$invalidate(5, operation = "scale"); direction = event.detail.target.dataset.direction; } function onDelete() { dispatch("delete"); } onMount(render); const writable_props = ['originWidth', 'originHeight', 'width', 'x', 'y', 'pageScale', 'path']; Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); function svg_1_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { svg = $$value; $$invalidate(4, svg); }); } $$self.$$set = $$props => { if ('originWidth' in $$props) $$invalidate(14, originWidth = $$props.originWidth); if ('originHeight' in $$props) $$invalidate(15, originHeight = $$props.originHeight); if ('width' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, width = $$props.width); if ('x' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, x = $$props.x); if ('y' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, y = $$props.y); if ('pageScale' in $$props) $$invalidate(16, pageScale = $$props.pageScale); if ('path' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, path = $$props.path); }; $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ onMount, createEventDispatcher, pannable, readAsArrayBuffer, originWidth, originHeight, width, x, y, pageScale, path, dispatch, startX, startY, svg, operation, dx, dy, dw, direction, colory, ratio, render, handlePanMove, handlePanEnd, handlePanStart, onDelete }); $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { if ('originWidth' in $$props) $$invalidate(14, originWidth = $$props.originWidth); if ('originHeight' in $$props) $$invalidate(15, originHeight = $$props.originHeight); if ('width' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, width = $$props.width); if ('x' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, x = $$props.x); if ('y' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, y = $$props.y); if ('pageScale' in $$props) $$invalidate(16, pageScale = $$props.pageScale); if ('path' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, path = $$props.path); if ('startX' in $$props) startX = $$props.startX; if ('startY' in $$props) startY = $$props.startY; if ('svg' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, svg = $$props.svg); if ('operation' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, operation = $$props.operation); if ('dx' in $$props) $$invalidate(6, dx = $$props.dx); if ('dy' in $$props) $$invalidate(7, dy = $$props.dy); if ('dw' in $$props) $$invalidate(8, dw = $$props.dw); if ('direction' in $$props) direction = $$props.direction; if ('colory' in $$props) colory = $$props.colory; }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } return [ width, x, y, path, svg, operation, dx, dy, dw, ratio, handlePanMove, handlePanEnd, handlePanStart, onDelete, originWidth, originHeight, pageScale, svg_1_binding ]; } class Drawing extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$6, create_fragment$6, not_equal, { originWidth: 14, originHeight: 15, width: 0, x: 1, y: 2, pageScale: 16, path: 3 }); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "Drawing", options, id: create_fragment$6.name }); const { ctx } = this.$$; const props = options.props || {}; if (/*originWidth*/ ctx[14] === undefined && !('originWidth' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'originWidth'"); } if (/*originHeight*/ ctx[15] === undefined && !('originHeight' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'originHeight'"); } if (/*width*/ ctx[0] === undefined && !('width' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'width'"); } if (/*x*/ ctx[1] === undefined && !('x' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'x'"); } if (/*y*/ ctx[2] === undefined && !('y' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'y'"); } if (/*path*/ ctx[3] === undefined && !('path' in props)) { console.warn(" was created without expected prop 'path'"); } } get originWidth() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set originWidth(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get originHeight() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set originHeight(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get width() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set width(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get x() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set x(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get y() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set y(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get pageScale() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set pageScale(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } get path() { throw new Error(": Props cannot be read directly from the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } set path(value) { throw new Error(": Props cannot be set directly on the component instance unless compiling with 'accessors: true' or ''"); } } /* src/DrawingCanvas.svelte generated by Svelte v3.48.0 */ const file$5 = "src/DrawingCanvas.svelte"; function create_fragment$7(ctx) { let div1; let div0; let button0; let t1; let button1; let t3; let svg; let path_1; let pannable_action; let mounted; let dispose; const block = { c: function create() { div1 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); button0 = element("button"); button0.textContent = "Cancel"; t1 = space(); button1 = element("button"); button1.textContent = "Done"; t3 = space(); svg = svg_element("svg"); path_1 = svg_element("path"); attr_dev(button0, "class", "w-24 bg-red-500 hover:bg-red-700 text-white font-bold py-1 px-4 rounded mr-4"); add_location(button0, file$5, 74, 4, 1984); attr_dev(button1, "class", "w-24 bg-blue-600 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-1 px-4 rounded"); add_location(button1, file$5, 80, 4, 2146); set_style(div0, "bottom", "40px"); attr_dev(div0, "class", "absolute right-0 bottom-0 mr-4 mb-4 flex"); add_location(div0, file$5, 73, 2, 1903); attr_dev(path_1, "stroke-width", "5"); attr_dev(path_1, "stroke-linejoin", "round"); attr_dev(path_1, "stroke-linecap", "round"); attr_dev(path_1, "d", /*path*/ ctx[1]); attr_dev(path_1, "stroke", "black"); attr_dev(path_1, "fill", "none"); add_location(path_1, file$5, 88, 4, 2390); set_style(svg, "margin-top", "-100px"); attr_dev(svg, "class", "w-full h-full pointer-events-none"); add_location(svg, file$5, 87, 2, 2309); attr_dev(div1, "class", "relative w-full h-full select-none"); add_location(div1, file$5, 66, 0, 1727); }, l: function claim(nodes) { throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, div1, anchor); append_dev(div1, div0); append_dev(div0, button0); append_dev(div0, t1); append_dev(div0, button1); append_dev(div1, t3); append_dev(div1, svg); append_dev(svg, path_1); /*div1_binding*/ ctx[7](div1); if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen_dev(button0, "click", /*cancel*/ ctx[6], false, false, false), listen_dev(button1, "click", /*finish*/ ctx[5], false, false, false), action_destroyer(pannable_action = pannable.call(null, div1)), listen_dev(div1, "panstart", /*handlePanStart*/ ctx[2], false, false, false), listen_dev(div1, "panmove", /*handlePanMove*/ ctx[3], false, false, false), listen_dev(div1, "panend", /*handlePanEnd*/ ctx[4], false, false, false) ]; mounted = true; } }, p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) { if (dirty & /*path*/ 2) { attr_dev(path_1, "d", /*path*/ ctx[1]); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(div1); /*div1_binding*/ ctx[7](null); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$7.name, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$7($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots('DrawingCanvas', slots, []); const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); let canvas; let x = 0; let y = 0; let path = ""; let minX = Infinity; let maxX = 0; let minY = Infinity; let maxY = 0; let paths = []; let drawing = false; colortt = document.getElementById("colorx").value; let colory = colortt; function handlePanStart(event) { colory = document.getElementById("colorx").value; if (event.detail.target !== canvas) { return drawing = false; } drawing = true; x = event.detail.x; y = event.detail.y; minX = Math.min(minX, x); maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); minY = Math.min(minY, y); maxY = Math.max(maxY, y); paths.push(["M", x, y]); $$invalidate(1, path += `M${x},${y}`); } function handlePanMove(event) { colory = document.getElementById("colorx").value; if (!drawing) return; x = event.detail.x; y = event.detail.y; minX = Math.min(minX, x); maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); minY = Math.min(minY, y); maxY = Math.max(maxY, y); paths.push(["L", x, y]); $$invalidate(1, path += `L${x},${y}`); } function handlePanEnd() { drawing = false; } function finish() { colory = document.getElementById("colorx").value; if (!paths.length) return; const dx = -(minX - 10); const dy = -(minY - 10); const width = maxX - minX + 20; const height = maxY - minY + 20; dispatch("finish", { originWidth: width, originHeight: height, path: paths.reduce( (acc, cur) => { return acc + cur[0] + (cur[1] + dx) + "," + (cur[2] + dy); }, "" ) }); } function cancel() { dispatch("cancel"); } const writable_props = []; Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); function div1_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { canvas = $$value; $$invalidate(0, canvas); }); } $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ createEventDispatcher, pannable, dispatch, canvas, x, y, path, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, paths, drawing, colory, handlePanStart, handlePanMove, handlePanEnd, finish, cancel }); $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { if ('canvas' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, canvas = $$props.canvas); if ('x' in $$props) x = $$props.x; if ('y' in $$props) y = $$props.y; if ('path' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, path = $$props.path); if ('minX' in $$props) minX = $$props.minX; if ('maxX' in $$props) maxX = $$props.maxX; if ('minY' in $$props) minY = $$props.minY; if ('maxY' in $$props) maxY = $$props.maxY; if ('paths' in $$props) paths = $$props.paths; if ('drawing' in $$props) drawing = $$props.drawing; if ('colory' in $$props) colory = $$props.colory; }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } return [ canvas, path, handlePanStart, handlePanMove, handlePanEnd, finish, cancel, div1_binding ]; } class DrawingCanvas extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$7, create_fragment$7, safe_not_equal, {}); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "DrawingCanvas", options, id: create_fragment$7.name }); } } async function save(pdfFile, objects, name) { const PDFLib = await getAsset('PDFLib'); const download = await getAsset('download'); const makeTextPDF = await getAsset('makeTextPDF'); let pdfDoc; try { pdfDoc = await PDFLib.PDFDocument.load(await readAsArrayBuffer(pdfFile)); } catch (e) { console.log('Failed to load PDF.'); throw e; } const pagesProcesses = pdfDoc.getPages().map(async (page, pageIndex) => { const pageObjects = objects[pageIndex]; // 'y' starts from bottom in PDFLib, use this to calculate y const pageHeight = page.getHeight(); const embedProcesses = pageObjects.map(async (object) => { if (object.type === 'image') { let { file, x, y, width, height } = object; let img; try { if (file.type === 'image/jpeg') { img = await pdfDoc.embedJpg(await readAsArrayBuffer(file)); } else { img = await pdfDoc.embedPng(await readAsArrayBuffer(file)); } return () => page.drawImage(img, { x, y: pageHeight - y - height, width, height, }); } catch (e) { console.log('Failed to embed image.', e); return noop$1; } } else if (object.type === 'text') { let { x, y, lines, lineHeight, size, fontFamily, width, color, bold, italic, underline } = object; const height = size * lineHeight * lines.length; const font = await fetchFont(fontFamily); const [textPage] = await pdfDoc.embedPdf( await makeTextPDF({ lines, fontSize: size, lineHeight, width, height, font: font.buffer || fontFamily, // built-in font family dy: font.correction(size, lineHeight), color: color, bold: bold, italic: italic, underline: underline, }), ); return () => page.drawPage(textPage, { width, height, x, y: pageHeight - y - height, }); } else if (object.type === 'drawing') { let { x, y, path, scale } = object; const { pushGraphicsState, setLineCap, popGraphicsState, setLineJoin, LineCapStyle, LineJoinStyle, } = PDFLib; return () => { page.pushOperators( pushGraphicsState(), setLineCap(LineCapStyle.Round), setLineJoin(LineJoinStyle.Round), ); page.drawSvgPath(path, { borderWidth: 5, scale, x, y: pageHeight - y, }); page.pushOperators(popGraphicsState()); }; } }); // embed objects in order const drawProcesses = await Promise.all(embedProcesses); drawProcesses.forEach((p) => p()); }); await Promise.all(pagesProcesses); try { const pdfBytes = await pdfDoc.save(); download(pdfBytes, name, 'application/pdf'); } catch (e) { console.log('Failed to save PDF.'); throw e; } } /* src/App.svelte generated by Svelte v3.48.0 */ const { console: console_1 } = globals; const file$6 = "src/App.svelte"; function get_each_context$1(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[42] = list[i]; child_ctx[44] = i; return child_ctx; } function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[45] = list[i]; return child_ctx; } // (1123:2) {#if addingDrawing} function create_if_block_4(ctx) { let div; let p; let t1; let drawingcanvas; let div_transition; let current; drawingcanvas = new DrawingCanvas({ $$inline: true }); drawingcanvas.$on("finish", /*finish_handler*/ ctx[23]); drawingcanvas.$on("cancel", /*cancel_handler*/ ctx[24]); const block = { c: function create() { div = element("div"); p = element("p"); p.textContent = "Draw any picture to load in the PDF"; t1 = space(); create_component(drawingcanvas.$$.fragment); set_style(p, "text-align", "center"); set_style(p, "margin-top", "10px"); add_location(p, file$6, 1128, 6, 30891); attr_dev(div, "class", "fixed z-10 top-0 left-0 right-0 border-b border-gray-300 bg-white shadow-lg"); set_style(div, "margin", "80px auto 0 auto"); set_style(div, "height", "50%"); add_location(div, file$6, 1123, 4, 30679); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, div, anchor); append_dev(div, p); append_dev(div, t1); mount_component(drawingcanvas, div, null); current = true; }, p: noop, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(drawingcanvas.$$.fragment, local); add_render_callback(() => { if (!div_transition) div_transition = create_bidirectional_transition(div, fly, { y: -200, duration: 500 }, true); div_transition.run(1); }); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(drawingcanvas.$$.fragment, local); if (!div_transition) div_transition = create_bidirectional_transition(div, fly, { y: -200, duration: 500 }, false); div_transition.run(0); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(div); destroy_component(drawingcanvas); if (detaching && div_transition) div_transition.end(); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_if_block_4.name, type: "if", source: "(1123:2) {#if addingDrawing}", ctx }); return block; } // (1214:2) {:else} function create_else_block(ctx) { let div; let span; const block = { c: function create() { div = element("div"); span = element("span"); span.textContent = "Drag something here"; attr_dev(span, "class", "font-bold text-3xl text-gray-500"); add_location(span, file$6, 1215, 6, 34356); attr_dev(div, "class", "w-full flex-grow flex justify-center items-center"); add_location(div, file$6, 1214, 4, 34286); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, div, anchor); append_dev(div, span); }, p: noop, i: noop, o: noop, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(div); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_else_block.name, type: "else", source: "(1214:2) {:else}", ctx }); return block; } // (1143:2) {#if pages.length} function create_if_block$1(ctx) { let div0; let img; let img_src_value; let t0; let input; let t1; let div1; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = new Map(); let current; let mounted; let dispose; let each_value = /*pages*/ ctx[2]; validate_each_argument(each_value); const get_key = ctx => /*page*/ ctx[42]; validate_each_keys(ctx, each_value, get_each_context$1, get_key); for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context$1(ctx, each_value, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block$1(key, child_ctx)); } const block = { c: function create() { div0 = element("div"); img = element("img"); t0 = space(); input = element("input"); t1 = space(); div1 = element("div"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "/public/edit.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value); attr_dev(img, "class", "mr-2"); attr_dev(img, "alt", "a pen, edit pdf name"); add_location(img, file$6, 1144, 6, 31472); attr_dev(input, "placeholder", "Rename your PDF here"); attr_dev(input, "type", "text"); attr_dev(input, "class", "flex-grow bg-transparent"); add_location(input, file$6, 1145, 6, 31549); attr_dev(div0, "class", "flex justify-center px-5 w-full md:hidden"); add_location(div0, file$6, 1143, 4, 31410); attr_dev(div1, "class", "w-full"); set_style(div1, "margin-top", "100px"); add_location(div1, file$6, 1151, 4, 31707); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, div0, anchor); append_dev(div0, img); append_dev(div0, t0); append_dev(div0, input); set_input_value(input, /*pdfName*/ ctx[1]); insert_dev(target, t1, anchor); insert_dev(target, div1, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].m(div1, null); } current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = listen_dev(input, "input", /*input_input_handler*/ ctx[25]); mounted = true; } }, p: function update(ctx, dirty) { if (dirty[0] & /*pdfName*/ 2 && input.value !== /*pdfName*/ ctx[1]) { set_input_value(input, /*pdfName*/ ctx[1]); } if (dirty[0] & /*selectPage, pages, selectedPageIndex, pagesScale, allObjects, updateObject, deleteObject, selectFontFamily, onMeasure*/ 254012) { each_value = /*pages*/ ctx[2]; validate_each_argument(each_value); group_outros(); validate_each_keys(ctx, each_value, get_each_context$1, get_key); each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx, each_value, each_1_lookup, div1, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block$1, null, get_each_context$1); check_outros(); } }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(div0); if (detaching) detach_dev(t1); if (detaching) detach_dev(div1); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } mounted = false; dispose(); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_if_block$1.name, type: "if", source: "(1143:2) {#if pages.length}", ctx }); return block; } // (1195:52) function create_if_block_3(ctx) { let drawing; let current; function update_handler_2(...args) { return /*update_handler_2*/ ctx[31](/*object*/ ctx[45], ...args); } function delete_handler_2() { return /*delete_handler_2*/ ctx[32](/*object*/ ctx[45]); } drawing = new Drawing({ props: { path: /*object*/ ctx[45].path, x: /*object*/ ctx[45].x, y: /*object*/ ctx[45].y, width: /*object*/ ctx[45].width, originWidth: /*object*/ ctx[45].originWidth, originHeight: /*object*/ ctx[45].originHeight, pageScale: /*pagesScale*/ ctx[3][/*pIndex*/ ctx[44]] }, $$inline: true }); drawing.$on("update", update_handler_2); drawing.$on("delete", delete_handler_2); const block = { c: function create() { create_component(drawing.$$.fragment); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { mount_component(drawing, target, anchor); current = true; }, p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; const drawing_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) drawing_changes.path = /*object*/ ctx[45].path; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) drawing_changes.x = /*object*/ ctx[45].x; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) drawing_changes.y = /*object*/ ctx[45].y; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) drawing_changes.width = /*object*/ ctx[45].width; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) drawing_changes.originWidth = /*object*/ ctx[45].originWidth; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) drawing_changes.originHeight = /*object*/ ctx[45].originHeight; if (dirty[0] & /*pagesScale, pages*/ 12) drawing_changes.pageScale = /*pagesScale*/ ctx[3][/*pIndex*/ ctx[44]]; drawing.$set(drawing_changes); }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(drawing.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(drawing.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { destroy_component(drawing, detaching); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_if_block_3.name, type: "if", source: "(1195:52) ", ctx }); return block; } // (1179:49) function create_if_block_2(ctx) { let text_1; let current; function update_handler_1(...args) { return /*update_handler_1*/ ctx[29](/*object*/ ctx[45], ...args); } function delete_handler_1() { return /*delete_handler_1*/ ctx[30](/*object*/ ctx[45]); } text_1 = new Text({ props: { text: /*object*/ ctx[45].text, x: /*object*/ ctx[45].x, y: /*object*/ ctx[45].y, size: /*object*/ ctx[45].size, color: /*object*/ ctx[45].color, lineHeight: /*object*/ ctx[45].lineHeight, fontFamily: /*object*/ ctx[45].fontFamily, bold: /*object*/ ctx[45].bold, italic: /*object*/ ctx[45].italic, underline: /*object*/ ctx[45].underline, pageScale: /*pagesScale*/ ctx[3][/*pIndex*/ ctx[44]] }, $$inline: true }); text_1.$on("update", update_handler_1); text_1.$on("delete", delete_handler_1); text_1.$on("selectFont", /*selectFontFamily*/ ctx[13]); const block = { c: function create() { create_component(text_1.$$.fragment); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { mount_component(text_1, target, anchor); current = true; }, p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; const text_1_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) text_1_changes.text = /*object*/ ctx[45].text; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) text_1_changes.x = /*object*/ ctx[45].x; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) text_1_changes.y = /*object*/ ctx[45].y; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) text_1_changes.size = /*object*/ ctx[45].size; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) text_1_changes.color = /*object*/ ctx[45].color; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) text_1_changes.lineHeight = /*object*/ ctx[45].lineHeight; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) text_1_changes.fontFamily = /*object*/ ctx[45].fontFamily; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) text_1_changes.bold = /*object*/ ctx[45].bold; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) text_1_changes.italic = /*object*/ ctx[45].italic; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) text_1_changes.underline = /*object*/ ctx[45].underline; if (dirty[0] & /*pagesScale, pages*/ 12) text_1_changes.pageScale = /*pagesScale*/ ctx[3][/*pIndex*/ ctx[44]]; text_1.$set(text_1_changes); }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(text_1.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(text_1.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { destroy_component(text_1, detaching); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_if_block_2.name, type: "if", source: "(1179:49) ", ctx }); return block; } // (1168:16) {#if object.type === 'image'} function create_if_block_1(ctx) { let image; let current; function update_handler(...args) { return /*update_handler*/ ctx[27](/*object*/ ctx[45], ...args); } function delete_handler() { return /*delete_handler*/ ctx[28](/*object*/ ctx[45]); } image = new Image$1({ props: { file: /*object*/ ctx[45].file, payload: /*object*/ ctx[45].payload, x: /*object*/ ctx[45].x, y: /*object*/ ctx[45].y, width: /*object*/ ctx[45].width, height: /*object*/ ctx[45].height, pageScale: /*pagesScale*/ ctx[3][/*pIndex*/ ctx[44]] }, $$inline: true }); image.$on("update", update_handler); image.$on("delete", delete_handler); const block = { c: function create() { create_component(image.$$.fragment); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { mount_component(image, target, anchor); current = true; }, p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; const image_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) image_changes.file = /*object*/ ctx[45].file; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) image_changes.payload = /*object*/ ctx[45].payload; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) image_changes.x = /*object*/ ctx[45].x; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) image_changes.y = /*object*/ ctx[45].y; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) image_changes.width = /*object*/ ctx[45].width; if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages*/ 20) image_changes.height = /*object*/ ctx[45].height; if (dirty[0] & /*pagesScale, pages*/ 12) image_changes.pageScale = /*pagesScale*/ ctx[3][/*pIndex*/ ctx[44]]; image.$set(image_changes); }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(image.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(image.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { destroy_component(image, detaching); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_if_block_1.name, type: "if", source: "(1168:16) {#if object.type === 'image'}", ctx }); return block; } // (1167:14) {#each allObjects[pIndex] as object (object.id)} function create_each_block_1(key_1, ctx) { let first; let current_block_type_index; let if_block; let if_block_anchor; let current; const if_block_creators = [create_if_block_1, create_if_block_2, create_if_block_3]; const if_blocks = []; function select_block_type_1(ctx, dirty) { if (/*object*/ ctx[45].type === 'image') return 0; if (/*object*/ ctx[45].type === 'text') return 1; if (/*object*/ ctx[45].type === 'drawing') return 2; return -1; } if (~(current_block_type_index = select_block_type_1(ctx))) { if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx); } const block = { key: key_1, first: null, c: function create() { first = empty(); if (if_block) if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); this.first = first; }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, first, anchor); if (~current_block_type_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].m(target, anchor); } insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); current = true; }, p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; let previous_block_index = current_block_type_index; current_block_type_index = select_block_type_1(ctx); if (current_block_type_index === previous_block_index) { if (~current_block_type_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].p(ctx, dirty); } } else { if (if_block) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_blocks[previous_block_index], 1, 1, () => { if_blocks[previous_block_index] = null; }); check_outros(); } if (~current_block_type_index) { if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index]; if (!if_block) { if_block = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx); if_block.c(); } else { if_block.p(ctx, dirty); } transition_in(if_block, 1); if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor); } else { if_block = null; } } }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(if_block); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(first); if (~current_block_type_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].d(detaching); } if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_each_block_1.name, type: "each", source: "(1167:14) {#each allObjects[pIndex] as object (object.id)}", ctx }); return block; } // (1153:6) {#each pages as page, pIndex (page)} function create_each_block$1(key_1, ctx) { let div2; let div1; let pdfpage; let t0; let div0; let each_blocks = []; let each_1_lookup = new Map(); let t1; let current; let mounted; let dispose; function measure_handler(...args) { return /*measure_handler*/ ctx[26](/*pIndex*/ ctx[44], ...args); } pdfpage = new PDFPage({ props: { page: /*page*/ ctx[42] }, $$inline: true }); pdfpage.$on("measure", measure_handler); let each_value_1 = /*allObjects*/ ctx[4][/*pIndex*/ ctx[44]]; validate_each_argument(each_value_1); const get_key = ctx => /*object*/ ctx[45].id; validate_each_keys(ctx, each_value_1, get_each_context_1, get_key); for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { let child_ctx = get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i); let key = get_key(child_ctx); each_1_lookup.set(key, each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(key, child_ctx)); } function mousedown_handler() { return /*mousedown_handler*/ ctx[33](/*pIndex*/ ctx[44]); } function touchstart_handler() { return /*touchstart_handler*/ ctx[34](/*pIndex*/ ctx[44]); } const block = { key: key_1, first: null, c: function create() { div2 = element("div"); div1 = element("div"); create_component(pdfpage.$$.fragment); t0 = space(); div0 = element("div"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } t1 = space(); attr_dev(div0, "class", "absolute top-0 left-0 transform origin-top-left"); set_style(div0, "transform", "scale(" + /*pagesScale*/ ctx[3][/*pIndex*/ ctx[44]] + ")"); set_style(div0, "touch-action", "none"); add_location(div0, file$6, 1163, 12, 32227); attr_dev(div1, "class", "relative shadow-lg"); toggle_class(div1, "shadow-outline", /*pIndex*/ ctx[44] === /*selectedPageIndex*/ ctx[5]); add_location(div1, file$6, 1157, 10, 31995); attr_dev(div2, "class", "p-5 w-full flex flex-col items-center overflow-hidden"); add_location(div2, file$6, 1153, 8, 31806); this.first = div2; }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, div2, anchor); append_dev(div2, div1); mount_component(pdfpage, div1, null); append_dev(div1, t0); append_dev(div1, div0); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); } append_dev(div2, t1); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen_dev(div2, "mousedown", mousedown_handler, false, false, false), listen_dev(div2, "touchstart", touchstart_handler, { passive: true }, false, false) ]; mounted = true; } }, p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) { ctx = new_ctx; const pdfpage_changes = {}; if (dirty[0] & /*pages*/ 4) pdfpage_changes.page = /*page*/ ctx[42]; pdfpage.$set(pdfpage_changes); if (dirty[0] & /*allObjects, pages, pagesScale, updateObject, deleteObject, selectFontFamily*/ 106524) { each_value_1 = /*allObjects*/ ctx[4][/*pIndex*/ ctx[44]]; validate_each_argument(each_value_1); group_outros(); validate_each_keys(ctx, each_value_1, get_each_context_1, get_key); each_blocks = update_keyed_each(each_blocks, dirty, get_key, 1, ctx, each_value_1, each_1_lookup, div0, outro_and_destroy_block, create_each_block_1, null, get_each_context_1); check_outros(); } if (!current || dirty[0] & /*pagesScale, pages*/ 12) { set_style(div0, "transform", "scale(" + /*pagesScale*/ ctx[3][/*pIndex*/ ctx[44]] + ")"); } if (dirty[0] & /*pages, selectedPageIndex*/ 36) { toggle_class(div1, "shadow-outline", /*pIndex*/ ctx[44] === /*selectedPageIndex*/ ctx[5]); } }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(pdfpage.$$.fragment, local); for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { transition_in(each_blocks[i]); } current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(pdfpage.$$.fragment, local); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { transition_out(each_blocks[i]); } current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(div2); destroy_component(pdfpage); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(); } mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_each_block$1.name, type: "each", source: "(1153:6) {#each pages as page, pIndex (page)}", ctx }); return block; } function create_fragment$8(ctx) { let tailwind; let t0; let div0; let h1; let t1; let a0; let t3; let a1; let t5; let main; let div3; let script0; let t7; let input0; let t8; let input1; let t9; let label0; let t11; let div1; let label1; let img0; let img0_src_value; let t12; let label2; let img1; let img1_src_value; let t13; let label3; let img2; let img2_src_value; let t14; let label4; let img3; let img3_src_value; let t15; let div2; let img4; let img4_src_value; let t16; let input2; let t17; let button0; let t18_value = (/*saving*/ ctx[6] ? 'Saving' : 'Save') + ""; let t18; let t19; let style0; let t21; let script1; let t23; let div13; let div12; let div11; let div5; let div4; let select0; let option0; let option1; let option2; let option3; let t28; let div7; let div6; let select1; let option4; let option5; let option6; let option7; let option8; let option9; let option10; let option11; let option12; let option13; let option14; let option15; let option16; let option17; let option18; let option19; let option20; let option21; let option22; let option23; let option24; let option25; let option26; let t52; let div9; let script2; let t54; let div8; let input3; let t55; let style1; let t57; let div10; let button1; let i0; let t58; let button2; let i1; let t59; let script3; let t61; let t62; let current_block_type_index; let if_block1; let t63; let ins; let current; let mounted; let dispose; tailwind = new Tailwind({ $$inline: true }); let if_block0 = /*addingDrawing*/ ctx[7] && create_if_block_4(ctx); const if_block_creators = [create_if_block$1, create_else_block]; const if_blocks = []; function select_block_type(ctx, dirty) { if (/*pages*/ ctx[2].length) return 0; return 1; } current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx); if_block1 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx); const block = { c: function create() { create_component(tailwind.$$.fragment); t0 = space(); div0 = element("div"); h1 = element("h1"); t1 = space(); a0 = element("a"); a0.textContent = "OffiDocs"; t3 = space(); a1 = element("a"); a1.textContent = "PDF Tools"; t5 = space(); main = element("main"); div3 = element("div"); script0 = element("script"); script0.textContent = "function gotohome() { \n\t\twindow.open(\"https://www.offidocs.com/\"); \n}\n\n\nfunction onLoadURLPress(urlname) {\n //alert(\"onLoadURLPress \" + urlname );\n var filenamex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2000000);\n filenamex = filenamex + \".pdf\";\n var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();\n var ooo = \"https://www.offidocs.com/media/system/app/download.php?fileurl=\"+ encodeURIComponent(urlname)+\"&filename=\"+ filenamex;\n console.log(ooo);\n oReq.open(\"GET\", ooo, true);\n oReq.responseType = \"arraybuffer\";\n\n oReq.onload = function (oEvent) {\n\n if ( oReq.status != 200 )\n {\n console.log(\"Error\");\n return;\n }\n var arrayBuffer = oReq.response; // Note: not oReq.responseText\n var new_file;\n new_file = new File([arrayBuffer], filenamex, {type: \"application/pdf\"});\n console.log(\"OK\");\n\n console.log(new_file);\n\n var type = \"drop\";\n var event = new CustomEvent(\"CustomEvent\")\n event.initCustomEvent(type, true, true, null)\n //event.dataTransfer.files[0] = new_file;\n\n\t\tvar files = [];\n\t\tfiles[0] = new_file;\n\n event.dataTransfer = {\n files\n }\n\n console.log(event);\n console.log(\"fire event YYY\");\n var node = window;\n\n if (node.dispatchEvent) {\n node.dispatchEvent(event)\n }\n if (node.fireEvent) {\n node.fireEvent(\"on\" + type, event)\n }\n };\n\n try {\n oReq.send(null);\n } catch(err) {\n console.log(\"Error 2\");\n }\n\n\n\tdocument.getElementById(\"homey\").style.display = \"block\";\n\tdocument.getElementById(\"pdftoolsy\").style.display = \"block\";\n}\n\nsetTimeout(function(){\n var pdfurl = $_GET('pdfurl');\n if ( pdfurl !== null ) {\n onLoadURLPress(pdfurl);\n }\n\n //try {\n\t//\tvar userxxx = $_GET('v');\n\t//\tif ( userxxx == null ) {\n\t//\t\t(stpdwrapper = window.stpdwrapper || []).push({});\n\t//\t}\n\t//} catch(err) {}\n\n\tconsole.log(\"adxxxx\");\n}, 100);\n\nfunction $_GET(param) {\n var vars = {};\n window.location.href.replace( location.hash, '' ).replace(\n /[?&]+([^=&]+)=?([^&]*)?/gi, // regexp\n function( m, key, value ) { // callback\n vars[key] = value !== undefined ? value : '';\n }\n );\n\n if ( param ) {\n return vars[param] ? vars[param] : null;\n }\n return vars;\n}"; t7 = space(); input0 = element("input"); t8 = space(); input1 = element("input"); t9 = space(); label0 = element("label"); label0.textContent = "Upload PDF"; t11 = space(); div1 = element("div"); label1 = element("label"); img0 = element("img"); t12 = space(); label2 = element("label"); img1 = element("img"); t13 = space(); label3 = element("label"); img2 = element("img"); t14 = space(); label4 = element("label"); img3 = element("img"); t15 = space(); div2 = element("div"); img4 = element("img"); t16 = space(); input2 = element("input"); t17 = space(); button0 = element("button"); t18 = text(t18_value); t19 = space(); style0 = element("style"); style0.textContent = ".btm-navbar-container .settings-container {\n padding: 0 0 0 20px;\n border-left: 2px solid #d0d0d0;\n height: 45px;\n}\n\n.pull-left {\n float: left;\n}\n\n.btm-navbar-container {\n height: 55px;\n padding: 5px 10px;\n background: #f9fafb;\n border-color: rgba(34,36,38,.15);\n box-shadow: 0 2px 25px 0 rgb(34 36 38 / 5%) inset;\n vertical-align: middle;\n line-height: 44px;\n}\n\n@media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) {\n .ui.container {\n width: 100%!important;\n }\n}\n\n@media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) {\n .ui.container {\n width: 1127px;\n margin-left: auto!important;\n margin-right: auto!important;\n }\n}\n\n.ui.container {\n display: block;\n max-width: 100%!important;\n}\n\n.btm-navbar-container .setting-group {\n float: left;\n margin-right: 10px;\n}\n\n.btm-navbar-container .settings-container {\n padding: 0 0 0 20px;\n border-left: 2px solid #d0d0d0;\n height: 45px;\n}\n\n.pull-left {\n float: left;\n}\n\n.btm-navbar-container .setting-margin.choice-margin {\n margin-top: 3px;\n}\n\n.btm-navbar-container .setting-margin {\n margin-right: 5px;\n}\n\n.ui.fluid.dropdown {\n display: block;\n width: 100%;\n min-width: 0;\n}\n\n.ui.selection.dropdown {\n cursor: pointer;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n line-height: 1em;\n white-space: normal;\n outline: 0;\n transform: rotateZ(0);\n min-width: 14em;\n min-height: 2.71428571em;\n background: #fff;\n display: inline-block;\n padding: 0.78571429em 2.1em 0.78571429em 1em;\n color: rgba(0,0,0,.87);\n box-shadow: none;\n border: 1px solid rgba(34,36,38,.15);\n border-radius: 0.28571429rem;\n transition: box-shadow .1s ease,width .1s ease;\n}\n\n.ui.dropdown {\n cursor: pointer;\n position: relative;\n display: inline-block;\n outline: 0;\n text-align: left;\n transition: box-shadow .1s ease,width .1s ease;\n -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;\n}\n\n.helvetica {\n font-family: Helvetica,helvetica neue,Arial,sans-serif;\n}\n\n.ui.dropdown>.text {\n display: inline-block;\n transition: none;\n}\n\n.ui.fluid.dropdown>.dropdown.icon {\n float: right;\n}\n\n.ui.selection.dropdown>.delete.icon, .ui.selection.dropdown>.dropdown.icon, .ui.selection.dropdown>.search.icon {\n cursor: pointer;\n position: absolute;\n width: auto;\n height: auto;\n line-height: 1.21428571em;\n top: 0.78571429em;\n right: 1em;\n z-index: 3;\n margin: -0.78571429em;\n padding: 0.91666667em;\n opacity: .8;\n transition: opacity .1s ease;\n}\n\n.ui.dropdown>.dropdown.icon {\n font-family: Dropdown;\n line-height: 1;\n height: 1em;\n width: 1.23em;\n -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;\n backface-visibility: hidden;\n font-weight: 400;\n font-style: normal;\n text-align: center;\n}\n\n.ui.dropdown>.dropdown.icon {\n position: relative;\n width: auto;\n font-size: .85714286em;\n margin: 0 0 0 1em;\n}\n\ni.icon, i.icons {\n font-size: 1em;\n}\n\ni.icon {\n display: inline-block;\n opacity: 1;\n margin: 0 0.25rem 0 0;\n width: 1.18em;\n height: 1em;\n font-family: Icons;\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 400;\n text-decoration: inherit;\n text-align: center;\n speak: none;\n font-smoothing: antialiased;\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;\n backface-visibility: hidden;\n}\n\n@media only screen and (min-width: 992px) {\n .ui.selection.dropdown .menu {\n max-height: 16.02857143rem;\n }\n}\n\n@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {\n .ui.selection.dropdown .menu {\n max-height: 10.68571429rem;\n }\n}\n\n.ui.selection.dropdown .menu {\n overflow-x: hidden;\n overflow-y: auto;\n -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;\n backface-visibility: hidden;\n -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;\n border-top-width: 0!important;\n width: auto;\n outline: 0;\n margin: 0 -1px;\n min-width: calc(100% + 2px);\n width: calc(100% + 2px);\n border-radius: 0 0 0.28571429rem 0.28571429rem;\n box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 rgb(34 36 38 / 15%);\n transition: opacity .1s ease;\n}\n\n.ui.dropdown .menu {\n left: 0;\n}\n\n.ui.dropdown .menu {\n cursor: auto;\n position: absolute;\n display: none;\n outline: 0;\n top: 100%;\n min-width: -webkit-max-content;\n min-width: -moz-max-content;\n min-width: max-content;\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0 0;\n background: #fff;\n font-size: 1em;\n text-shadow: none;\n text-align: left;\n box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 0 rgb(34 36 38 / 15%);\n border: 1px solid rgba(34,36,38,.15);\n border-radius: 0.28571429rem;\n transition: opacity .1s ease;\n z-index: 11;\n will-change: transform,opacity;\n}\n\n.transition {\n -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 1;\n animation-iteration-count: 1;\n -webkit-animation-duration: .3s;\n animation-duration: .3s;\n -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease;\n animation-timing-function: ease;\n -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;\n animation-fill-mode: both;\n}\n\n.ui.dropdown .menu .selected.item, .ui.dropdown.selected {\n background: rgba(0,0,0,.03);\n color: rgba(0,0,0,.95);\n}\n\n.ui.dropdown .menu .active.item {\n background: 0 0;\n font-weight: 700;\n color: rgba(0,0,0,.95);\n box-shadow: none;\n z-index: 12;\n}\n\n.ui.selection.dropdown .menu>.item {\n border-top: 1px solid #fafafa;\n padding: 0.78571429rem 1.14285714rem!important;\n white-space: normal;\n word-wrap: normal;\n}\n\n.ui.dropdown .menu>.item:first-child {\n border-top-width: 0;\n}\n\n.ui.dropdown .menu>.item {\n position: relative;\n cursor: pointer;\n display: block;\n border: none;\n height: auto;\n text-align: left;\n border-top: none;\n line-height: 1em;\n color: rgba(0,0,0,.87);\n padding: 0.78571429rem 1.14285714rem!important;\n font-size: 1rem;\n text-transform: none;\n font-weight: 400;\n box-shadow: none;\n -webkit-touch-callout: none;\n}\n\n.ui.dropdown .menu>* {\n white-space: nowrap;\n}\n\n.swatch-picker {\n padding: 8px;\n background: #fff;\n display: inline-block;\n cursor: pointer;\n height: 38px;\n box-shadow: none;\n border: 1px solid rgba(34,36,38,.15);\n border-radius: 0.28571429rem;\n transition: box-shadow .1s ease,width .1s ease;\n}\n\n.swatch-picker .color-picker {\n width: 20px;\n height: 100%;\n border: 1px solid rgba(34,36,38,.15);\n border-radius: 0.28571429rem;\n transition: box-shadow .1s ease,width .1s ease;\n}\n\n.ui.buttons:not(.basic):not(.inverted) {\n box-shadow: none;\n}\n\n.btm-navbar-container .setting-group.ui.buttons {\n margin-top: 6px;\n margin-right: 5px;\n}\n\n.ui.buttons {\n display: inline-flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n font-size: 0;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n margin: 0 0.25em 0 0;\n}\n\n.ui.buttons:not(.basic):not(.inverted)>.button, .ui.buttons>.ui.button:not(.basic):not(.inverted) {\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px transparent inset, 0 0 0 0 rgb(34 36 38 / 15%) inset;\n}\n\n.btm-navbar-container .setting-group .ui.icon.button {\n font-size: 1.2rem;\n padding: 0.5em;\n}\n\n.ui.buttons .button:first-child {\n border-left: none;\n margin-left: 0;\n border-top-left-radius: 0.28571429rem;\n border-bottom-left-radius: 0.28571429rem;\n}\n\n.ui.buttons .button {\n flex: 1 0 auto;\n margin: 0;\n border-radius: 0;\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n.ui.icon.button, .ui.icon.buttons .button {\n padding: 0.78571429em 0.78571429em 0.78571429em;\n}\n\n.ui.button, .ui.buttons .button, .ui.buttons .or {\n font-size: 1rem;\n}\n\n.ui.button {\n cursor: pointer;\n display: inline-block;\n min-height: 1em;\n outline: 0;\n border: none;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n background: #e0e1e2 none;\n color: rgba(0,0,0,.6);\n font-family: Lato,'Helvetica Neue',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;\n margin: 0 0.25em 0 0;\n padding: 0.78571429em 1.5em 0.78571429em;\n text-transform: none;\n text-shadow: none;\n font-weight: 700;\n line-height: 1em;\n font-style: normal;\n text-align: center;\n text-decoration: none;\n border-radius: 0.28571429rem;\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px transparent inset, 0 0 0 0 rgb(34 36 38 / 15%) inset;\n -webkit-user-select: none;\n -moz-user-select: none;\n -ms-user-select: none;\n user-select: none;\n transition: opacity .1s ease,background-color .1s ease,color .1s ease,box-shadow .1s ease,background .1s ease;\n will-change: '';\n -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;\n}\n\n[type=reset], [type=submit], button, html [type=button] {\n -webkit-appearance: button;\n}\n\n.btm-navbar-container .ui.icon.button>.icon {\n padding: 0;\n}\n\n.ui.icon.button>.icon, .ui.icon.buttons .button>.icon {\n opacity: .9;\n margin: 0!important;\n vertical-align: top;\n}\n\n.ui.button>.icon:not(.button) {\n height: 0.85714286em;\n opacity: .8;\n margin: 0 0.42857143em 0 -0.21428571em;\n transition: opacity .1s ease;\n vertical-align: '';\n color: '';\n}\n\n.custom-select {\n position: relative;\n font-family: Arial;\n}\n\n.custom-select select {\n height: 30px;\n}\n\n.select-selected {\n background-color: #c6c3c3;\n}\n\n/* Style the arrow inside the select element: */\n\n.select-selected:after {\n position: absolute;\n content: \"\";\n top: 14px;\n right: 10px;\n width: 0;\n height: 0;\n border: 6px solid transparent;\n border-color: #fff transparent transparent transparent;\n}\n\n/* Point the arrow upwards when the select box is open (active): */\n\n.select-selected.select-arrow-active:after {\n border-color: transparent transparent #fff transparent;\n top: 7px;\n}\n\n/* style the items (options), including the selected item: */\n\n.select-items div,.select-selected {\n color: #ffffff;\n padding: 8px 16px;\n border: 1px solid transparent;\n border-color: transparent transparent rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n/* Style items (options): */\n\n.select-items {\n position: absolute;\n background-color: #c6c3c3;\n top: 100%;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n z-index: 99;\n}\n\n/* Hide the items when the select box is closed: */\n\n.select-hide {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.select-items div:hover, .same-as-selected {\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);\n}"; t21 = space(); script1 = element("script"); script1.textContent = "var x, i, j, l, ll, selElmnt, a, b, c;\n/* Look for any elements with the class \"custom-select\": */\nx = document.getElementsByClassName(\"custom-select\");\nl = x.length;\nfor (i = 0; i < l; i++) {\n selElmnt = x[i].getElementsByTagName(\"select\")[0];\n ll = selElmnt.length;\n /* For each element, create a new DIV that will act as the selected item: */\n a = document.createElement(\"DIV\");\n a.setAttribute(\"class\", \"select-selected\");\n a.innerHTML = selElmnt.options[selElmnt.selectedIndex].innerHTML;\n x[i].appendChild(a);\n /* For each element, create a new DIV that will contain the option list: */\n b = document.createElement(\"DIV\");\n b.setAttribute(\"class\", \"select-items select-hide\");\n for (j = 1; j < ll; j++) {\n /* For each option in the original select element,\n create a new DIV that will act as an option item: */\n c = document.createElement(\"DIV\");\n c.innerHTML = selElmnt.options[j].innerHTML;\n c.addEventListener(\"click\", function(e) {\n /* When an item is clicked, update the original select box,\n and the selected item: */\n var y, i, k, s, h, sl, yl;\n s = this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\"select\")[0];\n sl = s.length;\n h = this.parentNode.previousSibling;\n for (i = 0; i < sl; i++) {\n if (s.options[i].innerHTML == this.innerHTML) {\n s.selectedIndex = i;\n h.innerHTML = this.innerHTML;\n y = this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName(\"same-as-selected\");\n yl = y.length;\n for (k = 0; k < yl; k++) {\n y[k].removeAttribute(\"class\");\n }\n this.setAttribute(\"class\", \"same-as-selected\");\n 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outside the select box,\nthen close all select boxes: */\ndocument.addEventListener(\"click\", closeAllSelect);"; t23 = space(); div13 = element("div"); div12 = element("div"); div11 = element("div"); div5 = element("div"); div4 = element("div"); select0 = element("select"); option0 = element("option"); option0.textContent = "Font-family:"; option1 = element("option"); option1.textContent = "Helvetica"; option2 = element("option"); option2.textContent = "Times-Roman"; option3 = element("option"); option3.textContent = "Courier"; t28 = space(); div7 = element("div"); div6 = element("div"); select1 = element("select"); option4 = element("option"); option4.textContent = "Font-size:"; option5 = element("option"); option5.textContent = "8"; option6 = element("option"); option6.textContent = "9"; option7 = element("option"); option7.textContent = "10"; option8 = element("option"); option8.textContent = "11"; option9 = element("option"); option9.textContent = "12"; option10 = 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append_dev(div11, div9); append_dev(div9, script2); append_dev(div9, t54); append_dev(div9, div8); append_dev(div8, input3); append_dev(div11, t55); append_dev(div11, style1); append_dev(div11, t57); append_dev(div11, div10); append_dev(div10, button1); append_dev(button1, i0); append_dev(div10, t58); append_dev(div10, button2); append_dev(button2, i1); append_dev(div11, t59); append_dev(div11, script3); append_dev(main, t61); if (if_block0) if_block0.m(main, null); append_dev(main, t62); if_blocks[current_block_type_index].m(main, null); insert_dev(target, t63, anchor); insert_dev(target, ins, anchor); current = true; if (!mounted) { dispose = [ listen_dev(window, "dragenter", prevent_default(/*dragenter_handler*/ ctx[20]), false, true, false), listen_dev(window, "dragover", prevent_default(/*dragover_handler*/ ctx[21]), false, true, false), listen_dev(window, "drop", prevent_default(/*onUploadPDF*/ ctx[8]), false, true, false), listen_dev(input0, "change", /*onUploadPDF*/ ctx[8], false, false, false), listen_dev(input1, "change", /*onUploadImage*/ ctx[9], false, false, false), listen_dev(label2, "click", /*onAddTextField*/ ctx[10], false, false, false), listen_dev(label3, "click", /*onAddDrawing*/ ctx[11], false, false, false), listen_dev(label4, "click", /*onAddWhiteout*/ ctx[19], false, false, false), listen_dev(input2, "input", /*input2_input_handler*/ ctx[22]), listen_dev(button0, "click", /*savePDF*/ ctx[18], false, false, false) ]; mounted = true; } }, p: function update(ctx, dirty) { if (dirty[0] & /*selectedPageIndex*/ 32) { toggle_class(label1, "cursor-not-allowed", /*selectedPageIndex*/ ctx[5] < 0); } if (dirty[0] & /*selectedPageIndex*/ 32) { toggle_class(label1, "bg-gray-500", /*selectedPageIndex*/ ctx[5] < 0); } if (dirty[0] & /*selectedPageIndex*/ 32) { toggle_class(label2, "cursor-not-allowed", /*selectedPageIndex*/ ctx[5] < 0); } if (dirty[0] & /*selectedPageIndex*/ 32) { toggle_class(label2, "bg-gray-500", /*selectedPageIndex*/ ctx[5] < 0); } if (dirty[0] & /*selectedPageIndex*/ 32) { toggle_class(label3, "cursor-not-allowed", /*selectedPageIndex*/ ctx[5] < 0); } if (dirty[0] & /*selectedPageIndex*/ 32) { toggle_class(label3, "bg-gray-500", /*selectedPageIndex*/ ctx[5] < 0); } if (dirty[0] & /*selectedPageIndex*/ 32) { toggle_class(label4, "cursor-not-allowed", /*selectedPageIndex*/ ctx[5] < 0); } if (dirty[0] & /*selectedPageIndex*/ 32) { toggle_class(label4, "bg-gray-500", /*selectedPageIndex*/ ctx[5] < 0); } if (dirty[0] & /*pdfName*/ 2 && input2.value !== /*pdfName*/ ctx[1]) { set_input_value(input2, /*pdfName*/ ctx[1]); } if ((!current || dirty[0] & /*saving*/ 64) && t18_value !== (t18_value = (/*saving*/ ctx[6] ? 'Saving' : 'Save') + "")) set_data_dev(t18, t18_value); if (dirty[0] & /*pages, saving, pdfFile*/ 69) { toggle_class(button0, "cursor-not-allowed", /*pages*/ ctx[2].length === 0 || /*saving*/ ctx[6] || !/*pdfFile*/ ctx[0]); } if (dirty[0] & /*pages, saving, pdfFile*/ 69) { toggle_class(button0, "bg-blue-700", /*pages*/ ctx[2].length === 0 || /*saving*/ ctx[6] || !/*pdfFile*/ ctx[0]); } if (/*addingDrawing*/ ctx[7]) { if (if_block0) { if_block0.p(ctx, dirty); if (dirty[0] & /*addingDrawing*/ 128) { transition_in(if_block0, 1); } } else { if_block0 = create_if_block_4(ctx); if_block0.c(); transition_in(if_block0, 1); if_block0.m(main, t62); } } else if (if_block0) { group_outros(); transition_out(if_block0, 1, 1, () => { if_block0 = null; }); check_outros(); } let previous_block_index = current_block_type_index; current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx); if (current_block_type_index === previous_block_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].p(ctx, dirty); } else { group_outros(); transition_out(if_blocks[previous_block_index], 1, 1, () => { if_blocks[previous_block_index] = null; }); check_outros(); if_block1 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index]; if (!if_block1) { if_block1 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx); if_block1.c(); } else { if_block1.p(ctx, dirty); } transition_in(if_block1, 1); if_block1.m(main, null); } }, i: function intro(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(tailwind.$$.fragment, local); transition_in(if_block0); transition_in(if_block1); current = true; }, o: function outro(local) { transition_out(tailwind.$$.fragment, local); transition_out(if_block0); transition_out(if_block1); current = false; }, d: function destroy(detaching) { destroy_component(tailwind, detaching); if (detaching) detach_dev(t0); if (detaching) detach_dev(div0); if (detaching) detach_dev(t5); if (detaching) detach_dev(main); if (if_block0) if_block0.d(); if_blocks[current_block_type_index].d(); if (detaching) detach_dev(t63); if (detaching) detach_dev(ins); mounted = false; run_all(dispose); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment$8.name, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance$8($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots('App', slots, []); const genID = ggID(); let pdfFile; let pdfName = ""; let pages = []; let pagesScale = []; let allObjects = []; let currentFont = "Times-Roman"; let focusId = null; let selectedPageIndex = -1; let saving = false; let addingDrawing = false; // for test purpose onMount(async () => { try { const res = await fetch("/public/pdfblank.pdf"); const pdfBlob = await res.blob(); await addPDF(pdfBlob); $$invalidate(5, selectedPageIndex = 0); setTimeout( () => { fetchFont(currentFont); prepareAssets(); }, 5000 ); } catch(e) { console.log(e); // const imgBlob = await (await fetch("/test.jpg")).blob(); } }); async function onUploadPDF(e) { console.log("onUploadPDF"); console.log(e); const files = e.target.files || e.dataTransfer && e.dataTransfer.files; console.log("FILES"); console.log(files); const file = files[0] || files['new_file']; console.log("FILE"); console.log(file); if (!file || file.type !== "application/pdf") return; $$invalidate(5, selectedPageIndex = -1); try { console.log("AddingPDF"); await addPDF(file); $$invalidate(5, selectedPageIndex = 0); } catch(e) { console.log("Error"); console.log(e); } } async function addPDF(file) { try { const pdf = await readAsPDF(file); $$invalidate(1, pdfName = file.name); $$invalidate(0, pdfFile = file); const numPages = pdf.numPages; $$invalidate(2, pages = Array(numPages).fill().map((_, i) => pdf.getPage(i + 1))); $$invalidate(4, allObjects = pages.map(() => [])); $$invalidate(3, pagesScale = Array(numPages).fill(1)); } catch(e) { console.log("Failed to add pdf."); throw e; } } async function onUploadImage(e) { const file = e.target.files[0]; if (file && selectedPageIndex >= 0) { addImage(file); } e.target.value = null; } async function addImage(file) { try { // get dataURL to prevent canvas from tainted const url = await readAsDataURL(file); const img = await readAsImage(url); const id = genID(); const { width, height } = img; const object = { id, type: "image", width, height, x: 0, y: 0, payload: img, file }; $$invalidate(4, allObjects = allObjects.map((objects, pIndex) => pIndex === selectedPageIndex ? [...objects, object] : objects)); } catch(e) { console.log(`Fail to add image.`, e); } } function onAddTextField() { if (selectedPageIndex >= 0) { addTextField(); } } function addTextField(text = "New Text Field") { var sizex = document.getElementById("sizex").value; var familyx = document.getElementById("familyx").value; colortt = document.getElementById("colorx").value; //alert(sizex); //alert(familyx); //alert(colortt); var isbold = "normal"; var isitalic = "normal"; var idunderline = "unset"; if (document.getElementById("boldx").className.indexOf("active") !== -1) { isbold = "bold"; } if (document.getElementById("italicx").className.indexOf("active") !== -1) { isitalic = "italic"; } //if (document.getElementById("underlinex").className.indexOf("active") !== -1) { idunderline = "underline"; } //alert(isbold); const id = genID(); //fetchFont(currentFont); const object = { id, text, type: "text", size: sizex, color: colortt, bold: isbold, italic: isitalic, underline: idunderline, width: 0, // recalculate after editing lineHeight: 1.8, fontFamily: familyx, x: 20, y: 20 }; $$invalidate(4, allObjects = allObjects.map((objects, pIndex) => pIndex === selectedPageIndex ? [...objects, object] : objects)); } function onAddDrawing() { if (selectedPageIndex >= 0) { $$invalidate(7, addingDrawing = true); } } function addDrawing(originWidth, originHeight, path, scale = 1) { const id = genID(); const object = { id, path, type: "drawing", x: 0, y: 0, originWidth, originHeight, width: originWidth * scale, scale }; $$invalidate(4, allObjects = allObjects.map((objects, pIndex) => pIndex === selectedPageIndex ? [...objects, object] : objects)); } function selectFontFamily(event) { const name = event.detail.name; fetchFont(name); currentFont = name; } function selectPage(index) { $$invalidate(5, selectedPageIndex = index); } function updateObject(objectId, payload) { $$invalidate(4, allObjects = allObjects.map((objects, pIndex) => pIndex == selectedPageIndex ? objects.map(object => object.id === objectId ? { ...object, ...payload } : object) : objects)); } function deleteObject(objectId) { $$invalidate(4, allObjects = allObjects.map((objects, pIndex) => pIndex == selectedPageIndex ? objects.filter(object => object.id !== objectId) : objects)); } function onMeasure(scale, i) { $$invalidate(3, pagesScale[i] = scale, pagesScale); } // FIXME: Should wait all objects finish their async work async function savePDF() { if (!pdfFile || saving || !pages.length) return; $$invalidate(6, saving = true); try { await save(pdfFile, allObjects, pdfName, pagesScale); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } finally { $$invalidate(6, saving = false); } } async function onAddWhiteout(e) { const file = "/public/borrado.png"; if (selectedPageIndex >= 0) { addImageUrlix(file); } e.target.value = null; } async function addImageUrlix(urlx) { try { // get dataURL to prevent canvas from tainted let response = await fetch(urlx); let data = await response.blob(); let metadata = { type: 'image/png' }; let file = new File([data], "/public/whiteout.png", metadata); const url = await readAsDataURL(file); const img = await readAsImage(url); const id = genID(); const { width, height } = img; const object = { id, type: "image", width, height, x: 0, y: 0, payload: img, file }; $$invalidate(4, allObjects = allObjects.map((objects, pIndex) => pIndex === selectedPageIndex ? [...objects, object] : objects)); } catch(e) { console.log(`Fail to add image.`, e); } } const writable_props = []; Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console_1.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); function dragenter_handler(event) { bubble.call(this, $$self, event); } function dragover_handler(event) { bubble.call(this, $$self, event); } function input2_input_handler() { pdfName = this.value; $$invalidate(1, pdfName); } const finish_handler = e => { const { originWidth, originHeight, path } = e.detail; let scale = 1; if (originWidth > 500) { scale = 500 / originWidth; } addDrawing(originWidth, originHeight, path, scale); $$invalidate(7, addingDrawing = false); }; const cancel_handler = () => $$invalidate(7, addingDrawing = false); function input_input_handler() { pdfName = this.value; $$invalidate(1, pdfName); } const measure_handler = (pIndex, e) => onMeasure(e.detail.scale, pIndex); const update_handler = (object, e) => updateObject(object.id, e.detail); const delete_handler = object => deleteObject(object.id); const update_handler_1 = (object, e) => updateObject(object.id, e.detail); const delete_handler_1 = object => deleteObject(object.id); const update_handler_2 = (object, e) => updateObject(object.id, e.detail); const delete_handler_2 = object => deleteObject(object.id); const mousedown_handler = pIndex => selectPage(pIndex); const touchstart_handler = pIndex => selectPage(pIndex); $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ onMount, fly, Tailwind, PDFPage, Image: Image$1, Text, Drawing, DrawingCanvas, prepareAssets, fetchFont, readAsArrayBuffer, readAsImage, readAsPDF, readAsDataURL, ggID, save, genID, pdfFile, pdfName, pages, pagesScale, allObjects, currentFont, focusId, selectedPageIndex, saving, addingDrawing, onUploadPDF, addPDF, onUploadImage, addImage, onAddTextField, addTextField, onAddDrawing, addDrawing, selectFontFamily, selectPage, updateObject, deleteObject, onMeasure, savePDF, onAddWhiteout, addImageUrlix }); $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { if ('pdfFile' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, pdfFile = $$props.pdfFile); if ('pdfName' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, pdfName = $$props.pdfName); if ('pages' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, pages = $$props.pages); if ('pagesScale' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, pagesScale = $$props.pagesScale); if ('allObjects' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, allObjects = $$props.allObjects); if ('currentFont' in $$props) currentFont = $$props.currentFont; if ('focusId' in $$props) focusId = $$props.focusId; if ('selectedPageIndex' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, selectedPageIndex = $$props.selectedPageIndex); if ('saving' in $$props) $$invalidate(6, saving = $$props.saving); if ('addingDrawing' in $$props) $$invalidate(7, addingDrawing = $$props.addingDrawing); }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } return [ pdfFile, pdfName, pages, pagesScale, allObjects, selectedPageIndex, saving, addingDrawing, onUploadPDF, onUploadImage, onAddTextField, onAddDrawing, addDrawing, selectFontFamily, selectPage, updateObject, deleteObject, onMeasure, savePDF, onAddWhiteout, dragenter_handler, dragover_handler, input2_input_handler, finish_handler, cancel_handler, input_input_handler, measure_handler, update_handler, delete_handler, update_handler_1, delete_handler_1, update_handler_2, delete_handler_2, mousedown_handler, touchstart_handler ]; } class App extends SvelteComponentDev { constructor(options) { super(options); init(this, options, instance$8, create_fragment$8, safe_not_equal, {}, null, [-1, -1]); dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterComponent", { component: this, tagName: "App", options, id: create_fragment$8.name }); } } getAsset('pdfjsLib'); const app = new App({ target: document.body, }); return app; }()); //# sourceMappingURL=bundle.js.map