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Music Beta Play/Pause controller in Chrome with OffiDocs

Music Beta Play/Pause controller  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



A browser action that will create a tab with the Music Beta Web App if none is already opened in the current browser window and Play/Pause it if it's there.

When Music Beta is already available in the same browser instance/profile (which may be in another window) as the browser action that is clicked on, then a play/pause event is sent to the Web App to start playing if it was in pause mode, or to pause if it was in play mode.

The icon shows a little play symbol (▷) in the top half when the Web App is ready to play, and a pause symbol (◫) when it is currently playing.

The Music Beta icon is displayed naked otherwise.

The omnibox command prefix mc (for Music Controller) followed by <space> or <tab> gives access to four commands 1) Skip (sk), 2) Restart (rs) 3) PlayPause (pp) and 4) Foreground (fg) to bring the Web App tab to the foreground.

These commands are available in the suggest menu.

You might also be interested in getting the related Music Beta Skip controller here: https://chrome.


com/webstore/detail/lfpilffkipfhpoccjdiebpdjbdmfpefg You can find more detailed user documention about the extentions here: http://code.


com/p/music-beta-controller/wiki/UserDocumentation The code for these extensions is open source and available here: http://code.


com/p/music-beta-controller/ You can see what was added to individual releases here: https://code.


com/p/music-beta-controller/wiki/ReleaseNotes You can file bugs and feature requests here: http://code.


com/p/music-beta-controller/issues/list You can use this other group to discuss usage of these extensions: http://groups.


com/group/music-beta-controller-discuss And you can register to this one for communicating with other users of these extensions: http://groups.



Additional Information:

- Offered by MAD
- Average rating : 4.46 stars (liked it)

Music Beta Play/Pause controller web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online

Run Chrome Extensions
