Cryptocurrency portfolio value in Chrome with OffiDocs
Got multiple cryptocurrencies? See the total value of your digital currency portfolio at a glance! Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Monero, Dash, Stellar, Ripple, Dogecoin, NEO, OmiseGO, Cardano, you name it! If it's on CoinMarketCap, you can use it here.
Data source: https://api.
com Values are updated every 4 minutes.
The icon will show the first three digits (rounded), for an accuracy of 0.1%, so for example, $1,826.96 will display as 183. This way, Chrome won't truncate the text! The textbox at the bottom of the popup allows you to list your assets.
Once you click away from it, the summary table refreshes with your changes.
Donations are appreciated: Bitcoin Cash: 1LfLYSEmH9S8FFzpk2soabuki7GRbwKjAP Ethereum: 0xc3BA70fb0279dd394175556255A1dAD632Bb149d Monero: 45Rw3ucVBLjZGUgSJz7kg4efveVqHjxqkWtNCbqXhKq3FRLKtZjEjL6SeHLdDwAaqa6Da9CKHe2jgQSpoRXA9Ps99EaY57d
Additional Information:
- Offered by Torisbel
- Average rating : 0 stars (hated it)
Cryptocurrency portfolio value web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online