Seeek in Chrome with OffiDocs
Seeek Chrome web store extension
Run the Chrome online web store extension Seeek using OffiDocs Chromium online.
Seeek 是一个简单快速的解决方案,允许设计师在流行的设计网站上搜索设计理念和灵感。现在您不必打开多个网站来搜索同一个术语。
Seeek takes your search keyword and opens multiple tabs with that search criteria, saving you time! What's in version 1.
0: Currently, you can search on Dribble, Behance, Google images and Pinterest with just one click.
- 由 Sumit Bedi 提供
- 平均评分:5 星(很喜欢)
-开发人员 此邮件地址受spam bots保护。 您必须启用JavaScript才能查看。
Seeek web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online