Best Audio Editors For Linux

... a DAW (digital audio workstation) is always recommended. However, not everyone needs all the functionalities, so you should also be familiar with some of the simpler audio editors.
In this article, we'll talk about a couple of basic DAWs and audio editors that are available as free and open source solutions for Linux and (probably) other operating systems.
We will not focus on all the functionalities that DAWs offer, but on the basic audio editing capabilities. You can still consider this as the list of the best DAWs for Linux.
Installation Instructions: You will find all the DAW or audio editors mentioned in your AppCenter or software center. In case you don't find them listed, head over to their official website for more information.
1. Audacity
Audacity is one of the most basic but capable audio editors available for Linux. It is a free and open source multiplatform tool. Many of you must already know.
It has improved a lot compared to when it started to be a trend. I remember using it to "try" karaoke by removing the voice from an audio file. Well, you can still do it, but it depends.
It also supports plugins that include VST effects. Of course, you shouldn't expect it to be compatible with VST Instruments.
Live audio recording through a microphone or mixer
Export / import capability supporting multiple formats and multiple files at the same time
Plugin support: LADSPA, LV2, Nyquist, VST and Audio Unit effect plugins
Easy editing with cut, paste, delete and copy functions.
Spectrogram view mode for analyzing frequencies
LMMS is a free and open source (cross-platform) digital audio workstation. It includes all the basic audio editing functionalities along with many advanced functions.
You can mix sounds, organize them, or create them using VST instruments. Supports them. Plus, it comes with some samples, presets, VST instruments, and effects to get you started. Plus, you also get a spectrum analyzer for some advanced audio edits.
Playing notes via MIDI
VST instrument support
Native multi-sample support
Built-in compressor, limiter, delay, reverb, distortion, and bass enhancer
3. Burning
Ardor is another free and open source digital audio workstation. If you have an audio interface, Ardor will support it. Of course, you can add unlimited multichannel tracks. Multichannel tracks can also be routed to different mixer tapes for easy editing and recording.
You can also import a video to it and edit the audio to export it all. It comes with many built-in plugins and is also compatible with VST plugins.
Non-linear editing
Vertical stacking of windows for easy navigation
Unmute, push-pull clipping, Rhythm Ferret for transient and note-based editing
4. Cecilia
Cecilia is not an ordinary audio editing application. It is intended to be used by sound designers or if you are in the process of becoming one. It is technically an audio signal processing environment. It allows you to create a deafening sound from them.
You get built-in plug-ins and plug-ins for sound effects and synthesis. It is designed for a specific use, if that is what you were looking for, look no further!
Modules to achieve more (UltimateGrainer - A next generation granulation processing, RandomAccumulator - Variable speed recording accumulator,
UpDistoRes - Up Sampled Distortion and Resonant Low Pass Filter)
Automatic saving of modulations
5. Mixxx
If you want to mix and record something while you can have a virtual DJ tool, Mixxx would be a perfect tool. Get to know the BPM, the key, and use the master sync feature to match the tempo and beats of a song. Also, don't forget that it's another free and open source application for Linux!
It is also compatible with custom DJ equipment. So if you have one or a MIDI you can record your mixes live with this tool.
Stream and record DJ mixes of your song
Ability to connect your gear and perform live
Key detection and BPM detection