Who is Hosting this Website? in Chrome with OffiDocs
"Who is Hosting This?" is a free online service for telling you who hosts this site.
This is a free utility for telling you who is the hosting provider for any website.
No registration required.
If a website is hosted on a server farm (data center), then "Who is Hosting this?" will likely be showing the name of the data center and the web hosting company hosting this website.
"Who is Hosting this Website?" will also determine what is the type of the web server & IP address of that website.
For example, Linux (Apache/Nginx) or Windows (Microsoft-IIS) hosting? This online free service will also display the DNS records of that website including MX records, A Records and NS Records.
"Who is Hosting this?" will also determine and display the domain name ownership records (Whois Records).
Using our 1-click share utility, you can easily share "Who is Hosting this?" information on popular social network websites.
Result accuracy: Our proprietary algorithms and use of several data sources to find out who hosts this site, makes us more accurate and reliable than other similar services.
Unfortunately, there is no way to provide 100% accurate results.
If you notice incorrect result, plesae report it for investigation.
Additional Information:
- Offered by www.accuwebhosting.com
- Average rating : 5 stars (loved it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Who is Hosting this Website? web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online