TTSReaderX In Page Text to Speech in Chrome with OffiDocs
Reads out loud any page without leaving the page.
Works for hours straight - non stop - even if you go to a different tab or even work on a different app.
Battle tested for years by more than 100,000 users.
By original & trusted ttsreader.
No tricks.
No privacy violations.
Does what it says it does - nothing else hidden under the hood.
Listen to news, wiki articles & more, directly on their websites.
Reads any website, without having to copy text or leave the website.
NEW: keyboard shortcuts: play/pause by clicking shift+alt+downArrow Including readability-mode.
Transform your page to main-content-text only.
Remove clutter - focus on the article.
Together with customizable font size and printer-friendly options.
Main Features: Reading whole pages Select text on the page -> right mouse click menu -> read selection Edit the text to be read Remembers text and caret position - so you can pause and later continue.
Marks the currently read sentence, so you can follow the reading.
Multilingual / accents.
all your website reading needs in a simple, efficient and intuitive manner! The extension is super simple to use and, a professional text to speech.
The extension allows for instant reading of text with natural sounding voices, directly from within any website.
The extension's icon will be placed right on your Chrome's toolbar, so it will always be available without exiting your working tab.
In addition, you can simply select the text you want to be read, and click "Speak" right from the popup context menu upon the right-mouse-click.
Full offline support The ttsreader chrome extension has a set features and functionality that allow you to control and customize your listening experience.
• Choose a language (or accent) from a list.
• Control and vary dictation speeds • Play and pause buttons • Reset reader button • Load/Reload page text • Load the text into a textbox and follow with the assist of highlighted segments • Hear text via selection and use of the right click menu! • Listen and continue browsing on other sites.
Uses of the TTSreader extenstion: • While working, listen to interesting articles and books • TTSReader allows for listening to written content while doing something else.
• Educational for Kids • Aid for people with difficulties in reading • Narrating & dubbing movies, presentations & more Ttsreader is particularly suited for content based websites, eg Wikipedia articles.
Privacy: We at TTSReader.
com value your privacy, and that's why we do not store anything you type or any other data about you.
For additional info & feedback, please contact us at admin@speechlogger.
com, For TTSReader for PCs, iOS (on Safari), desktops, laptops, go to http://ttsreader.
com Enjoy listening!
Additional Information:
- Offered by
- Average rating : 3.87 stars (liked it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
TTSReaderX In Page Text to Speech web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online