Audio Books by in Chrome with OffiDocs
Access a library of more than 50,000 free audiobooks, best sellers, new releases and classics in every genre including fiction, romance, non-fiction, children’s audiobooks and more.
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• Instantly add new books to your library with one click using new InstaCredit feature • Stream audiobooks anytime, anywhere over Wi-Fi and 3G networks • Rate and review your audio books without leaving the app • Download an audible story directly to your Android device and read it on-the-go • Listen to an audiobook over multiple devices - switch seamlessly between your smartphone, tablet and computer without losing your place • Keep your whole library at your fingertips without taking up device storage space • Exclusive, member-only discounts – save up to 75% on audiobooks • Library of more than 50,000 audio books including New York Times bestsellers, weekly new releases, children’s stories, and more • Books in every genre including mystery, sci-fi, biography, business and Christian audio books • Audible stories written by all of your favorite authors like Stephen King, George R.
Martin, Nora Roberts, Diana Gabaldon, and more • Learn a new language with hundreds of new educational audio courses for 45+ different languages • Full-length audio Bibles and other religious audio books, meditations and prayer books
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Audio Books by web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online