Meanify Dictionary in Chrome with OffiDocs
It helps you to view definitions easily as you browse the web and it stores all data for later also.
IMPORTANT: - The right-click will not work in tabs that were open prior to installation.
After installing this extension, either reload your open tabs or restart Chrome.
- If the extension is not working for you, please make sure it's up to date.
Visit chrome://extensions/, click the "Update extensions now" button, then restart Chrome.
---------- With this extension, you can: 1)Select the word do a right click , click on "Meanify" to view its definition in a alert box.
2) It stores all the words for you that you've selected and their meaning & synonyms.
To see all your words click on extension icon you'll get a popup then click on "YOUR WORDS".
3) Your can also learn how to pronounce that word correctly.