Alt+Tabs in Chrome with OffiDocs
About: Alt+Tabs is a Google Chrome extension that provides tabs switching functionality in addition to those offered by the Chrome browser.
It is heavily inspired by the traditional Alt+Tab shortcut in operating systems such as Linux, Mac OS, and Windows, and aims at providing similar user experience.
Controls: - Alt+Q (with tabs window closed) - quickly switch between the two most recent tabs - Alt+W (with tabs window closed) - brings up a tabs window with all the tabs - Alt+Q (with tabs window open) - select the current highlighted tab - Alt+W (with tabs window open) - highlight the next tab to the right - Alt+Shift+W (with tabs window open) - highlight the next tab to the left - Left and right arrow keys (with tabs window open) - move the highlight to the right or left tabs - Enter (with tabs window open) - select the current highlighted tab - Escape (with tabs window open) - exit the tabs window - Mouse click: - Click on any tab to select it - Click outside the tabs to exit the tabs window Note: - Please restart your browser or refresh all your tabs to enable this extension.
- You may find Alt+W to bring up the tabs window to not work on certain pages such as the Chrome extensions page or the new tabs page.
Misc: - Github page: https://github.
Additional Information:
- Offered by leopitcher168
- Average rating : 4.67 stars (loved it)
- Developer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Alt+Tabs web extension integrated with the OffiDocs Chromium online