Vetted in Chrome with OffiDocs
✨WITH VETTED, YOU CAN: ✔ Get instant recommendations right where and when you need them.
✔ See reviews from Wirecutter, YouTube, Reddit, and more — your research all in one place.
✔ Compare prices effortlessly, track changes, and know when there’s a sale.
⚙️HOW IT WORKS ✔ Extensive Research We assess every product and brand in a category to make sure we’re considering every possible option for you.
✔ Rigorous Vetting Then we rank products based on 10,000+ factors.
Reviewer credibility, brand reliability, enthusiast consensus, even how past generations performed, and more.
✔ Maximized Value As prices change, we update rankings — especially when a better option enters your price range — to make sure you’re always getting the best product for your money.
✔ Constant Updates Unlike review sites, we can instantly evaluate new products and reviews as they appear — ensuring our recommendations stay up to date.