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SABconnect++ in Chrome with OffiDocs

SABconnect++  screen for extension Chrome web store in OffiDocs Chromium



SABconnect++ adds one-click 'Send to SABnzbd' buttons to many popular NZB index sites.

You also get a taskbar button that allows you to keep an eye on your SABnzbd: current downloads, pause (individual downloads, or pause all, or pause temporarily), or remove individual queued downloads.

Features: * One-click NZB downloads for the following sites: * animenzb.

com * binsearch.

info (binsearch.

net) * bintube.

com * dognzb.

com * drunkenslug.

com * fanzub.

com * mega.


co * nzbclub.

com * nzbindex.

com (nzbindex.

nl) * nzb.

su * omgwtfnzbs.

me * yubse.

com * animezb.

com * usenet4ever.

info * Any other Newznab provider * Context menu option for sending links to SABnzbd * Options page that looks consistent with Chrome's own options layout * Download speed graph * Pause individual downloads * Pause all downloads * Remove individual downloads * Desktop notifications (Download Complete/Failed) SABconnect++ is a fork of the now unmaintained Chrome extension [SABconnect](http://code.



---------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: https://github.


txt Categories setup: https://github.

com/gboudreau/sabconnectplusplus/wiki/Categories Configuration for SSL SABnzbd connection: https://github.

com/gboudreau/sabconnectplusplus/wiki/SSLConnection Report issues, or ask for improvements: https://github.

com/gboudreau/sabconnectplusplus/issues ---------------------------------------------------------- People who contributed to this extension: - Guillaume Boudreau (gboudreau) - Robert Dailey (rcdailey) - jsterken - Phil R (ppslim) - Pedro Pinhão (pinhao) - Benjamin Waller (Benni-chan) - Sajid Anwar (kbhomes) - Omri Iluz (omriiluz) - Jonathan Dart (jdart) - brandon-barker - Sean Harlow (wolrah) - Marat Bedoev (vanilla-thunder) - MordredKLB - rolfwessels - Matt Bartel (mattb3) - Mike Woods (VTWoods) - Robert Sesek (rsesek) - Christophe Le Corre (tofito) - Joey Jan (OverFlow636) - Wayne Davison (WayneD) - eegee - sharkuw - Andy Shinn (andyshinn) - jdart - kbuffington - flo333 - gissehel - omgstaff - sakana280

Additional Information:

- Offered by Sabconnect++ Developers
- Average rating : 4.48 stars (liked it)
- Developer Contact Developer

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