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1967\u5e742\u6708\u307e\u3067\u306b\u306f\u4e2d\u56fd\u5171\u7523\u515a\u653f\u5e9c\u306f\u4eba\u6c11\u89e3\u653e\u8ecd\u3092\u6295\u5165\u3057\u3066\u7d05\u885b\u5175\u3092\u6392\u9664\u3059\u308b\u3053\u3068\u3092\u6c7a\u5b9a\u3057\u3001\u540c\u5e74 9\u67085\u65e5\u306b\u4e2d\u592e\u8ecd\u4e8b\u59d4\u54e1\u4f1a\u4e3b\u5e2d\u306e\u6bdb\u6ca2\u6771\u306f\u4e2d\u56fd\u306b\u79e9\u5e8f\u3092\u56de\u5fa9\u3055\u305b\u308b\u3053\u3068\u3092\u4eba\u6c11\u89e3\u653e\u8ecd\u306b\u547d\u3058\u3001\u4eba\u6c11\u89e3\u653e\u8ecd\u3068\u7d05\u885b\u5175\u306e\u6b66\u529b\u885d\u7a81\u304c\u8d77\u304d\u3001\u5e83\u897f\u30c1\u30ef\u30f3\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u533a\u3067\u306f\u4eba\u6c11\u89e3\u653e\u8ecd\u304c\u7d05\u885b\u5175\u3092\u5927\u91cf\u306b\u51e6\u5211\u3057\u305f\u3002




Red Guards (simplified Chinese: \u7ea2\u536b\u5175; traditional Chinese: \u7d05\u885b\u5175; pinyin: Hóng Wèib\u012bng) was a mass student-led paramilitary social movement mobilized and guided by Chairman Mao Zedong in 1966 through 1967, during the first phase of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, which he had instituted. According to a Red Guard leader, the movement's aims were as follows:

Chairman Mao has defined our future as an armed revolutionary youth organization.... So if Chairman Mao is our Red-Commander-in-Chief and we are his Red Guards, who can stop us? First we will make China Maoist from inside out and then we will help the working people of other countries make the world red...and then the whole universe.

Despite being met with resistance early on, the Red Guards received personal support from Mao, and the movement rapidly grew. The movement in Beijing culminated during the "Red August" of 1966, which later spread to other areas in mainland China. Mao made use of the group as propaganda and to accomplish goals such as seizing power and destroying symbols of China's pre-communist past ("Four Olds"), including ancient artifacts and gravesites of notable Chinese figures. Moreover, the government was very permissive of the Red Guards, and even allowed the Red Guards to inflict bodily harm on people viewed as dissidents. The movement quickly grew out of control, frequently coming into conflict with authority and threatening public security until the government made efforts to rein the youths in, with even Mao himself finding the leftist students to have become too radical. The Red Guard groups also suffered from in-fighting as factions developed among them. By the end of 1968, the group as a formal movement had dissolved.


A Guarda Vermelha (chinês simplificado: \u7ea2\u536b\u5175; chinês tradicional: \u7d05\u885b\u5175; pinyin: Hóng Wèi B\u012bng) foi um movimento não militar composto sobretudo por estudantes e outros jovens na República Popular da China. Apesar da resistência inicial pela sociedade, a Guarda Vermelha foi endossada por Mao Tsé-tung entre 1966 e 1968, durante a Revolução Cultural. O movimento dos Guardas Vermelhos em Pequim culminou durante o "Agosto Vermelho" de 1966, que mais tarde se espalhou para outras áreas da China continental.

Durante esse período, os guardas vermelhos viajaram por toda a China, indo a escolas, universidades, aldeias e cidades, ensinando os pensamentos de Mao reunidos no seu "O Livro Vermelho". Com o suporte de Mao, e seguindo suas expressas recomendações, usaram de violência extrema contra todos os que manifestassem oposição ou mesmo apenas indiferença acusando-os de anti-revolucionários e agentes do capitalismo. As maiores vítimas foram professores, estudiosos, religiosos ou opositores ao regime comunista, humilhados publicamente, destituídos dos seus bens e, por vezes, julgados sumariamente em tribunais populares. A esposa do presidente Mao (Jiang Qing), que na época era responsável em parte pela grande revolução cultural, fez a seguinte declaração: "Não batam nos outros. A luta física só afeta a carne e os ossos; a luta de pensamento afeta o coração".

O papel da Guarda Vermelha era principalmente o de atacar os "Quatro Velhos" da sociedade, que eram as "velhas ideias", "velha cultura", "velhos hábitos", e "velhos costumes" da China na altura. Alguns dos primeiros Guardas Vermelhos vieram das chamadas "Cinco Categorias Vermelhas", que perseguiram os membros das "Cinco Categorias Negras"

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